Should U.S. attack Iraq and other countries for the war on terrorism?

  • Thread starter Alec
Originally posted by milefile
He doesn't have to. The U.S. is so enmeshed with the the middle east and especially Israel that almost anything that goes on there is "too close for comfort."

Solution: Pull out of Israel.
Originally posted by DGB454
Personally I hope we never pull out. As for Sadam I say just kill him and get it over with.

Here's my problem: Of course, no-one wants the United States government out of Israel, because we're nearly vital to Israel's military and day-to-day life. If there could be no consequences for the Israelis, I think it would be extremely wise of this country to pull out of Israel, as would most sensible Americans (and just about anybody from other countries). Of course, the problem is that the moment the United States cuts off funding for Israel (we have no troops in Israel, just supplies), Israel gets attacked. And after that, it won't be the Palestinians you'll see throwing the rocks. But is that truly a bad thing? Who made Israel solely this country's responsibility? Aside from tourists, other countries - even countries that pushed for a Jewish state fifty years ago give nothing to Israel! So why should we!? Especially if it means better relations with Arab countries and possible oil friends of the United States? It's a fair question. Was Israel worth 9/11, and the rest of our terrorism war, not to mention bad ties with just about every citizen east of Tunisia and west of India? Fair question.

PS - saw an interview on CNN not too long ago of a man who lived in Doha, Qatar, which is just north of Saudi Arabia. They asked him what he thought of America, and he said he thought they were friends of the Jews and that they were all Jewish. When asked if the president was Jewish, he replied with a simple 'yes.' When asked concerning the vice president, he gave the same response.
what, i am 100% against war, and i think wat a load of bollocks about u guys thinking terrorism comes from iraq,well BIG news it doesn't! Iraq is not that stupid, i am glad countries like Germany and France and Russia Oppose war.And it always seems like we get to own the nukes. I know there are alot of arguements to what i say, and plz take no offence to this. I am just expressing how angry i am for how suddenly Bush wanted a war with Iraq.
And how Britain is always aiding america when we should not be, Blair is an asswhole.
ok the jewish thing, we know hardly anything about thier culture, and they are not knowing much about ours, we nor them don't know much about eithers culture.
Originally posted by Meglomaniac
what, i am 100% against war, and i think wat a load of bollocks about u guys thinking terrorism comes from iraq,well BIG news it doesn't! Iraq is not that stupid, i am glad countries like Germany and France and Russia Oppose war.And it always seems like we get to own the nukes. I know there are alot of arguements to what i say, and plz take no offence to this. I am just expressing how angry i am for how suddenly Bush wanted a war with Iraq.
And how Britain is always aiding america when we should not be, Blair is an asswhole.
The only thing that offends me is your butchery of the language.
Originally posted by Meglomaniac
what, i am 100% against war, and i think wat a load of bollocks about u guys thinking terrorism comes from iraq,well BIG news it doesn't! Iraq is not that stupid, i am glad countries like Germany and France and Russia Oppose war.And it always seems like we get to own the nukes. I know there are alot of arguements to what i say, and plz take no offence to this. I am just expressing how angry i am for how suddenly Bush wanted a war with Iraq.
And how Britain is always aiding america when we should not be, Blair is an asswhole.

After reading this brilliant load of diatribe, I'm not surprised there's twelve rock on smilies in your signature that don't work.

Edit: Make that fifteen.
That - and all the crap going on at the moment. I'm sick of the posturing, the spin,the rhetoric, the puffery - there's going to be a war. The only unknown at this point is if Bush is going to go with or without UN approval - just cut to the chase already!
Originally posted by M5Power
Here's my problem: Of course, no-one wants the United States government out of Israel, because we're nearly vital to Israel's military and day-to-day life. If there could be no consequences for the Israelis, I think it would be extremely wise of this country to pull out of Israel, as would most sensible Americans (and just about anybody from other countries). Of course, the problem is that the moment the United States cuts off funding for Israel (we have no troops in Israel, just supplies), Israel gets attacked. And after that, it won't be the Palestinians you'll see throwing the rocks. But is that truly a bad thing? Who made Israel solely this country's responsibility? Aside from tourists, other countries - even countries that pushed for a Jewish state fifty years ago give nothing to Israel! So why should we!? Especially if it means better relations with Arab countries and possible oil friends of the United States? It's a fair question. Was Israel worth 9/11, and the rest of our terrorism war, not to mention bad ties with just about every citizen east of Tunisia and west of India? Fair question.

