Shift patch v1.01 ps3

  • Thread starter JezR
Well downloaded the update and my Skyline did feel a bit more connected to the road,but the Steering lag is still there.

I didn't get a chance to check anything else out as a freak storm just popped up out of nowhere so i turned the PS3 off until it passes.
Placebo effect nothing has changed, nothing. Same lag, same ffb, same menu speed, same frame rate drop, same handling in the cars, same prizes, same xp. However i don't car, its yet good enough for me, i don't even notice lag.
Any news on the status of PSN Network?

I have been offline on my PS3 for 5 days now.

i read in an italian forum that an insider said it will be up in us and europe on 27 maybe 28, not before while 26 for japan. So probably no dlc for us tomorrow.
Yes the Xbox version is smaller, maybe it had less bugs than the PS3 version...
Although my 35mb patch also took a few seconds to download.

I think the Xbox uses a code replacement technique for patches making them smaller and faster to install than PS3...
Placebo effect nothing has changed, nothing. Same lag, same ffb, same menu speed, same frame rate drop, same handling in the cars, same prizes, same xp. However i don't car, its yet good enough for me, i don't even notice lag.

Yes Ive drove a time attack (career mode) on a oval and the FFB is awfall - there it is more off than on :nervous:
But they seem to have fixed the sticky cars because it seems Im no longer getting sucked off track by the AI - but maybe Im wrong there too.
Well all i can say is the delay when you use look back is less. To me ffb feels the same.The delay in car with hands looks less but still there. :confused:
Well after further testing i can say the steering wasn't fixed.The steering still feels the same as it did before.

It would be nice to know what exactly this update was for.I know it couldn't be for the DLC,because it would be included in the DLC download.Well one would think anyways.

Maybe it's an update before the update.What i mean is it could be a doorway was opened to make it easier for the patch to come through to fix things.Well probably not as i'm tired and i'm just talking jibberish :lol:
I'm pretty sure this is for DLC only. Here's why:
-PC patch should be ready before PS3/XBOX one, since it does not have to go through Sony/MS approval, and we do not have a patch for PC yet.
-I think there are a bunch of other games that make you download a patch to "enable" the DLC before you can actually buy it. At least some games do that.

So, I wouldnt worry about it too much. The actual patch was only given to EA from SMS some time last week and it would at least take a week for them to get things tested, so I dont think Sony/MS have the patch yet (which would take them a week or so to test as well). I'm sure the "DLC patch" was pre-approved by Sony/MS ahead of time in preparation for DLC.

Don't sweat it guys, SMS said input lag was fixed (along with other things) and I'm inclined to believe them. Just wait another week or so for the actual patch ;)

Hm...I guess I was wrong. This is straight from Griff from SMS:

Originally Posted by tribolik
Hi Griff

I have Shift 1 and 2 on the PS3 and I would like to know what was adressed in the recent patch because I really cant tell by playing (the PIO, wich is symptomatic of the imput lag is still present, the FFB is still on and off and the cars are still jittering in replays) and cant seem to find any info related.
I hope that you are still working on fixing the game, becase it deserves to be fixed, it has great potential.

Griff's answer:
Bugs fixed in PS3/360 DLC title update (even though this a PC patch update thread )

- Input processing, tweaked default wheel settings and fixed force muting problem. Addresses wheel lag/feel issues. (somewhat understated - a large code change to reduce latency is included in both input and wheel animation)
- Upgrade / garage screen crash / hang fixed.
- Logitech FFB fixes.
- Fix tech hang on vehicle selection if own loaner car and it's upgraded it past initial class.
- Fix occasional logic flaw for redeeming voucher codes.
- Fix restarting or quitting a race while slow motion is active in replay
- Improved validation of lap times, scores and speeds:
- Fix don't report unrealistic records to stat servers.
- Fix don't store unrealistic records to profile if playing online.
- Fix : Reset unrealistic stats stored in the profile after successful signin.
- Fix : All constants controlling record validation can be overridden from server-side config.
- Fix drift scores above 3600 not appearing in Records.
- Fix Do not send lap times in game reports when playing drift (fixes issue with Nevada Circle Night track sharing leaderboard id with Asia Drag Strip)

(this is unofficial and there's probably a few things I missed - the PC patch obviously includes all these fixes)
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I'm pretty sure this is for DLC only. Here's why:
-PC patch should be ready before PS3/XBOX one, since it does not have to go through Sony/MS approval, and we do not have a patch for PC yet.
-I think there are a bunch of other games that make you download a patch to "enable" the DLC before you can actually buy it. At least some games do that.

So, I wouldnt worry about it too much. The actual patch was only given to EA from SMS some time last week and it would at least take a week for them to get things tested, so I dont think Sony/MS have the patch yet (which would take them a week or so to test as well). I'm sure the "DLC patch" was pre-approved by Sony/MS ahead of time in preparation for DLC.

