Should the Daily Races have tuning allowable?

  • Thread starter jrbabbitt

Should the Daily Races have tuning allowable?

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United States
Charleston, SC
The fact that Daily Races now allow tuning of cars it closes the ability of anyone to win a race, it discourages the average gamer / racer from entering any race when they know that someone has maxed out the tune on their car and will run away from the pack. This is no longer a race of skillful driving but just who had the better car and this is not fun.
I am one of those avg drivers that had a decent chance of winning in GTS (and did win a few) by just getting the required car for the race and doing my best. Now to be best has NO skill, it's just having the better car.
The fact that anyone can get in a GTS Daily race and win with the field being level with BoP (Balance of Power) is what made this exciting and fun, but when I entered my first race mistakenly believing it was a level field and see three cars just zoom ahead and get a lead of over 15 seconds aft the end of first lap, this was NOT fun anymore.
I will BOYCOTT the Daily Races and encourage my fellow racers here to do same, when PD sees that the attendance of the races go down because of Tuning I believe we will see BoP reinstated.
Thank you for listening to me.
tuning has always been an integral part of Gran Turismo, it's removal from GT sport is a big reason I skipped it entirely,
and don't consider GT sport a true Gran Turismo title
building and tuning a car, so it is exactly what you want, is one of the most enjoyable aspects of the game,
as it is in real life and real world motor sports,
I don't see a big problem in that. Yes, of course it's more difficult at the beginning, but over time there will be "standard" for each track and everyone will be able to have a good car (at least if they look for the setup here or elsewhere). And your assertion that it no longer counts whether you can drive well is not true at all. A really good driver will always be faster than an average driver and the more difficult the car is to drive, the greater the difference. But now you may have the opportunity to win races more often than before, since you can now adapt the car to your own driving preferences/abilities. BUT yes, this is more complex and requires more "work".
I like that I "know" that I lost a race because of my driving, not wondering if my car was not good enough and no matter how i bloody drive I'd still lose.

I am not saying to ban tuning, just keep it out of the daily races to make it a FAIR & LEVEL playing field.
Hell, add specific Tuning races to the daily's, just let us have a fair and level field.
Road to GT7 shows what's possible with and without a good set-up... A weaker driver can beat a "better" driver with the right car and better set-up... so I'm fine with that, but it takes time Getting set-ups for all cars and tracks is the hardest thing at the moment. After a few weeks it will get better.

What is currently a problem, however, is that in many cars the rear axle loses grip, sometimes without any warning and very abruptly, which is not easy to compensate for.
Yes I agree to having tuning in dailies, but i'd say limit power restricting to 95% and ballast alowance to 20kg maximum.
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Just have 4 daily races with 2 of each. 1 road car and 1 GR 1.2.3 or 4 race for BOP races and then same for tuning races. Like the idea of being able tune & use any N car in a daily but as I'm an average online racer the BOP races in GTS has given me some good races. Ideal for the 30mins I might have spare.
As long as there's options for both tuning and bop races, then it's cool, let the 'tuners' spend their free time searching (and spending credits) for the craziest set-ups.

Let those of us who just want to sit down and have a fair race play with bop cars.

It's the first week, so let's see what happens. It looks kinda obvious to me that it's gonna be a control car race, a tuners race and a bop race in the dailies.

Honestly for me thats a huge step back but feck it - I'm already planning on going back to Gtsport for online racing as soon as I grow bored with the single player on 7.

Shouldn't have to do that of course, but you know what? Other people out there have got much bigger problems on their plate than what video game they choose to play.
From the Sport events I've done, and from the ones I've watched online, every race the field spread is HUGE. It's the total opposite to GT Sport where field spread was very tight. I mean each to their own of course. I don't mind tuning so long as they somehow make it more accessible - something like downloadable car setups which also show upgrades required.
They should have both tuning allowed and tuning disabled races.

Looking forward to the daily races if they follow the same kind of structure.

They should have e.g 300bhp 600bhp then pp and race cars/road cars only catagories then tuning and non tuning styles with some championships which it looks like they have planned r.e championships (hopefully not just the weekly races as per gts)
You need another option: both.

I prefer fixed setups on Sport Mode but I wouldn’t want to take away open setup races for those whom enjoy it. PD could and should give both options.
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PD has put themselves into an interesting position with this one. Its no secret that they REALLY want to incorporate tuning into their title (no doubt to try to cover as most of the sim market as they can between the Forza crowd, the Gran Turismo crowd, and the hardcore SIM crowd... further made evident b their new physics model). However, they also don't want to spread out the player base too much in sport mode between daily races, private lobbies, time trials events, championships, leagues, ect. The LAST THING they want is daily races with even more options, within the options. Its all a metrics-driven juggling act.

