Shift patch v1.01 ps3

  • Thread starter JezR
This SAD crap game was released BROKEN and after ths patch or whatever its still BROKEN . All the bugs are still there including the -No bonus cash- Bug which for makes it unplayable .

Its clear this update was for the DLC only and SMS and EA have clearly prioritised pulling more money from there customers rather then fixing the shoddy mess that they have already charged people for !

Complain here

Anyways, I noticed the patch didn't fix steering delay at all but some bugs are gone..I'm going to go with the (previously said) assumption this patch was to finish building the DLC cars and/or fix whatever bugs the tracks/cars had before release.
I think they did patch some things...

Before the v1.01...
If I went strait to "quick mode" drift session...right after I started up the game the (g27) wheel weight was significantly stiffer then usual...but if I paused the game and restarted the session then the wheel weight would become significantly lighter and feel the same for the rest of the time I played. I could duplicate this multiple times.

After the v1.01...
This did not happen this morning after I installed the patch and went strait into "quick mode" drift session.

I would guess the patch fixed a few bugs for the full game as well as the DLC. It has yet to freeze on me also...which it used to do very often.
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This SAD crap game was released BROKEN and after ths patch or whatever its still BROKEN . All the bugs are still there including the -No bonus cash- Bug which for makes it unplayable .

Its clear this update was for the DLC only and SMS and EA have clearly prioritised pulling more money from there customers rather then fixing the shoddy mess that they have already charged people for !

Oh fer chrissakes, the patch is in certification. On console, it takes 1-2 weeks to get cleared by Sony or MS for release. It'll be out soon.

The DLC was already on a pre-set schedule, decided before launch.

Everyone thinks SMS and EA are nefariously out to get them. Like they sit twirling their evil mustaches in the dark. "Muahahah"
This SAD crap game was released BROKEN and after ths patch or whatever its still BROKEN . All the bugs are still there including the -No bonus cash- Bug which for makes it unplayable .

Its clear this update was for the DLC only and SMS and EA have clearly prioritised pulling more money from there customers rather then fixing the shoddy mess that they have already charged people for !

this is not gt5 thread.
That doesn't prove anything...

It doesn't prove anything to you but it proves everything to me. I am 100% sure that the input lag hasn't been fixed. If other people can convince themselves that the patch fixed this particular issue then kudos to them. They might as well go and buy some "male enhancement" pills while they're at it.
At least they didn't alter the most important feature in the game: Options/Audio/Speech/Off


What, so you can turn that idiot that keeps yelling at me to "nail that first corner" or "i'll call the green..........*race starts*.............*long pause*........ go go"etc? He has been winding me up something chronic with his over-enthusiastic drivel.

If only they had regionalised it so it could have a bored sounding northern engineer (F1 2010). Would be more realistic an less annoying.

Rant over..... I have now lightened up.:)
The weaving, which is in effect PIO, is symptomatic of the lag (which is still there).


👍 Thats exactly what it is, great find 👍

And this IS the first patch, maybe it didnt fix all the bugs but it is the patch and not a preparation for the DLC. How stupid can you get :ouch:, if the DLC needed preparation it would be included in the DLC:dunce:
👍 Thats exactly what it is, great find 👍

And this IS the first patch, maybe it didnt fix all the bugs but it is the patch and not a preparation for the DLC. How stupid can you get :ouch:, if the DLC needed preparation it would be included in the DLC:dunce:

Unless there was an issue with the game that would have prevented the DLC working properly. I dunno, I'm not as enlightened in this area but maybe something needed patching in to ensure that the DLC could be seamlessly integrated? Just a thought.
I've opened the patch up:



106 changes?

I've noticed:

- Steering wheels recognized and calibrated on start up
- AI racing line fixed on Enna Pergusa
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IIt might be just me but my G27 feels more responsive on my PS3. If the lag was around 0.5s before, then now I would say it's around 0.3s. Not really sure but that's the way it feels to me.

And judging by the trophies, looks like there two DLC's available - "Legends" and "Speedhunters Edition". Looks like we'll have drag contests as well :) Sweet!

I haven't read the previous comments, hence apologies if it has been mentioned before.
Is input lag still present on PS3?

Sounds odd but a lot of people on here have tweaked settings and steering locks etc. Maybe try putting your settings back to default and giving the game ago.

Edit, above post suggests yes.
Is input lag still present on PS3?

Sounds odd but a lot of people on here have tweaked settings and steering locks etc. Maybe try putting your settings back to default and giving the game ago.

Edit, above post suggests yes.

I'm not using the default settings. I'm using the ones from this thread. I'm too lazy to reset them to defaults and I wouldn't really be able to tell anyway as I played through the whole career with those settings (not the default ones).
Hmmm. Looks like a patch to me. Seems as though alot of things were adressed but not all. If its true the input lag has been reduced then thats great!
I can't tell a difference other than the menus navigate quicker, but I wasn't as put off with the handling as others seem to be...

After i get done working out i'm going to put Shift2 in and see for myself if things have been fixed.I've been playing this game quite a bit so if changes were made i will be able to tell.
FFB seems to have some improvements, less on and off feeling and its now more progressive - but that could me being too positive or imagining it
About the imput lag Id like to be that positive but the truth is that I cant tell the diference and it stil seems laggy to me
Im going to test it proper and them Ill report my findings....
Had a quick blast myself on the Ps3 using a Dfgt wheel and perspnally for me the Lag is still there, i havent noticed no improvement.

Will have a longer go on it tomorrow just to make sure.
Waiting for my wheel to come on Wednesday. I have the Xbox version shelved till then.

Will put disc in after putting kids to bed. See if there is an update their too.
The PIO, wich is symptomatic of the lag as Dr Justice so well put it was present in Shift 1 and it was not patched so I must assume that it can not be patched and is a result of a such complex physics system in a limited hardware (PS3) and that is a big shame... the game had so much going for it....

Ill definitly keep an eye for their (SMS) next release on a future console system maybe PS4 or XBox whatever... but after this two Ive given up, unless they prove me wrong and fix the damn lag.
I can't tell a difference other than the menus navigate quicker, but I wasn't as put off with the handling as others seem to be...

Could it be that not being signed in to the PSN is actually speeding this up, like in GT5?
Other than the FFB small improvements and finaly fix the sticky cars (I dont get sucked of the track when I touch the AI cars - at least I didnt this time) I cant see any more fixes... maybe the cars jittering in the replays is less noticable but it still is there...

So I hope they are working on patch 2
Ok it's live on xbox too. A 4mb download. Is that big enough? Took seconds to download.