Shooting inside Colorado movie theater during Batman premier

I agree with what you said about shooting back at an armored gunman.

It's not hard to take down a gunman in a dark, hazy, crowded theater full of screaming people? Really? Unless the rescuer were coming from behind him, completely out of the line of fire, his ability to return fire and kill the gunman will be severely compromised.

I was responding to Blaze's post about the morals and guilt associated with shooting another human being, not the practical aspect of actually landing a shot. My bad if it was unclear.
We could talk about the details for ages. I'm still confident that an armed populace is a greater deterrent than an unarmed one. Famine covered this earlier.

Oh dear. Why should we be teaching people how to wield guns..Let alone bring them to a Movie theater(to be "armed populace"? Does that sit well with you? When you sit in the theater and every gick and harry has semi automatic in in there coat pocket and a pistol in there stockings.

So what happens when the "armed populace" gets angry about some menial daily task and ends up shooting his/her boss at work because of the infamous "red mist. " Lets give give people who can get angry or go delusional guns.

We have already seen that not even police officers can handle guns and when to shoot properly. Spare us.
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Do you have any substantial evidence to back your claims up or is this just more speculation?

I can point you to dozens of examples where an armed member of the populace used their gun to protect their life and property as well as the lives and property of others.

As much as I'd like to discuss, I feel we're getting a bit off track. I'll defer to the moderators.
In that case: I dont think this is off topic by any means because its very much the conversation. How did he get these guns and ammo. How do we protect ourselves.

Are these not issues you addressed?

I can point you to dozens of examples where an armed member of the populace used their gun to take away there lives and destroy there own property as well as the lives and property of others.
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^Pure speculation... :indiff:
So yes I do think the average human carrying a gun to protect themselves would have had trouble shooting Holmes. And this indecisive action would just cost more lives.
I won't speculate as to how others might react, but I promise you, given a chance, I wouldn't think twice about pulling the trigger. Civilian randomly murdering people in front of me, it would be as easy of a decision as putting out a house fire, at least for me.

As far as the body armor, or scene inside the theater go, I couldn't comment how I'd gone on about it unless I was there. If I was there, armed, depending on what I see, I might have played dead, or rushed at the gunman, put the gun to his neck, and pulled the trigger. A hundred different possible scenario. It's all situational.
I won't speculate as to how others might react, but I promise you, given a chance, I wouldn't think twice about pulling the trigger. Civilian randomly murdering people in front of me, it would be as easy of a decision as putting out a house fire, at least for me.

Sounds like typical Dane Cook. Now let's wait to see what Daniel Tosh one-ups (one-downs?) him with.
? I did notice this on the news .. It cant be the same guy, his ear shape is totally WACK look at the differences the nose is off even considering a stretched image.. somethings up here, but then the mole!!!!!!! *edit: yal know i was kidding about the picture right? I just wanted to show the stuff people are coming up with now.. oh and the guys who said if they had guns they could have taken him out.. yea in a dark theater.. and with the smoke bombs he planted... + people running *

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Somebody tell the internet conspiracy theorists to go back to the Moon Landing.

Your facial features change over time/when you're smiling.
My guess is Holmes was on anti-depressants.

Here is material tending to back up that supposition.|main5|dl3|sec1_lnk2&pLid=186372

"The psychiatrist who treated James Holmes was reprimanded by Colorado's medical board in 2005 for prescribing drugs to herself, her husband and an employee, according to WPTV.

The Colorado Medical Board of Examiners faulted Dr. Lynne Fenton for incomplete record keeping after prescribing Vicodin, Xanax, Lorazepam and Ambien in the late 1990s, the station said."

Respectfully submitted,
It probably deserves another thread, but I'm not sure.

CBS/Associated Press
Shooting at Sikh temple in Wis., at least 7 dead​

OAK CREEK, Wis. - A gunman allegedly killed six people and wounded three others before being shot dead by a police officer at a Sikh temple outside of Milwaukee Sunday morning.

