Originally posted by M5Power
I can't think of a president in my lifetime that hasn't been truly divisive, though.... maybe with the exception of Ron Reagan, who was everybody's president...
Originally posted by vat_man
It's hard to get a feel for things in the US from here, but just going on the level of debate in Australia, and from what I've been able to pick up, nobody seems to be neutral about him.
Originally posted by risingson77
I've always thought him too war-happy, and it seems like I'm in good company.
Of course, I may be a touch biased myself.![]()
Originally posted by milefile
Are you ****ing serious?
Originally posted by freerider
Maybe someone should inspect the U.S. for weapon of mass destruction. It's only fair. Who is the U.S. to decide who is a terrorrist and who isn't. The CIA has been conducting state-sponsored terrorist acts and assasinations since the end of WW2. Who do you think invented CRACK. The CIA invented it to help extract intel from prisoners, but needed real-world testing, so it was distributed on the streets of L.A.and now look at it. The war on terrorism is like the war on drugs you can't win it you can only limit the damage. There are terrorist cells all over the world(including the U.S.). The U.S. shouldn't whine to much about Bin Laden they trained him and supplied him with kit against the Russians. The U.S. tries to often to play both ends against the middle and expect to come out on top. I find it funny how the U.S. will notwade into conflicts where they have nothing to gain(Former Yugoslavia, Israel, East Timor, Rwanda,etc) if you know the truth of why the U.S. tried to arrest Addids men in Somalia was not because they were stealing food shipment it was because there were rumours of Al-Qeida members present in Mog.
Originally posted by TAFJonathan
His comment was in response to mine of, "Why shouldn't Iraq have WMD's?"
Well, why shouldn't they? Iraq has never attacked us. We have WMD's. Why shouldn't they? In fact, we've killed more people using "weapons of mass destruction" than they have.
Furthermore, when they DID use chemical weapons in the Iran-Iraq war, guess who was providing the satellite targeting data! Yes, Saddam was our good buddy back then.
I don't think anyone should have WMD's. But I don't think it's our right to just go in and take them from another country without ANY evidence to show that they are planning on using them in an attack against us or our allies.
Originally posted by DGB454
I don't tend to think of him as war happy. I think of him as wanting to protect the U.S. before 9/11 happens all over again.
Seems like people have forgotten about 9/11.
Originally posted by TAFJonathan
His comment was in response to mine of, "Why shouldn't Iraq have WMD's?"
Well, why shouldn't they? Iraq has never attacked us.
Originally posted by M5Power
On the day of September 11, I would've supported the president in attacking just about any country he wanted. But I've come to my senses and not let emotion take so much control since then. You call it forgetting, I call it logic. [/B]
Originally posted by DGB454
You forgot about the rest of my quote. We lead the coalition against Iraq in Desert Storm. Do you think he has forgotten that?
Attack him before he attacks us.
Originally posted by DGB454
Your right ..he's just a good ole boy. Never mean'n no harm...What was I thinking?
Ya know this whole thing can be avoided if he would just cooperate and show us the destroyed weapons. Why doesn't he just do that if he is telling the truth and doesn't have them any longer? It's as if he want's to go to war.
Originally posted by DGB454
Ya know this whole thing can be avoided if he would just cooperate and show us the destroyed weapons. Why doesn't he just do that if he is telling the truth and doesn't have them any longer? It's as if he want's to go to war.
Originally posted by M5Power
Well how come this country keeps secrets that we do? For years, the government denied the existence of Area 51 despite the fact that you could actually see it from about a mile away. Totally absurd.
Side note... did you guys know that the workers at Area 51 go to work by parking their cars in a large car park in McCarran Airport in Vegas and get on a 737 into the desert? Weird.
Originally posted by milefile
But if a thousand-times-more-powerfull-country and most of it's allies were demanding us to get rid of WMD I'd like to think that our leader wouldn't walk us right off a cliff like Saddam will do to Iraq.
Proof schmoof.Originally posted by M5Power
So the question still remains...
Maybe he's got them, but I'm an average citizen - and my government hasn't conclusively proven so.
Originally posted by M5Power
Seriously? I believe Saddam has the weapons and should be ousted. Realistically? I'm never going to support a war which the government hasn't proven necessary.
Iraq attacked Kuwait in 1991 when Iraq was unprovoked. How are we any different untill there's proof?
Originally posted by M5Power
Yeah, but we do want to kill enough Arabs to fill Israel, get rid of a government for which there is no proof of resistance, and take out a man who's done nothing but good for his country (I might get called on that one...)
Originally posted by M5Power
...a man who's done nothing but good for his country (I might get called on that one...)
Originally posted by M5Power
So the question still remains...
Maybe he's got them, but I'm an average citizen - and my government hasn't conclusively proven so.
Originally posted by TAFJonathan
You really confuse me. I can't find any continuous political beliefs in your posts. First you attack me for being blindly liberal, and occasionally spout off some pretty right-wing sentiments. Then you come back and argue a very liberal point of view. What ARE your beliefs!?
Originally posted by TAFJonathan
You really confuse me. I can't find any continuous political beliefs in your posts. First you attack me for being blindly liberal, and occasionally spout off some pretty right-wing sentiments. Then you come back and argue a very liberal point of view. What ARE your beliefs!?