Shizukana Kaze - Chapter X - Left Behind - 16/8/12

  • Thread starter Ryou
One thing you all should know.. Is not to simply doubt me. I never give up so simply, and I do not plan to.

Chapter VI will be in progress later.
Alright. I now have a new laptop. It is a tad smaller, lighter, and faster. Writing should be a bit more.. comfortable.. now.
I'm the only one out of school? I thought all schools (at least in America) were out already. :lol:

If that is the case, I want to go for Saturday.
I'm the only one out of school? I thought all schools (at least in America) were out already. :lol:

If that is the case, I want to go for Saturday.

Sure, Bob.
(Though your name isn't Bob :( )
Haha. You may call me Ryou, or Trent. ;) Even add an honorific if you want :dopey:. (Most of my friends call me Ryou-Chan :lol:)

So, what time are you suitable with?
Never mind. I just decided to cancel the even. Apologies to those who wanted to, but it might not work at as well as I planned. I hope you all can do with a chapter in which racing isn't really the matter, but still has driving. Though, it will have not as much pictures as previous entries.. which I know you all love your pictures ever so dearly.
Since the chapter is halfway through and it's only 10 AM, I do believe I can promise a release tonight (possibly tomorrow if you live in England). It's no lie, I have really been doing well with this. :3

This all nighter has really helped me. :lol:
Chapter VI - A Gift
Shizukana Kaze


Christmas Eve.. a day of joy to many, as it symbolizes Christmas is just the day after. Children are cheerful, playing with friends.. It's quite a lovely experience I have enjoyed for years.


December 24th

I woke up and stared outside. It was cold and fairly cloudy. Looking at the clock, it read 6:30 AM. Well, today is a half day of school.. I got out of bed and got dressed for school. I had actually gotten dressed rather quietly and quickly. I walked quietly over to Kyoko and shook her.
"Wake up. It's time for school."
She looked like she was in a better condition now, like I had predicted. She just laid there silently, very still, and looking happy. It was a shame to wake her, but I had no other choice.
"Yes?", She asked.
"Come on, get out of bed. We have school."
"Ugh, that's right. It's a stupid half day.."
"You shouldn't complain. At least it's only half of a day we have to spend at school. Also, at least you don't have a job like me."
"I know, I know. I'm just going to get dressed now."
"Okay, I will leave you to your privacy."
I quickly hurried out of the room, shutting the door behind me. I then stumbled down the stairway to make myself a cup of Coffee. I wasn't that well awake, and I was also thirsty, so I craved Coffee. I turned on the Coffee maker and it quickly made it in not to long. I grabbed my cup and sat there, waiting for Kyoko to come downstairs so we could get going. I was nearly done with my Coffee by the time she had come down.
"What took you so long?", I asked her.
"Nothing important!", She said, as she walked over to the cabinet and grabbed some food.
"Alright..", She said, as she ate a bite of food. "Let's get going!"
I grabbed my coat, bag, and scarf, and so did Kyoko. We both walked out of the door of our house to be greeted by a cold wind.
"This wind is cold..", Kyoko said to herself, in a stubborn tone.
I just kept on walking so she would follow. It wasn't that strong of a wind, but it was cold. I was left stuttering through the cold.
"K-Kyoko. Come on, p-please."
"I'm coming.."
She ran towards me and tapped me on the back. She than ran away and said, "You're it!"
"This isn't Tag, Kyoko. We must get to school."
Though, it didn't take me long to find out what she was trying to do. She was trying to get me to rush to school again, but I really couldn't be bothered. Then again, though, she would just run away if I don't chase her. So I made up my mind to chase her to school. Don't get me wrong, she's a fast girl. One of the fastest I've seen. I have tried to get her on the school track team, but she just denies it because it's apparently, 'a waste of life'. Struggling to keep up with her, I kept the fact on my mind that I would have to try and get Maikita into the party. I was figuring he would love to attend, but I can't make that full accusation just yet.
"Kyoko.. Wait up!", I called out to her as I saw her rushing faster. She loved to play around on the way to school. She just wouldn't stop running. When we had finally reached the school building, she acted like it was nothing as she just looked behind her and saw me with my hands on my knees and I was panting.
"Please, go a bit slower.. next time..", I said to her.
"Okay. Maybe! You were probably just annoyed by the wind."
"Yeah, the wind.."
We walked into the school and put away our things.
"Okay. I'll see you later.", I said to her as I walked away to my classes, hoping for a successful day.