Don't sweat it guys, SMS said input lag was fixed (along with other things) and I'm inclined to believe them. Just wait another week or so for the actual patch ;)

Thanks for the info.

I didn't know some games need a patch before DLC.Now i know.👍
I was somewhat wrong. Looks like it was a "DLC Patch" plus also some fixes :) Read my post above ;)

I did notice one thing.When i switched cars i still kept my rear view mirror(using hood view).Before i would have to go back in options and change it for every car.

I couldn't tell any difference with the steering(scratches head)
Did some noticed this things:
- your car dies not glue to walls as before

- cars don't glue to each other as before

- cars don't spin at the slightest touch now

- car don't flip just because you're in the sand

- A.I. is more cautious holding the line ( you are hit less if you cross their line when sliding from the inside line)

I did notice something different on my G27:
On/off is much less and seems more progressive when the car slides and completely off at bumps or tracks with lots of ups and downs like glendale where the car loses traction easily under heavy throttle

But this is me.

About the lag... I'be played it so much I can't tell now. Maybe its the same maybe not. I'll do LFA event to check :)

Won and my best lap went down a second... it starts different now and it feels better. Can't tell about input lag... am I that accustomed to the game. Maybe its because FFB works better now its less noticeable?

Ps3 user...
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Don't sweat it guys, SMS said input lag was fixed (along with other things) and I'm inclined to believe them. Just wait another week or so for the actual patch ;)

Bugs fixed in PS3/360 DLC title update (even though this a PC patch update thread :) )

- Input processing, tweaked default wheel settings and fixed force muting problem. Addresses wheel lag/feel issues. (somewhat understated - a large code change to reduce latency is included improve both input and wheel animation delay)
- Fix Upgrade / garage screen crash / hang.
- Fix Logitech FFB.
- Fix tech hang on vehicle selection if own loaner car and it's upgraded it past initial class.
- Fix occasional logic flaw for redeeming voucher codes.
- Fix restarting or quitting a race while slow motion is active in replay
- Improved validation of lap times, scores and speeds:
- Fix don't report unrealistic records to stat servers.
- Fix don't store unrealistic records to profile if playing online.
- Fix : Reset unrealistic stats stored in the profile after successful signin.
- Fix : All constants controlling record validation can be overridden from server-side config.
- Fix drift scores above 3600 not appearing in Records.
- Fix : Don't send lap times in game reports when playing drift (fixes issue with Nevada Circle Night track sharing leaderboard id with Asia Drag Strip)

(this is unofficial and there's probably a few things I missed - the PC patch obviously includes all these fixes)

Hm...I guess I was wrong. This is straight from Griff from SMS:

Yeap I was going to post his response to my post here but you beat me to it...
Sadly I really cant tell the difference in FFB (maybe I just got used to it as it is now) and imput lag... So Im really beggining to sweat (just to use the same expression as you)
Did some noticed this things:
- your car dies not glue to walls as before

- cars don't glue to each other as before

- cars don't spin at the slightest touch now

- car don't flip just because you're in the sand

- A.I. is more cautious holding the line ( you are hit less if you cross their line when sliding from the inside line)

I did notice something different on my G27:
On/off is much less and seems more progressive when the car slides and completely off at bumps or tracks with lots of ups and downs like glendale where the car loses traction easily under heavy throttle

But this is me.

About the lag... I'be played it so much I can't tell now. Maybe its the same maybe not. I'll do LFA event to check :)

Actually, I flipped my Skyline R32 the first race after patching in Suzuka.
The way, flipping cars is implemented though is very nice in S2U - it happened for a reason, every time, it happened to me and made sense.

I came in the lead from under the bridge around the slight right hander kink towards the hairpin in 4th or 5th gear, going too fast and missing the line.
I touched the gravel on the left side with my left front wheel, causing the car to swerve left more into the gravel.

I countersteered to the right, as I recognized the behaviour - too much obviously (I blame the compromised steering controls with the DS3 for now).
The car went side ways inside the gravel trap, locking it and flipping it one time.

I lost the rear spoiler, front spoiler and right front wheel, when it hit the ground.
The whole car is dented, while glass is split.

I have seen similar crashes in touring car and GT races on video.
Everything looks the most impressive so far for any racing sim, I have seen.

Maybe the eye candy is "not there yet" (understandable on the PS3), but the whole flipping car, spinning, crashing behavior is really rewarding.
It makes you aware of not trying stupid things, even though, it is a video game.

I actually liked the "gloey car behavior before" for one reason.
It made you aware of not driving too reckless within a pack and look for a clean line or even step back from trying something reckless and wait for a better moment - it might not look realistic from a physics standpoint, but actually improved the racing experience in making you aware of danger during close driving in a tight field.

I had such moments in driving a 20 lap race in Suzuka with the Skyline, having the Ai and me spun out - the Ai mostly getting earlier back on track, which increases the factor, I mentioned above (it just doesn't pay off in S2U, to drive recklessly).
It is great, to take this sim serious and recover from a crash, taking the Ai on again, catching up.

