Should there be a mode in GT which allows full access the all the cars immediately?

  • Thread starter phantomzm

Should there be an mode in GT which allows full access the all the cars immediately?

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Arcade mode should be just that,
jump in and go, with access to a wide range of cars.
ALL cars would be ridiculous for arcade mode, But at one from each manufacturer and covering most of their different models, i.e an RX7 or two, a Miata, couple of different skylines, Silvia, an M3, and M5, etc, etc
and some race models.
Simplified tuning options, Stock, power only, loose setup, grippy setup

As far as "grinding" goes,
I've only done enough licence tests to open up online racing, do a few seasonals, Senna and Goodwood and I consistently have 3-5mil in the bank
I haven't voted. I don't want it, and I think it harms the integrity of the game, but I do understand the limitations of the current game system, since I also don't have as much playing time available myself.

If it was what PD wanted, I'm sure they could implement it in a suitable fashion.. even if it was just on a menu screen that popped up when the game was loaded (much like the earlier games)...
I voted no, it would defeat the entire purpose of the game.

So what, exactly, is this singular entire singular purpose of GT and how would allowing people to drive the car of their choosing -perhaps only in one mode- either immediately or through a few tiered unlocks defeat it?

Speaking on my personal experience, I've unlocked the ability to drive whatever car I want six times now and doing so ceased to provide any amusement in and of itself after the third time at best. For me, the "purpose" of GT has always been to drive a host of cars, mainly street and street-based cars. Online racing was a fantastic secondary purpose. The collecting of cars was for sure never any goal of mine, simply a means to an end.
I propose trust fund mode.No work or effort required; simply sit on your lazy duffs and expect the world served on a silver platter ( work is for real people that have that elusive traight... reality in their lives).
When you work 10+ hours a day, look after small children when you get back home after the hour journey between your workplace and home and fed yourself and said small children, get back to us. I dare say your opinion on the matter will have changed ever so slightly.
It's amazing how narrow-minded some people are.
Having the Peugeot 908 LMP & the Subaru BRZ Super GT available from the start in arcade mode is OK, but having other LMPs & Super GTs available in arcade mode from the start somehow ruins the game, go figure.

I'm all for having options, options make the game fun to more people.
I haven't voted. I don't want it, and I think it harms the integrity of the game, but I do understand the limitations of the current game system, since I also don't have as much playing time available myself.

If it was what PD wanted, I'm sure they could implement it in a suitable fashion.. even if it was just on a menu screen that popped up when the game was loaded (much like the earlier games)...
If the game is designed properly, the availibility of all cars at some point would be seamless. In Career Mode you could choose your path, everything from starting in karts to econoboxes to sedans to saloon racing cars. Each could lead to a separate career where you have to earn everything you get just like traditional GT career mode. Any cars you acquire go into the GT Career Mode Garage and those are the only cars you can use in career mode.
If you go to Arcade or Test Drive Mode you can either use any car in the game from a menu selection, or your own garage.
If you go online, you can bring your own Career Mode garage + any other cars acquired in any other way + all cars are available in stock form from an online garage.

If it's done properly it's completely seamless and can only add to the game and it's life by removing barriers to accessing all the great cars in the game. Of course if you want to own a car and paint it or customize it or change it's performance you would still have to acquire it the old fashioned way through purchase, as a prize, pre-order bonus or whatever.

I can guarantee that spec racing online would absolutely take off if all cars were available, especially if hosts could designate multiple cars and set PP limits to semi-equalize performance. The options would be endless!

I can guarantee that spec racing online would absolutely take off if all cars were available, especially if hosts could designate multiple cars and set PP limits to semi-equalize performance. The options would be endless!

I would absolutely love that, been what I've wanted ever since seeing the "choose from garage" option in GT5 online.

I for one would have no problem even driving a car in an ugly color with a big "loaner tag" on it if that made them feel better about letting us have all the cars online. Online is where it seems to me it would be the the most contentious since you are competing against people who have spent the time to fill their garages. Having all of them available for arcade either immediately or after some token career progress(if they MUST require something) seems almost a no-brainer.

GT is ostensibly aware that it's fanbase has matured along with it - jokes about it's lack of maturing aside, of course. They ought to realize by now that with what is probably among the oldest - or at least the most broad - customer base of any console games involving any sort of action that they do have rather a lot of fans who only have an hour or two to play once or twice a week. Those people don't really have the time to grind for 1,000 cars, but many have been giving Kaz & Co. money for fifteen years and would like to keep doing so if they are given a game that they can enjoy.
I'd be really glad if the Arcade mode in future GT instalments used a system like the one in GT4, with at least a few hundred cars unlocked from the start and the ability to unlock more along the way. I value a sense of progression, but more than that, I value completeness, and I believe Arcade mode should allow the use of every car in the game in stock form from the beginning, for the sake of posterity.