11:30 AM - Lunch

"Chikamatsu-San, I heard you wanted to see me. What is it?", Tadashi asked me as he slowly walked towards me.
"I was going to ask you a question. Here, sit down.", I told him as I cleared a spot for him to sit.
"Oh, thank you."
He walked over and took a seat by me, and as he unpacked his lunch, he asked me,
"So, why am I here?"
"I wanted to ask you a question, Tadashi."
"Sure, anything."
"Well, I am holding a small Christmas Eve party tonight at around 9 PM, and I wanted to know if you would want to attend. Also, maybe you could supply us with some snacks?"
"Sure!", He said. "I don't mind. I would love to come. I'll even supply the food. But, there is one problem.. I don't even know where to find you."
"Oh, here."
I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen from my pocket and wrote down the arrival time along with the address to my house.
"Alright, thank you", He said to me. It was nice he had actually thanked me.
"So, Chikamatsu-San..", He asked me.
"Your father.. he was a good racer."
"I - Yes, he was.."
"Yeah. Very sure of himself and never thought to good of himself. Which is a good thing. He was a good man."
"A very good man.", I replied to him.
"And, as you know, his driving has always been an interest of mine since I was a younger child."
"Yes, I do know."
".. And I wanted to know.. what was it like living with your father?"
"Living with my father?.."
Then, it all had come back to me. Memories and flashbacks of traveling the world and seeing him race. He loved racing, he dedicated his life to it. All the things I remember just go to show that.


"I don't want to be a rally driver like you! How many times must I explain this to you, dumbass?! Rally is crap!"

That very sentence still haunts me to this year. That was the last stupid thing I had said to him before he entered what I knew was going to be a death threat because of the strong storms. Why I couldn't have said nicer, I do not know. The day began with just light rain. I knew my father was going to enter the final race of the Rally Tour that day. He had practiced and practiced every passing day. As the time passed, I noticed an increase in the rain pressure as the winds picked up. I was beginning to become a bit nervous but I didn't let it overcome me. He just sat downstairs watching television until it was time for me to go. He said to me,
"Now, you can either stay at home and watch from the TV, or watch from person so you can be as good of a rally driver as I am one day."
He was always onto this, and I couldn't stop my mind from blurting it out.
"I don't want to be a rally driver like you! How many times must I explain this to you, dumbass?! Rally is crap!"
He stopped immediately at that moment and turned around to look at me as he walked toward the door. He sighed and mumbled,
"Tsukiko.. I could never be more ashamed.."
Then he grabbed his coat and went out into the storm. I tried to hurry out and apologize, but it was too late. He was in his car and had just taken off when I made it near the door. For the rest of the night, I was just alone, thinking about how his race might go. I went in the living room and laid on the couch. I fell asleep until I heard the news on the telvision.

"Reports say that a tragedy has occurred on the rally course at Hokkaido.", the anchorman said. "It appears that the legendary, world renown rally driver, Kenji Chikamatsu, has died in a terrible wreck. It occurred on the fourth corner. We have been told that Kenji's Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution slid out of control, hitting about 4 other vehicles, before heading into a guard rail, in which his car hit, and remained still. But it was not over. Another vehicle, which was a Subaru Impreza, had rammed into him. The driver of the Subaru was said to have no headlights on his car, causing poor view. Kenji's car was then sent through the guard rail, in which the car flipped, and caught fire. All the drivers were evacuated, and the fire department had begun to head there. This is supposedly all the news we have recieved on this. . . And now, back to the weather."

A Subaru, just a simple Subaru had ruined his life. At that point, I felt all hope lost and I wished I had actually said something nicer for all he had done.


"I can imagine it's.. hard to lose your father.. like that. You have my condolences, Chikamatsu-San."
"Thank you."
I took a look at the clock, it was about time for the next class, and then time to go to work.
"Well. Lunch is over.", I told him.
"Yeah. Thanks for spending it with me!", He yelled, as he ran back to the door.


1:30 PM - Work

"Ah, hello Tsukiko-San!", Aki said to me as I walked through the doors.
"You're already here?", I asked him.
"Yup. Nice to see you here too."
I walked over to get behind the counter so I can check prices.
"So, I'm excited about that party. When is it again?"
"9 PM"
"9 PM?! Why 9?!"
"I don't don't know. Why ask me."
"Meh.. So, I have a surprise for you after work.", He said to
"What do you mean?"
"Oh, you'll see.."
So time passed, there was nothing really to talk about today.. Work was done around 4 PM, and Aki brought me outside with him.
"Aki, what is it?"
"Hold on.. Just keep on walking."
We kept on walking a few steps until we finally came to a halt.
"Aha! Now, turn around!", Aki yelled to me.
I turned around and noticed a Black BMW. I was unsure of the model, but I was sure Aki would know.
"Um.. What model is this and where did you get it from?", I asked him.
"It's a BMW 135i, Tsukiko-San. My father owned this car, but we're giving it away soon. The price doesn't matter to him."
"So, want a ride in it?", He asked me.
"Alright get in."
He opened the door for me and I got inside. This wasn't a Japanese make. BMW was German, which I had learned.
"This is what German luxury automotive is like?"
"Yes. Never seen one?"
"I have.. but I've never been in one."
"Well, here's your day to be in one.", Aki said as he winked and got behind the wheel.
"Now.", He said. "Let's go the local public course. Give this thing a try"
He put the gear in reverse, and after that, back into first and he continued proceeding as we headed towards the course.