PS - saw an interview on CNN not too long ago of a man who lived in Doha, Qatar, which is just north of Saudi Arabia. They asked him what he thought of America, and he said he thought they were friends of the Jews and that they were all Jewish. When asked if the president was Jewish, he replied with a simple 'yes.' When asked concerning the vice president, he gave the same response.

Ok let's pull out of Isreal and cut off all aid to them. While we are at it let's pull all aid from any other country we give aid to. After all what do we care about the rest of the world. Let them starve and die of some disease. Let suicide bombers walk into crowded markets and kill innocent people.(they aren't just throwing rocks) Let's become an Island where nothing comes in and nothing goes out unless we somehow profit from it.
I'm in.... Screw the rest of the world. Who needs em..

One more thing. I for one am not that anxious for the U.S. to become friends with Arab nations. I simply don't trust their nations as they are now. I have my reasons that I can't go into in this forum.
Originally posted by DGB454
Ok let's pull out of Isreal and cut off all aid to them. While we are at it let's pull all aid from any other country we give aid to. After all what do we care about the rest of the world. Let them starve and die of some disease. Let suicide bombers walk into crowded markets and kill innocent people.(they aren't just throwing rocks) Let's become an Island where nothing comes in and nothing goes out unless we somehow profit from it.
I'm in.... Screw the rest of the world. Who needs em..

One more thing. I for one am not that anxious for the U.S. to become friends with Arab nations. I simply don't trust their nations as they are now. I have my reasons that I can't go into in this forum.
There's the Christian spirit!
Originally posted by DGB454
Let them starve and die of some disease,.................... Let suicide bombers walk into crowded markets and kill innocent people.(they aren't just throwing rocks),.......................

Thats the Christian spirit

LOL,... all we need now is a big-ass cross, couple hundered rifles, catapult, and dead bodies infected with small pox. We can take em out in the good ol' name of Jesus Christ,.... just like the genecide that was committed when the native american's were wiped out during the christian's march toward enlightenment:D

BAH,.... we killed 25 million natives (95% of the population) during that on-slaught, I doubt the entire middle east has that many people to "ENLIGHTEN".:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Originally posted by vat_man
There's the Christian spirit!

I actually agree with much of what DGB454 said. Why does this country need to help out all the other countries in despair when other first-world countries (Britain & Australia) help out to a much lower degree?
Originally posted by DGB454
Personally I hope we never pull out. As for Sadam I say just kill him and get it over with.

You do know that if we rid the world of Sadam Hussein(sp.?), then we'll have to do the same with his two sons, since they're worse than he is, right?
Originally posted by DGB454
Ok let's pull out of Isreal and cut off all aid to them. While we are at it let's pull all aid from any other country we give aid to. After all what do we care about the rest of the world. Let them starve and die of some disease. Let suicide bombers walk into crowded markets and kill innocent people.(they aren't just throwing rocks) Let's become an Island where nothing comes in and nothing goes out unless we somehow profit from it.
I'm in.... Screw the rest of the world. Who needs em..

One more thing. I for one am not that anxious for the U.S. to become friends with Arab nations. I simply don't trust their nations as they are now. I have my reasons that I can't go into in this forum.

So you want the US to be the next Swizterland?
Originally posted by vat_man
There's the Christian spirit!

I was being sarcastic....Have you ever heard sarcasim before?

Do I really need to explain this?
Ok here goes for those who don't get it.

I believe just the opposite. Don't pull out of the rest of the world or from Isreal either. Continue to give aid where it's needed.

Originally posted by M5Power
I actually agree with much of what DGB454 said. Why does this country need to help out all the other countries in despair when other first-world countries (Britain & Australia) help out to a much lower degree?
Yeah, welcome to conservative governments playing the race card (well, not overtly, anyway - but figure out why the redneck party that sprung up and snatched 10% of the vote 6 years suddenly disappeared off the radar as the incumbent government headed further right).
Originally posted by DGB454
Well that's at least one thing that impresses me so far.

Well, I'm glad - we can't have you completley unimpressed now, can we?

Just on another point - does Bush seem to be one of the most divisive Presidents of late? It's hard to get a feel for things in the US from here, but just going on the level of debate in Australia, and from what I've been able to pick up, nobody seems to be neutral about him.
Originally posted by vat_man
It's hard to get a feel for things in the US from here, but just going on the level of debate in Australia, and from what I've been able to pick up, nobody seems to be neutral about him.
I'm neutral about him (I don't support the war or the economy, but his homeland policies are fair and upon reading up about his tax plan, it's fair too). So you can say you know at least one!