Should the Daily Races have tuning allowable?

  • Thread starter jrbabbitt

Should the Daily Races have tuning allowable?

  • Total voters
Tunes should be downloadable just like the liveries, I’ve been saying this since the start of GTS. But it’s also not hard to do a google search, unless the person is completely lazy and useless.
GT7 has access to google?

Any step someone has to take outside of the game to make the game enjoyable is going to whittle away at your player base. You can call those people all of the juvenile names you want but it won't change that fact.
GT7 has access to google?

Any step someone has to take outside of the game to make the game enjoyable is going to whittle away at your player base. You can call those people all of the juvenile names you want but it won't change that fact.
Just calling it as I see it. Everyone has a smart phone now a days, it doesn’t take a whole lot effort.
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You need another option: both.

I prefer fixed setups on Sport Mode but I wouldn’t want to take away open setup races for those whom enjoy it. PD could and should give both options.

This is the best answer, people who like competing with tuning will participate in the tuning allowed events, and people who don't will join the ones with tuning closed.

Best of both worlds.
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GT7 has access to google?

Any step someone has to take outside of the game to make the game enjoyable is going to whittle away at your player base. You can call those people all of the juvenile names you want but it won't change that fact.
removing tuning makes the game less enjoyable
ergo all races should have tuning enabled
removing tuning makes the game less enjoyable
ergo all races should have tuning enabled
That's objectively just not true. Any barrier to accessible gameplay destroys your player base. Requiring that people go to websites to hunt for the best meta tune, will completely destroy your player base especially when it looks like only 30% of GT players enjoy tuning.

The e-Sport racing scene would abandon GT instantly if they went that route.
That's objectively just not true. Any barrier to accessible gameplay destroys your player base. Requiring that people go to websites to hunt for the best meta tune, will completely destroy your player base especially when it looks like only 30% of GT players enjoy tuning.

The e-Sport racing scene would abandon GT instantly if they went that route.
I guess that is why all previous Gran Turismo games were epic failures
That's objectively just not true. Any barrier to accessible gameplay destroys your player base. Requiring that people go to websites to hunt for the best meta tune, will completely destroy your player base especially when it looks like only 30% of GT players enjoy tuning.

The e-Sport racing scene would abandon GT instantly if they went that route.
80 people have voted. More than 80 people play GT.
If they used PP for the tuning races, you wouldn't need to hunt for a "meta tune".
On GT Sport, didn't you need to use the meta car too, to be competitive? Limited to one car per race per week. How exciting.
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Tuning is integral to Gran Turismo, however they should limit the races by PP and not HP and weight.

This week's Race B is a good example. I tuned the GTO, R8, and R32 to the max HP and min weights required, however the GTO's PP is 525, the R8's is 567 and the R32's is 589. Why would anyone drive anything BUT the R32?

Just cap the PP and let everyone "run what ya brung"
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Tuning is integral to Gran Turismo, however they should limit the races by PP and not HP and weight.

This week's Race B is a good example. I tuned the GTO, R8, and R32 to the max HP and min weights required, however the GTO's PP is 525, the R8's is 567 and the R32's is 589. Why would anyone drive anything BUT the R32?

Just cap the PP and let everyone "run what ya brung"
Sure, but it would always be META cars, as it was the Suzuki GSX-R/4 in the 500-550 PP range at GT6.
That's objectively just not true. Any barrier to accessible gameplay destroys your player base. Requiring that people go to websites to hunt for the best meta tune, will completely destroy your player base especially when it looks like only 30% of GT players enjoy tuning.

The e-Sport racing scene would abandon GT instantly if they went that route.
COD and Warzone blow a hole in that theory.
Sure, but it would always be META cars, as it was the Suzuki GSX-R/4 in the 500-550 PP range at GT6.
The PP system has been reworked, so you'd hope this wouldn't be so much of an issue althought obviously it's still possible. Still probably more options than the meta BoP cars in GT Sport
The PP system has been reworked, so you'd hope this wouldn't be so much of an issue althought obviously it's still possible. Still probably more options than the meta BoP cars in GT Sport
Right. I like the system, still waaaaaay better than the Nx00 system of GTS, where the 911 GT3-R would be META in several classes, and excluded all Gr. X cars, basically half os the game cars.
Always defended on discussions about GTS the return to PP system. The META cars weren't a issue of the system itself IMHO but some bad parameter on specific cars physics itself.
Sure, but it would always be META cars, as it was the Suzuki GSX-R/4 in the 500-550 PP range at GT6.
Take a look at the multiplayer lobbies right now. I just played all day on PP restricted rooms where there were plenty of varied cars.
Super GT latest video of online races showed he was racing against half a room of DR B drivers. That shows there isn’t enough people online to match against close DR. That says it all.
It should be only 1 of the daily races. 1 is tunable. 1 is non-race cars not unable and supplied. 1 should be non-tuneable race cars.
Super GT latest video of online races showed he was racing against half a room of DR B drivers. That shows there isn’t enough people online to match against close DR. That says it all.
Compared to what? In GTS you didn't have multiplayer alternatives that could take players from daily races. Also have the GTS as direct competition.
Other thing is some people may prefer to take the and to the game and the physics on career mode before dive head on on Sport Mode, after all, the game was out less than a week ago for most people.
Another factor can be the hour he raced. Not everyone is a youtuber for a living, and some times of the day it would happen the same thing on daily races, grids ranging almost from S to E.
They need to do SOMETHING to set this game apart from Sport, and right now tuning is about the only thing that does that.
I do like some of the ideas mentioned of having two races, one with BoP and one with tuning available. Seems like it would suit everyone that way

Ironically I really love how GT7 has that "Gran Turismo Sport: Director's Cut" feel.