5:02 PM - Test Drive

"Well!", Aki said, "Here we are. 'Trial Mountain'"
"Interesting course.."
"Indeed it is. I've been here a few times. It looks clear at the moment. We can go all out!"
"Ah, so you're going to give me a nice, fast car ride?"
"Who said I was going to drive it? You're going to."
"Me? Why me?"
"Tsukiko-San, come on. Don't cry. Just give it a try."
We switched out our seats and before I knew it, I was behind the wheel. The car felt nice and comfy behind the wheel. I put my foot on my clutch and my other on the accelerator, and then my left hand on the gear shift. It all felt comfortable and correct.
"Alright, let's do this.", I said.


I pushed down the accelerator and went full speed. Shifting as I reached the Rev Limiter. The car felt fast and agile. Probably because it was an FR, unlike my R33, which is a four-wheel-drive. The BMW handled well along the corners. I liked it, so far.


"Tunnel up ahead Tsukiko-San.", Aki told me.
"I know."
"Actually, you're not that bad at driving this course and the car."


I drove the tunnel, lightly turning so I wouldn't spin out and lose control completely. Once coming out, I noticed a bank, so I had slowed down a bit to be sure.


"Keep going. Keep going.", Aki said to me.


"You know Tsukiko.. You have obtained quite some mastery with this car already.. You're not bad. Really."
"Well, thank you."
I looked forward and saw a tunnel. I was prepared for this, as I noticed it was a huge straight. Though, there wad bound to be a huge corner ahead.



And my prediction was correct. Looking ahead, I saw a tight corner. I knew I would have to be very correct with time when it comes to this. I began to brake a tad.


"Careful around this corner, Tsukiko-San."
"I know.."
I broke and went through the corner, but, the way the corner was elevated caused my car to lose grip.
"Oh dear..", Aki said.
"Don't worry!", I said back.
I maintained control over the loss of grip and performed a fair drift throughout the corner.


"That wasn't bad.. you're already getting used to this car, I see..", Aki said to me, surprised.


"All right Tsukiko, final corner. Be careful."
"I am."


A straight was now after it. I sped up and quickly switched gears, but only to be greeted by a last minute corner, after.


I knew what to do throughout the small corner. I slightly put the car on the hill.


After that, my run was over. It wasn't a bad one, either.
"Wow Tsukiko.. you, you aren't bad with this BMW.", Aki said to me.
"Heh heh. I guess I'm not."
"You know, I could ask my father if you can have this car."
"Really? I don't believe it-"
He was already on the phone with his father, quickly speaking.
"Okay, thanks. Bye.", He said. "Tsukiko, Happy Birthday. You get the car for free."
"But, my birthday is already-"
"Nope, nope. Take it. My father was actually proud you liked it. He said your taste isn't bad."
"Um, okay then.. But, how will you get home?"
"Eh. I'll just stay at your house until the party. I'll leave later."
"Okay then."
"For now, let's go get to your house."


