Same dilemma....I have $$ sitting on my PSN account, but the PS3 version is clearly broke. Do I wait for a patch which may or may notfix anything? Do I wait to see if EA will actually agree to exchange my PS3 version for the Xbox version (request currently at tier 3 support at EA)? I want this dlc...but also want to ensure I will enjoy using it!
Although, as one user at nogrip pointed out, there's an "Allow downloadable content" option in the PC lobby setup screen for online, so........
Yes definitely going to Download this, i hope the Patch comes out on the same date too. Fingers crossed.
Noob question re PS3 downloadable content: I've never bought game stuff this way before. What happens if my PS3 explodes one day - am I able to download that content again free of charge?
Noob question re PS3 downloadable content: I've never bought game stuff this way before. What happens if my PS3 explodes one day - am I able to download that content again free of charge?
Whether there is a patch or not, I am buying. Out the box S2U gets a B+ from me. They can only make it better in due time. Its counter part was released on Nov 24 and they still need 2 years to finish the game. What a pitty.
Anywho, I added money to my PSN account the same day I bought S2U because I knew they were working on DLC to be released soon.