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  • Thread starter McLaren

Nice! Just got a 10lb bag of the same stuff! Got a killer deal, $55 for 10 lbs. Should last a couple months. 👍

I just got the 16 flavor variety pack from I checked GNC and the Vitamin Shoppe and they didn't have them, so I guess it must be an online exclusive. GNC is hella expensive though. They wanted $112 for 10lbs, and almost $30 for 2lbs. Pako, your $55 was a killer deal indeed. Vitamin Shoppe had good prices, though. Only about 23 bucks for 2 lbs, which is cheaper than when you figure shipping costs.

Oh, I'm not ordering anything at all and have no plans on ordering a TV at the moment; I was just curious. I don't think I'd trust UPS with a 60 pounds somewhat fragile instrument of awesome.

I just imagined that when stores order TVs they are shipped much more safely to the store than they would be to your front door.

I got my new TV online from Cleveland Plasma and it was delivered in superb condition. The box looked better than boxes you see on the floor in BB and CC. They used SEKO Worldwide to ship it, who then forwarded it to SAIA Motor Freight to deliver it to my house. Nothing is more comical (and nerve-wracking) than watching a monstrous semi truck and trailer manuever through a small parking lot. Good thing the lot was almost empty. Anyway, the box was strapped on its own wooden palette and everything... It would've taken a lot for something to go wrong and damage the TV. UPS, FedEx, and DHL only handle small packages-- parcels. A TV will almost certainly be shipped as freight. Seeing as freight weighs anywhere from 70 to 15,000 pounds, it's not going to get tossed around like most parcels do. :)
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thanks for the comments everyone :) I noticed the Honda logos were crooked after I posted the picture up and had corrected it because I'm OCD about things like that too. I put a power strip behind the wheels and got all of the cords together in one spot instead of the random TV one hanging by itself. Not doing in-wall like I want because I'm buying a house soon so why bother. Here's one with all of the H's straight :D

Do I spy a Dreamcast?

OMG did you just say Dreamcast? Just bought one myself. I have my reasons.


I love it. I've played it so far more than my ps2 when I first got that.


Fits into my collection nicely, though changing disks is a doozy.

(Sorry for the crap pics...)
Also picked up a new set of sunnies, these bad boys are Harley-Davidson Iceman performance glasses... sounds fancier than they are. Scratch resistant glass and really comfortable.

OMG did you just say Dreamcast? Just bought one myself. I have my reasons.


I love it. I've played it so far more than my ps2 when I first got that.


Fits into my collection nicely, though changing disks is a doozy.

(Sorry for the crap pics...)

Holy Crap! You gotta TV set with rotating knobs! Haven't seen one of those in years!
Holy Crap! You gotta TV set with rotating knobs! Haven't seen one of those in years!

I barely remember having one with rotating knobs, let alone remember seeing one....You know, before long they'll start putting those back on them and making the LCDs curved to be retro.
I barely remember having one with rotating knobs, let alone remember seeing one....You know, before long they'll start putting those back on them and making the LCDs curved to be retro.

Don't give the companies ideas! I don't want to pay for something that looks old. :scared:
I barely remember having one with rotating knobs, let alone remember seeing one....You know, before long they'll start putting those back on them and making the LCDs curved to be retro.

I had one, too. I was 12. First personal TV set I ever had. It had rotating knobs across the bottom so you could change the color, contrast, horizontal hold, vertical hold, etc. A lot of great memories with that set.

I just loved the rotating knobs on the bottom. It was great to have while trying to watch dirty movies from Select or On TV. You could find the UHF channel they used to broadcast them on, and they would alternate the horizontal hold to the picture, so you couldn't watch it, and I would be able to shift it on the fly with the rotating horizontal knob. Yep, a lot of great memories with that set.

I should have kept that set, as a keepsake. I still have the first one I purchased myself, when I first lived on my own. Was in the boys room, until I got them a decent one. Still works today, but never use it. It has digital buttons and a remote. Fancy stuff for 1987.
But it's winter......


Indeed, i live in Australia so its actually summer!!

However we dont have a winter really anyway.. so they good for all year round. Besides they are polarized to help with glare. Fit nicely too i might add.
I just bought a serpentine belt for my car, which just crapped out again.

Napa wanted $43 for it. All I could do was stare at the guy for like 5 seconds and say, "$43? are you sure you got the decimal in the right place?"

i left there in a fast hurry at went over to Schuck's to get it for $21.
Just so everyone is clear on this, I know that it is summer in the southern hemisphere!

It is?

*takes off shorts*
Being abit of a surfing hotspot, there's still plenty of people in shorts in Swansea. I wouldn't be cold either TBH, but it just doesn't seem right...
All of your Dreamcasts are worth nothing without Project Justice to play.

And I have a copy. :D
I bought these two for my son as gifts for Christmas. It's a great excuse to buy things I want to play also! It's too bad that we he has to wait until Christmas morning to play them :)


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