Happy birthday, Mrs. FK!
Her birthday isn't until the 20th, but as Best Buy's deal this week was $50 cheaper than the Newegg price for the same (or near same) laptop and the bundle with the hard drive knocked $50 off of it this deal basically saved $100. So, we went ahead and bought it with our tax refund money, which will be refilled when her birthday actually arrives.
She was basically just asking everyone to give her money for her birthday so she could buy a laptop. So, now if she gets more than enough to cover it she just has bonus cash.
Her requirements were: WiFi, can load Facebook, can run Sims 3.
I added: Reliable brand, can run Starcraft 2 when it comes out.
Honestly, I think she just wanted a way to use Facebook while I played on my PS3 in the living room (the desktop is in the bedroom).
Anyway the basic stats are AMD X2 dual core (clocked at 2.0ghz), 3GB RAM, 250GB HDD.
Since my TV has a PC monitor plug I fully intend to take advantage of connecting the laptop to my TV and then using my wireless mouse and keyboard for Rollercoaster Tycoon and Starcraft.
And fortunately the external HDD was already pre-formatted to Fat 32 so I just plugged it in to my PS3 and began copying over any media I didn't want on my PS3's internal drive. I managed to save over a gig. Tonight I will do a system backup. After that I just need to get my internal HDD for the PS3. Considering I just bought myself some time and space on the necessity for that it may be June (my birthday) before I do it now.
I must say though, I am amazed at how cheap moderately decent Windows-based laptops run these days. The only thing over $1,000 we saw were Macs.