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  • Thread starter McLaren
My wife scored some good Black Friday sales on Instant Pot wares. It was virtually a buy the pressure cooker, get the air fryer free.

Old pressure cooker (8qt) left, new (10qt) right:


Old air fryer left, new right:


Edit: Just finished installing these, too:

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Now that my mailbox is done being bombarded with ebay packages, here's what I've added to my collection.


First up, GameCube stuff. I finally pulled the trigger on a CIB copy of Animal Crossing last month, only to find another a few days later at Half-Price Books for, coincidently, half the ebay price. I couldn't return it since it was already shipped, so I just ended up with 2 copies...technically 3, since my mom told me she'd bought me a copy for Christmas. Next is Bloody Roar: Primal Fury, AKA Virtua Fighter for furries. I became interested after watching a few YouTube videos about the series, and managed to find a good deal. It's pretty cool, though for someone who's only fighting game experience is Smash Bros Brawl many moons ago, the AI absolutely demolishes me :lol:. American Pro Trucker was a flea market find. It's just an arcade port that released on every system of the time (including the Dreamcast!), but it seems like good fast-paced fun. The last two are more japanese titles, Dobotsu no mori e+ (japanese version of the US Animal Crossing with a few exclusive features) and Wario World which has the far superior box art and a better final boss than the US release.


Haven't found much in the way of new PS2 games, but these few were still nice pick ups. TXR was a Goodwill find, and I've sunk many hours into it, even though it can be really unfair and a bit repetitive. GT3 was another Goodwill find, though I already have 2 examples of it already (one Greatest Hits, the other black label), but this one is the exclusive pack-in version that uses the japanese box art. Nothing different game-wise, but it's interesting they went to the trouble of changing the boxes. The two loose Sly discs came from the same place as American Pro Trucker, and I figured since they were cheap I could just buy cases on ebay later. Of course, not long after I found a CIB copy of Sly 3, so I'll probably keep whichever disc is in better shape and decide what to do with the other.


Along with an interest in GameCube, I've also caught the bug for PSX stuff. I went back and forth on whether I wanted a Japanese PSX or PS2 for a while; on one hand, I love the design of the PSX more and it gives the ""authentic"" experience playing games on the original hardware, but the PS2 is more reliable and would open up its own massive library as well. I leamed towards the former on account of having a US PS2 already, and found this example on Goodwill e-commerce site, of all places. It's an SCPH-5000, which I believe was the last revision to include the AV outputs, something else I wanted. The system also seems to be modded as it booted an English BiOS, and I can confirm it plays both US and Japanese titles just fine. Speaking of which...


Ever since I found out about PSX long-boxes I've wanted to have a few. I really like the form factor, and it's a shame it was a weird one-off that only happened early in the system's life. A-Train was my first, and it's a pretty dry simulation game, but if nothing else it has gorgeous artwork. Jumping Flash has been on my radar for a while, and I'm excited to give it a go later (also looking to eventually add its 2 sequels). Blazing Dragons is a point and click adventure with some involvement from Monty Python alumni, so I'm hoping the humor will be right up my alley. Sim City 2000 makes a nice complement to A-Train that I want to try with a PS Mouse if I ever get one (shame so many games didn't utilize that peripheral). And, of course, I don't think GT2 needs any introduction. I've been curious about the Japanese version for a while, and now I finally have an excuse to play it.
@Aerocoupe Jumping Flash was the one game on PlayStation I played the most. It was excellent.

If you can find Kings Field for your PSX I can recommend it. I played the Japanese Release back in the day and it’s brilliant if you like games made by From Software. Basically a First Person Bloodborn.
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I bought, not more than a week ago, 10 certified KN95 facial masks. I have 13 in total so far.
I work in a grocery store. I wear one every day. With the level of stupidity in people these days, I can't afford to take any chances.

I got home from work a couple nights ago, and the XBox wouldn't start up. I had a dead power supply. So I had to run over to Gamestop real quick and spend $50 I didn't have so I could play video games. Because there's no way in hell I'm going through this life without my XBox.
I also purchased a box full of vinyl examination gloves without powder. No for protection against SARS-CoV2 but to protect my skin/hands against disinfectant gel.

Don't laugh.

Couple of things happened in my life recently:

I bought my first house:

And I had to get rid of my 2020 Camaro LT1 for something that has better resale value:


2021 Colorado ZR2 Diesel.

4 years ago I had no credit and $1000 bucks to my name. I'm proud of what I have achieved so far in a short span of time.
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Picked up a new Microplane as our cheapo grater from when we moved in had gone bust. I decided as it gets abuse when I’m cooking I wanted something a little more hardy.


also picked a new De Buyer 28cm frying pan. I currently have my cast iron pan which is smaller about 20cm and I have a 28cm Stellar 7000 series pan but it’s none stick coated which I’m trying to get away from.

Wasn't expecting to get a Christmas bonus this year, but ended up getting a small one... so I decided to splurge on some games I've been meaning to pick up:


And although I don't have a PS5, I decided to grab a DualSense to use on PC while I was at it...


Altogether, it was about $190 after taxes... not too shabby.
Couple of things happened in my life recently:

I bought my first house:
View attachment 979219
And I had to get rid of my 2020 Camaro LT1 for something that has better resale value:

View attachment 979220

2021 Colorado ZR2 Diesel.

4 years ago I had no credit and $1000 bucks to my name. I'm proud of what I have achieved so far in a short span of time.

Congratulations @dice1998 that is one heck of an accomplishment.
Kind of a big day today.

More Betty and Veronica digital comics.

Shorts and movies from Rifftrax including "It's a Wonderful Life", one of the most famous Christmas movies ever. It was in the public domain for years, then it wasn't, but it sort of still is. Only a very small part of the movie is under copyright. Take those parts out, and you still have an hour and 46 minutes of public domain movie left.

I got some music, too. I bought everything by the artist Senseless Optimism on Bandcamp. She's a multiinstrumentalist who creates beautiful dreamy bedroom pop.

Finally pulled the trigger on these two effects pedals from Danelectro, the Breakdown and Eisenhower Fuzz. Really looking forward to putting these inbetween my Dano Pro guitar and Epiphone Valve Junior amp. Sweetwater is having a sale on them right now. Normally $149, they're currently only $119.