6:20 PM - Dinner

"Well, here we are.", I said to Aki, leading him through the door.
Upon walking in, I was surprised by a sight:
"Kyoko.. are you, making dinner?"
"Yup!", She said.
It's been awhile since she had made dinner, so I found it quite surprising.
"Ooh! What's for dinner, Kyoko-Chan?", Aki asked her.
"Yes!", Aki yelled.
Aki loved ramen as an individual. He could never get enough, it seemed. Aki and I walked over to the couch and just sat there.
"May I watch TV?", He asked.
"Go ahead."
I just sat there minding my own business, watching whatever Aki was. In not too long, though, dinner was done.
"Here you go, you two.", Kyoko said, handing us both our Ramen.
"Thank you.", We both said.
I looked at the clock, it was now 7, and in just 2 hours was the party.
"Gahh, there's nothing good on to watch..", Aki complained.
I took the remote and changed it to the Anime I liked.
"You know this was more focused on for the female audience.."
I just kept on eating. The ramen tasted really good today.
"The ramen is good, Kyoko.", I told her.
"Thank you.", She replied.
Time passed as Aki and I fought over what to watch. At around 8, I decided to go and take a quick shower. After my shower, I changed my clothes to a more clean pair, and went back downstairs. Now I needed to set up.
"Hey, Aki.", I asked him.
"Do you mind helping me set up the tree?"
"No, I don't."
"Okay, good. Follow me."
I brought Aki upstairs so he could help me haul the box back downstairs.
"Here it is.", I told him. "I need help getting it back downstairs, do you mind?"
He grabbed one end of the box and I grabbed the other. With our strength we have, we brought it downstairs and put the box on the floor. I opened it and he helped me put it together. Once we were done with that, I had to put up the lights, and that was a pain. Once we were done with that, we turned the lights on and looked at the glow.
"Still gets me every year..", I said.
"Yeah..", Kyoko agreed.
"It's nice", Aki said.
"Now we just wait for people to come over and hang their ornament they might have brought."


9:10 PM - Party

We were all sitting on the couch when we were made aware of a knocking on the door. I walked over to the door, unlocked it, and in came Tadashi with three bags in his hands.
"Ah, hello, Tadashi.", I said.
"Hello, Tsukiko."
He handed me the two bags.
"Here.", He said.
"What are these?"
"The snacks and the beverages."
"Oh, okay. Thanks."
I rushed into the Kitchen and put them away.
"Now,", I said. "What's in that third bag?"
He handed us each one. Kyoko had a fairly small package, Aki got a big package, and I got a fair sized one.
"Can we open them now?!", Aki asked.
"Yeah! Can we?", Kyoko agreed.
"Sure, go ahead.", Tadashi replied.
Aki opened his first, to his surprise revealed an Xbox 360 and Forza Motorsport 4.
"Ah! Lovely. Couldn't get one of these.", Aki said.
"Glad you like it."
Kyoko opened hers afterward, and what was in there was a DVD of her favorite movie.
"Thank you, Tadashi."
"Haha. You're welcome. Now.. Tsukiko-San?"
"Ah, yes."
I opened mine and what was revealed was a box with Notebooks titled Notes, Strategies, Recordings. I realized that this was all of Tadashi's racing notebooks.
"Tadashi.. You didn't have to-"
"No, no. Keep them, they're yours now.", He said with a smile.
"But you put so much work into them.."
"And that's my point. I can trust you to hold onto them and use them well. Can I?"
"Yes, you can."
"Good. Now, who's up for some board games?"
"You brought those too?", Aki asked.
He had brought Monopoly, so there we all were. Sitting around the table, playing a long game of Monopoly. Though, there was one thing on my mind, where was Aoi?


11:20 PM - Arrival

After the Monopoly game (which Aki won), Tadashi remembered he brought some ornaments to hang on the tree. He handed us all some. Some were decorated like the flag of Japan, some had wise sayings, etc. The Christmas tree had looked complete when we have finished hanging them all. It was a beautiful sight, and we all took a picture just to remember this by.
"Hey, Aki, want to come join me in the Dining Room for a snack and a drink?", I asked him.
"Yeah, sure."
Aki walked over with me to the small table in the dining room, in which we just sat as I filled us bowls of Rice crackers (my favorite). Looking over at the couch, I noticed Kyoko and Tadashi were watching television.
"So, Tsukiko-San..", Aki said to me. "When do you plan on racing again?"
"Sometime soon."
"Ah, well.. Your driv-"
Aki was interrupted by the knocking on the door.
"But that's everyone..", Kyoko said.
I stayed silent, as this was meant as a surprise, on my behalf.
"I'll get it!", Tadashi had said.
He quickly got off the couch and walked over to the door in a fast motion. He unlocked the door, and we had noticed it had begun to snow. But, out from the snow, Aoi and Kira walked in with numerous bags.
"Hello everyone, I..", Aoi paused and put the bags down on the ground.
Kyoko and Aoi just stared at each other for a few moments. Kyoko then stood up from the couch, and we all stared.
"Rin?!", Aoi asked excitedly.
"Aoi..", Kyoko had said.
Aoi walked up to Kyoko and hugged her.
"Rin, it is you!"
"Umm, Tsukiko.. Wha-?", Aki asked as I interrupted him.
"Just go with it", I said, smiling.
I grabbed a liter of soda and poured Aki and I two cups. Afterwards, I raised my cup and yelled, "Merry Christmas!", and Aki, too, did join me..

The End

- Sorry it was a fairly small chapter, but this one wasn't as focused on racing as much.

- This is the best release promise I made all year :3
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