I really wish for open pit lanes for fixes, repairs, tire, fuel and endurance races.

Thanks for the info regarding the patch files and the semi official statement.
It is prooven, that the patch:

- fixed some issues
- improved steering lag to an extend by exchanging significant code according to devs
- changed certain car's data (Skyline, Supra, Veyron, … ) - what precisely is unknown
- changed certain HUD behavior/ visuals
- improved/ fixed crash in menu behavior
- prepared game for DLC (trophies, folder structure, etc…)

I am happy, patching is rather quick.
This game is great, I will surely continue, to follow it and have some hope, that it might emerge as the big 3rd next to console options as GT5 and FM3 (which I use both as well).

I have a history in following simulators, created by the folks of SMS (back to the GT mods from the Simbin guys for EA F1), I know, what I get with their software and hope, EA and the community backs them up with support, to get this thing big.

I have ordered an Obutto seat, to dust off my barely used G25 and hope, S2U is in time for improved experience with FFB and steering.

I hope, there will be a triple monitor option at some point, as I prepare for adding the hardware, to do so with GT5.
I like S2U at the moment more for the raw racing experience, sweaty hands and fear of danger.
GT5 though still is king in terms of presentation and pure eye candy of cars.

I like the patch and look forward, to go around tracks with the classic Skyline, Porsche RSR and Z ;-)
posted on another site by lead designer -

- Input processing, tweaked default wheel settings and fixed force muting problem. Addresses wheel lag/feel issues. (somewhat understated - a large code change to reduce latency is included improve both input and wheel animation delay)
- Fix Upgrade / garage screen crash / hang.
- Fix Logitech FFB.
- Fix tech hang on vehicle selection if own loaner car and it's upgraded it past initial class.
- Fix occasional logic flaw for redeeming voucher codes.
- Fix restarting or quitting a race while slow motion is active in replay
- Improved validation of lap times, scores and speeds:
- Fix don't report unrealistic records to stat servers.
- Fix don't store unrealistic records to profile if playing online.
- Fix : Reset unrealistic stats stored in the profile after successful signin.
- Fix : All constants controlling record validation can be overridden from server-side config.
- Fix drift scores above 3600 not appearing in Records.
- Fix : Don't send lap times in game reports when playing drift (fixes issue with Nevada Circle Night track sharing leaderboard id with Asia Drag Strip)

(this is unofficial and there's probably a few things I missed - the PC patch obviously includes all these fixes)

The CrossFire and SLI fix made it into the PC patch - and both ATI and NVidia have these builds for their driver optimization teams.
I don't notice the lag anymore, so it's no big deal for me if it is fixed or not.

I almost think they made it like that to give you the "O CRAP" feeling and keep you on the edge
Pergusa at night with the Porsche spider works still freezes... so either its this combo or the " too much speed" problem needs attention

Happens every time. But at least I've made it to the 2nd lap once...
I froze 3 times post-patch...

1. Browsing the car lot, looking for some cars to convert for the Works Championship
2. Loading next track in a Manufacturer Showdown
3. Random freeze while driving in Mount Panorama. Speed was well below 400 kph.

Also, does anyone notice significant framerate loss on the Zolder track? Seems like my framerate drops when I encounter a lot of trees.
This SAD crap game was released BROKEN and after ths patch or whatever its still BROKEN . All the bugs are still there including the -No bonus cash- Bug which for makes it unplayable .

Its clear this update was for the DLC only and SMS and EA have clearly prioritised pulling more money from there customers rather then fixing the shoddy mess that they have already charged people for !

Good to see the misinformed are still prevalent at making misguided assumptions about the patch 👍, what would we do without you, good work your making the rest of us look a lot more intelligent :sly:.
Amar, did you do your Xbox, PS3 comparison. Have I missed it?

Unfortunately, not.

I never gotten my X360 review-code (although I was told it was in customs, etc.) but it seems it went to some other hands. I would so like to get it - in order to try it with the GT2 and see the graphics and such - but until I find it somewhere used for small moneyz, I will not be able to do it.

However, I can agree with all reports that stated that Fanatec wheels are practically unusable on Shift 2 on PS3 - no matter of actual settings involved, I really can't replicate the good feel of force feedback and physics as I can with G25. Which is strange, because I find GT2 great in Gran Turismo 5, wheel is perfect there (especially with the older 669U firmware).

Logitech remains the weapon of choice on PS3 Shift 2, while I hope that next Fanatec firmware (Thomas is working on it at this point) will finally bring the satisfaction to Fanatec owners on PS3.
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Fanatec wheel works great with Gt5 on ps3 even with Shift 1 .... but it's a completly crap with SHIFT2. Works great on XBOX.
I don't think a firmware upgrade will change something.

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