Me and a friend were talking about this at work yesterday, I'm an Athiest yet I celebrate Chirstmas like anyone but the friend in question rose a good point;
Am I celebrating Jesus or am I just being selfish and taking advantage of a religious holiday?
I've came to the conclusion that it's a public holiday and should be celebrated by whomever would like to, but that issue has been in the back of my mind since, if there are any Christians on this forum, what's your view on it all? And for the Athiests, why do you celebrate Chistmas?
I only skimmed this, so my answer may be a complete rip off of someone else's. Or a smorgasbord of several.
In answer to your question, I believe that if it floats your boat, as an athiest, to celebrate the birth of Christ, who you say you don't believe in, you go right ahead.
As has already been said, some Christians, don't celebrate "Christmas" per se either. It is widely believed that Jesus was not born in December, much less on the 25th. Especially, considering that the current calender that we use has 12 months, compared to the 10-month calender that was in use at the time that Jesus was born.
To Christians, we prefer "Easter" to "Christmas". And as Easter is "backed-up" by the Jewish Calender of holy days, and Jesus rose from the dead around the time of the Passover...
It makes more sense as a holy day.
As for Christmas, it is a wonderful
commercial event. It's a pain in my brown furry ass, because I have to reschedule 80 dialysis patients, and a staff of 15 people around Christmas.
Mel Brooks once said "It's great to be the King." That may be so. But it often sucks to be the manager.
But I do dig watching the kids open their loot.