Having said that, here's @Yard_Sale's practical way of incorporating tuning into GT7 where everyone wins, including PD.

Private lobbies
: Obviously whatever the host of the lobby wants

FIA, Leagues, Championships or whatever they end up calling it: A mix of both BOP and tuning, at a ratio similar to the last real FIA season.

race A - always tuning allowed. That race never gets much traffic anyways. Tuning N-class cars is fun. Having this daily be dedicated to tuning would most likely bring more people into the fold for that race. Myself inculded.

Race B/C: These could alternate between BOP and tuning.... with one of them ALWAYS being a Bop race. One week the daily C endurance(ish) race would be BOP. The next week Daily B would be a BOP race and C would be tuning. But as far as the "tuning" for this race.....Keep it super limited and simple.... like Aero, ride height, and Differential settings. Orrrrrrrrrrrrr.......... if PD really wants to teach people about tuning; make this a tuning race with rotating tuning options each week, such as:

  • 1 week, you're tuning options available are Toe, Camber and Anti Rollbar
  • the next week, you're tuning options available are Natural Frequency, Compression Damping and Rebound Damping
  • the next week it could be ECU, Differential and Ballast.
  • so on and so forth
  • not to mention, having limited tuning options would still give people who just want to use the standard BOP a chance at doing well

I think a format like this would please most people. And the tuning races (outside of Daily A of course), would be super approachable and introduce a wide spectrum of players into tuning, by way of baby steps
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Being honest having only really played GTS i've never had to do it, I'm trying to keep an open mind about it in GT7 but I'd prefer if they had one daily race for tuning and others with BOP. Still early days yet.
For the time being I'm happy with everything PD does, not because I'm a deluded addict, but because I was hoping for a "new" game and that's exactly what I got. Some things can be "improved/optimized" some things are already really good. And who remembers the beginnings of GTS? I've only gathered the information about these beginnings, but I haven't played, but I know that a lot has changed and added to GTS since then. I assume that GT7 will also change a lot. I like the new challenge and take on it instead of wanting to play the same game with slightly better graphics.

Give the game some time, maybe 4-6-8 weeks and if you're still so disappointed then back off or try to get PD to change GT7 the way you want it. If many then think like that, PD will certainly come up with something.
GTSport is the odd one out in the Gran Turismo series; GTS being BoP'ed race cars whereas the numbered ones were tuned normal cars...
Gran Turismo has always been about car culture, specifically Japanese Car culture, see the old meme about 2million Skylines...
I wont say that BoP has no place in a Gran Turismo game, but it should not be dominant. Same as most of the online races should be for 'normal cars' not all Gr3 and Gr4.

GT7 is still in its first week of release, let's see what happens with dlc and updates before calling for boycotts...
For me, Gran Turismo is about enjoying the cars I love and tweaking them. Daily races with tuning is what I've been waiting for for years. GT Sport was fun, but only in bursts since it was very repetitive and there always seemed to be a dominant car.
I think the need for some people to win every race also puts them off the current tuning races. Who care's that the guy 20 seconds ahead is winning. I'm having fun in a four way battle for 2nd, 10th, whatever.
Saying that, I do think it needs to be improved. The power/weight limit doesn't really bring balanced performance. I think if they used the PP system, and like others have said, limit the power restriction, it would be more interesting.
I say keep at lease one BoP race for people who want to just jump in and go, but the focus should be on modified cars.
Both. What about three races that allow tuning to a PP limit and three that require stock tune. That way both camps can be happy. They could even use the same tracks for both.....
There's no reason why polyphony can't make tuning work for at least an online unranked mode where DR isn't affected. Maybe have 3 or 4 tuning categories by PP that you can tune your cars up to and then you party up with your friends of any skill level and select the PP level you guys want to race at and boom it throws you in a lobby for that PP. No reason at all a format like this can't be worked in with the existing sport mode remaining what it was in GTS. Going by weight and HP for race requirements is not the way for tuning imo, give us free reign to meet the PP requirement or else you have to bastardize your upgrades/tunes to meet requirements weekly if that's what they're planning which kind of defeats me making the car the way I want it in the first place. Forza 4 had this model and it worked great, I had hundreds of A and S class cars tuned for that game and the matchmaking worked well, random track or vote for next track and maintain the same PP or back out and choose a different PP and race it instead. To me it just seems silly that this wasn't implemented better at launch and now we're going to have to go through the growing pains while polyphony figures this out.