However, from the developer's and publisher's perspectives, there may be less incentives to play the game when you already have access to everything. Perhaps we should try and convince them otherwise...
I don't think so. Earning money to buy cars is about the only thing that differentiates GT 6 from a tech demo...

But in GT 5, you could lend a car to a buddy or test drive car that you might not be able to afford. The cool thing about that is if you lived it then you had something to shoot for...

Making all the cars curtesy cars in arcade would also work...
I think they all should be available in Arcade mode but in GT mode they should be available as they are. You need to earn credits to buy the cars and only then can you modify them.

In online mode there should be an option to drive the stock version of any car you like.

I think Forza had it right there where they allow you to drive a car from a dealership in online races but requires you to purchase them to upgrade them.
I think it's good to have some expensive cars but 20 millions is definitely too high. It feels good to drive my 7.5 million Ferrari 250 SWB while the boys are all about stupid Veyrons. I worked hard for it and it's worthy every Cr. I'm saving for the GTO but its really too high.
I have no time to play GT6 religiously, and the little money I win with seasonal events and grinding I need it to buy new cars for new seasonals, like the last Spa race. So I'm always stuck at 6-7 millions.
Really, I'll never get to 20 millions for the GTO. And then what? I'll be broke, period. There is nothing new, interesting AND PROFITABLE to try.
Online races are the worst for this!

In the end, yeah, there should be a mode where you're able to try every-single-car. Exactly like in Forza Motorsport.

What is the point having all the cars immediately in GT mode it just make no sense. You should always in Gran Turismo start of with 20,000 credits then buy a car to win races and build up your credits and buy some cars as you go along and it makes the game fun to do that.
PD will never let you access any car you want because then they wouldn't have the opportunity to make money from microtransactions. Those days of driving any car you want, whenever you want, are gone.

No other game allows for this (Unless you enter some kind of code, or the equivalent these days, unlock it all with real money.), so why should GT be the exception?
When you have a job and no spare time it doesn't

I'd gladly pay for an "unlock everything" pass, you listening Kaz...?

Since GT1 there's been a generation of people that do have the time, and a generation that don't. I now fall in to the latter, but is it right to expect PD to evolve the game just to suit an ageing demographic, rather than offer the same experience to new younger players that we got when we started?

What are your thoughts on micro transactions?

Indifferent to be honest. To me it just doesn't make sense the way they've gone about it, and I don't really see it as any different to preorder bonuses. If PD want to milk us for money, just do paid DLC, I bet there's more people that would pay for DLC than there are that buy credits.
What is the point having all the cars immediately in GT mode it just make no sense.
All cars available from the start in arcade mode, not GT mode.
PD will never let you access any car you want because then they wouldn't have the opportunity to make money from microtransactions.
PD added the Red Bull events & login bonuses, those 2 things make microtransactions unneeded.
Even if all cars were available in arcade mode from the start one would still need to buy them if they want to customize the car and use it in career/online.
Those days of driving any car you want, whenever you want, are gone.
Apparently you don't play games other than GT.
Forza lets you drive any car at any track you want in arcade mode from the start, same goes for PGR, F1 & WRC.
Project Cars will also let players drive any car they want from the start, as well as set up custom races.

Those days of forcing people to play the game in a specific way are gone, options & customization is the way to go.
PD will never let you access any car you want because then they wouldn't have the opportunity to make money from microtransactions. Those days of driving any car you want, whenever you want, are gone.

No other game allows for this (Unless you enter some kind of code, or the equivalent these days, unlock it all with real money.), so why should GT be the exception?

What is the point having all the cars immediately in GT mode it just make no sense. You should always in Gran Turismo start of with 20,000 credits then buy a car to win races and build up your credits and buy some cars as you go along and it makes the game fun to do that.
Who said anything about GT mode??

The title of the thread is:
Should there be a mode in GT which allows full access to all the cars immediately?

In Forza there is a mode specifically for casual races, outside of career mode (or whatever it is called) and you can try ANY car in the game.
It's supposed to be the famous arcade mode. In Gran Turismo we have it...but with only a few cars. I want to be able to try them all in split screen with a friend or against the AI.

THEN if I like one in particular I buy it in GT mode.
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