Clearly it's not. There were significant improvements under the hood. But the menus make it seem like the same game.
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Gran Turismo Sport was a revelation to me. It's the first time I've ever found the multiplayer in a console sim to be actually enjoyable. Competitive, relatively clean racing between random people. There are lots of reasons why GT Sport succeeds in this where other games (e.g. older Gran Turismo games, the Forza games the F1 games) but one of the reasons is because it doesn't feature car upgrading. It's not just that having to constantly find the meta car and meta tune for each race is tedious, it's also that it's far harder to get good races when there is so much diversity of car performance. My desire to play this game long term hinges on them providing Daily Races that are oriented around racing, rather than having the right car.

I get how much people like the Car Pokémon thing. But it's a contradiction of what Sport Mode should be. It would be nice if they could support everyone's wishes, but if they're limited to just three races per week that's going to be tough because it's not just a case of 'Race A allows upgrading, Race B allows tuning, Race C is BoP'. They also need to support different types of race, like Endurance.
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GTS always had meta cars for any given race in sport mode, even after 4 years of tweaking the BOP. That’s where this argument falls flat on it’s face, it’s time to try something else.
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if it was true that tuning was bad for fair competitive racing
you wouldn't find it in every racing sim made,
and yes, I know sometimes tuning is disabled for some races
but that is generally only in beginner events
After spending some more time with this game, I'm going to change my view on this topic slightly. I'm 110% in on some races being fully tuning (mainly race a) and the others allowing setup at the least.

In GTS, my kryptonite car was the Ferrari 458 GT3. I could never lap with that car in a race with any consistency. I have more hours in that car than any other IG, but the damn thing ALWAYS wanted to kill me. And you could never deviate from the racing line or alter your inputs one iota, or the car would kill you. Snap oversteer, lift-off oversteer, exit understeer, this car did it all!!. If you put an @praiano63 tune in it, the car was good..... but with the standard BOP, it was atrocious.

Needless to say, it was the first car I bought in GT7, because I was curious to see if PD did any justice and altered the settings slightly. Lone and Behold..... It was even worse!!!!!! I spent about 30 minutes with it before I called it quits, and didn't touch it again till today for the Ferrari cup. In the mood to experiment a little, I went and purchased the fully adjustable suspension, all the aero bits, and the ballast weight.

Within 3 minutes (literally), I had a car that was on rails! All I did was put the entire load of ballast up front, give some downforce to the rear and lower the suspension. That was it!! Yes, I do know a tiny bit about tuning, but honestly... I didn't even use my knowledge. All I did was make my adjustments based on my PP rating going up or down, as well as the values on the left hand of the tuning menu screen that shows how neutral, understeery, oroversteery your car is. THAT WAS IT!!

There's some more time in that car for sure, and I'll be able to find it in due time when I play with the sliders a little more to see where my PP values end up. That, or I'll wait top see what Praiano does with it!!

PD has been very clever IMO with simplifying the tuning to the point to where its not so much of a black magic. If you tune based on your PP SLIDERS AND STEERING CHARACTERISTIC SLIDERS, you'll get 95% there with you car. The last 5% of performance will require a bit of time. I'll get there with the Differential settings and a couple other things

I do however think that at least one of the races should be BOP, no setup. That way people can jump right in and not have to worry about anything
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tuning is great to have on the dailies but PD needs to make the regulations better all around and rebalance the PP
Let me guess, you’re good at tuning and setups and enjoy winning against people who aren’t racing you on equal terms?
Your most likely right ppl with no actual skill love tuning in GT7 because tuning is so unrealistic like a GT40 going 379MPH full tuned that’s out of the realm of reality which makes GT7 a racing style RPG what makes a sim a sim is realism which GT7 lacks tons of like how the AI pits for you there’s no stop and go penalty for speeding in the pit lane etc.. realism is when you have to say pit the car yourself etc..
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At the end of the day you will always get people who want to go with the meta and for them a few credits and Google has you sorted, obviously PD is expecting people to use real cash to allow them to do this.
On the other hand you have people who want to do races in different cars, maybe take the worst car and see how good you can do. I used to run races using a roulette wheel to pick my car. So variety and choice has gone (unless you can spend, spend, spend)
Yes many proper sims are tuning and that works for them, but this isn't competing with iRacing, it's more a NFS competitor. Most people are using controllers and just want to race for an hour or so. This doesn't cater for them.
I liked tuning in old GT games when it was offline and I could muck about to get it right, but when racing against real people I just want BOP, maybe PP but not the need for serious tuning and I think I'm not alone.
if it was true that tuning was bad for fair competitive racing
you wouldn't find it in every racing sim made,
and yes, I know sometimes tuning is disabled for some races
but that is generally only in beginner events
Being one of those defending tuning in this thread, it isn't the same thing.

Usually racing sims have tuning available, but I think there is two questions here, one is people who don't like to tune cars, other thing is when you have to spend credits to upgrade cars, just to be in reach, then tune it to be competitive. Gran Turismo would be a grinding torture if each week you would have to realize which car would be META for the conditions and track, buy it, dump Cr. 300k and only then tune it.

Other things is having a Gr. 3 or Gr. 4 and allow tunes but not upgrades. That would be something similar to other racing sims.