- 87,558
- Rule 12
- GTP_Famine
Or a massively increased death toll as a bunch of untrained scared people fire bullets in every conceivable direction in panic.
Your comment reminds me of claims by gun fans that if people had been allowed to carry guns on aircraft then 9/11 wouldn't have happened. Idiots would have blown holes in the planes and brought them down anyway.
Not really similar, no. Incidentally, would it have been better on 9/11 to bring down a plane of people or let it smash into buildings with ten times as many people inside? The guys who brought down their own plane proved the former...
I wonder how ballsy a lone shooter feels when there's return fire from 40 people, compared to none. I wonder how confident he'll be of his plan beforehand if he knows he's not shooting at unarmed targets...
Of course this will be seized upon by the usual ghouls to show that guns are bad and should be criminalised, without at any point realising that the guy killing people was a criminal (who cares about breaking a law about owning guns when you're murdering?) or that one more gun would have been much, much better.
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