OK. To begin my input...I've read this thread from beginning to here, and it garners my vote for "best thread yet". Hands down. There has been no other thread sparking such fine debate, and excellent offense/defense opinions (while retaining constant civility) that I have seen. A round of commendation to all of you.
To give some background info...I was raised in a baptist christian household. I even taught Sunday school for many years. I was married in front of an ordained pastor (who married you Neon?). My mother is the president of a prominent chapter of the American Baptist women. My in-laws are DEVOUT independent baptist church go-ers. I regularly attend church, tithe and pray (however recently the beach has been beautiful, so I give my worship, while riding the waves). I have been baptised and I try very hard to follow the word of the bible.
It is my belief that if the ten commandments were taught in kindergarten, or pre-K, better yet, BY THE PARENTS AT AN EARLY AGE, the world would be a better place. The only trepidation that I have is with the first commandment. I have a very tough time saying that the full extent of religion should be taught/forced at such a young age.
From my own point of view, I had massive amounts of confusion through my young years about the world and it's creation.
One of the most confusing things I have had to deal with is Dinosaurs. The confusion, and thoughts that I have about them are far too deep to discuss here, so I will pass on to the argument currently at hand.
Should "Under God" be in the pledge of allegiance?
Should "in God we trust" be written on our money?"
This great country, that we live in, needs to have a very distinct separation of Church and State. Freedom to have ANY religion that I want, even to choose NOT to have one. By putting "In God we trust" on our money states that the US government supports the Christian beliefs. The Government should not dictate how I can choose to utilize my freedoms and rights.
Take a step back, and look at the ten commandments
I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them.
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long.
Thou shalt not murder.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor's.
#1 states that the man in power is giving you clear direction that he is the ONLY man in power. This is one that I don't think should be on a school curriculum. For the same reason that Under god should not be in the pledge. It is not giving consideration to any other religion.
#2 underlying message is you shall not bring hate upon your god. This is applicable to everything you do. It is about unconditional love and respect.
#3 states that you shall not worship ANY idol.
At this point the following 7 commandments cease to mention God in any instance.
#4 states that one day a week you shall not work. This a day for reflection and worship. Reflect on your week of work, worship the worm that gives it's life so you may catch a whopper of small mouth bass. Give worship to the sun as you crack open a beer and lay back on your hammock. I have given my thoughts to god in many different places. Sitting atop the mountain where my wife and I got married, standing in the shower, driving home from work stuck in commuter traffic.
#5 states that your mother and father deserve respect, no matter what they may do. care for them when they are older and feeble minded (Youth Cycler, it's happening already)
#6-#8 DUH!
#9 is about respecting your neighbor. Be they 10 feet, 10 miles, or the other side of the world. We are all neighbors. This forum is a prime example. You are all my neighbors, due to us being gathered at the same place having teh same conversation.
#10 states that you should live your life the way you intend. Abolish this "keeping up with the Joneses" attitude. If you desire it, go get it. Don't get it because you want to one up your neighbor. GTS-R_MAN, you may want to heed this one. We like you because of who you are, not what you know.
Do I know what happens after I die? No. Do I believe I know what happens after I die? Yes. Do I want the Government to tell me what should happen after I die? No.
I still have a mental battle raging in my heart and my head. Do I pass on to a better place, and spend eternity in a beautiful land? I sure hope the have GT3 there, because eternity can be a long time. Or do I simply stop. Much like when you sleep so heavy that you don't remember falling asleep or being asleep. Except this time you don't wake up. It wouldn't be sleep forever, because you no longer exist. Therefore it is like closing a book, the end. Or do I simply come back as a butterfly, or a rock, a sheep? There are people that believe that everything has a spirit or essence of "being"
So after all the debatae rages down, I do believe in God, I do believe in life after death, but I don't believe our Government should tell us how to choose.
I still can't explain why my parrot says "I love you" when I'm having a bad day. I still don't know where dinosaurs fit in to the bible either.
It is my belief that god created apples, and made them red. Therefore the statement "Apples are red." (From my point of view) implies that yes there is a God.
Till later,