The gunman allegedly shot one police officer who was helping a victim ten times. The officer survived the shooting. The suspected gunman was later confronted and killed by another officer outside the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin in Oak Creek, near Milwaukee. Officials have indicated this is likely the work of a lone gunman.

Law enforcement sources tell CBS News the alleged gunman was a heavy-set, 40-year-old Caucasian male who lived in the area. A search is being conducted of his house.

Officials say he was armed with a 9-millimeter, semi-automatic pistol. The ATF has recovered the weapon and is running a trace. A second gun found at the scene belonged to one of the police officers who confronted the gunman outside the temple.

The suspect, described as heavily tattooed, wore a white t-shirt and black military BDU pants. He also had ammunition pouches.

While the local police have labeled this attack "domestic terrorism," federal sources urge caution with that because the investigation is in its very early stages.

The working theory is that he acted alone. Local police are saying they'll have more information Monday morning at a 10 a.m. news conference.


If you follow the link to CBS, there is a video story. Who knows what drove this madman, but I think it might be possible that this was a case of mistaken identity of religion. Very tragic, and I feel for the victims and their community.

Unfortunately, this is incident will provide more fuel to gun ban/control.
Horrible, thoughts and prayers to the victims families.

Unfortunately, this is incident will provide more fuel to gun ban/control.

Yeah, it's gonna do that, probably in this thread also, so to maybe put a lighter side on things...

Whack-a-mole conspiracy picture theory is wacky. Man... imagine how many crimes I could get away with by biting my lip, flaring my nostrils and presenting my bad side to the CCTV camera...


New shooting probably deserves its own thread. Might be a copycat, likely too early to tell.


One point about gun-control... as gun-owners in this country like to point out... if you outlaw all guns, only outlaws will have guns.

While gun control laws might prevent one or two psycho rampages a year, they will do nothing to prevent armed robbery or gangland killings performed with already illegally acquired weapons.

I was responding to Blaze's post about the morals and guilt associated with shooting another human being, not the practical aspect of actually landing a shot. My bad if it was unclear.

A bit late, but I agree with you there... definitely, given the time to assess the situation and the ability to fire back, I would, too... without hesitation.
so to maybe put a lighter side on things...
I get why they hate the "Right". But what I hate about the "Left"? It's all about the political correctness, anti-violence, rights of the people, unless it goes against their beliefs. Talk about missing the point size of the Sun. :crazy:

New shooting probably deserves its own thread. Might be a copycat, likely too early to tell.[/B]
I sense a trend coming. :nervous:
How come he is still alive? He should be getting the death penalty be now

Legal system = jury + attorneys + witnesses + experts + media + victims' families + Constitution + other trials + finding a venue - patience for swift justice
patience for swift justice
I'm not gonna lie, in this Sikh Temple shooting, had the cops executed the gunman, I would be 100% at peace with that. It's a can of worms that shouldn't be opened, but in this particular case, looks like there was very little doubt "who".
Megadeth frontman Mustaine left fans dumbstruck when he announced that the U.S. President engineered this massacre saying that it was a 'sick, twisted plot to pass the handgun ban.'

What's worrying is that many young people will believe this - though of course much more worrying is that it may be true. Too far-fetched for me. Last I head Mustaine is thinking of moving to Singapore. There is, of course, a handgun ban over there.
MG! Laugh Police? Help! :lol: (oops)

Conspiracy theories touted by people in the limelight is a little worrisome. There are so many fans of Megadeth, and many would consider their frontman sort of a role model and even hero; so to spout stuff like this, using the opportunity of being on stage, is somewhat tasteless.
Adrenaline junkees will probably push this further into 'believable'.
If Madonna, Beyonce, or some other famous personality said this stuff, it would be the same - as in; okay, these famous people said this, so it must be true.
About the conspirators.

Today on Dutch radio they had an interview with someone who had studied conspirators, and the main problem those people suffer from is that they are manipulative people.
Their manipulation screws up their logical thoughts.

I'll try and find the paper she wrote, and post it.
It will make more sense when you read it from the original author.

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