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  • Thread starter McLaren
When are you going to play something on you computer, and not use it as a benching station?

:lol: I totally hear ya. I don't know man, benching is so much fun....and addictive. The rush is unreal. I would compare it to those that get gambling rushes. Honestly, I feel like I'm gambling with a $1000 processor every time I bench....., oh wait. :nervous:

I did play a little Warhead and Fear 2 on it. :D I can almost average 60 FPS everything maxed at 1920x1200. Remember the goal with the 3 8800gtx's :) I think I'm finally there.


I'm totally sucking at the demo to, I'll go through some of the missions to get used to the controls. If I'm online Monday, look me up. My wife is due any day now... She was 50% thinned out on Monday, so the doc said to keep the bags packed. :nervous::scared::):crazy::sly::ouch: :guilty: 👍:D
I just scored some generic headlight bulbs for $6.90 a set. YUP. My light went out yesterday. I don't care if these things only last me a couple months because I could get 4 sets and still pay less than 1 set of Sylvania Silver Star bulbs, which have only lasted me a year now.

Also, this, for only $30 total:

I wondered about that short shifter for quite awhile now. Retail price for my car is 60 dollars USD. I wouldn't know if I need it now though
It is actually my wife's birthday present from everyone, but don't think for a second that I didn't just find an excuse to get Starcraft 2.

Oh, and the hard drive was in a Best Buy bundle deal for $50 off when bought with the laptop, so I got it for use on my PS3.

As I get older, I seem to be slipping a little behind the times with games... only just got my hands on these two...

Happy birthday, Mrs. FK! :cheers:
Her birthday isn't until the 20th, but as Best Buy's deal this week was $50 cheaper than the Newegg price for the same (or near same) laptop and the bundle with the hard drive knocked $50 off of it this deal basically saved $100. So, we went ahead and bought it with our tax refund money, which will be refilled when her birthday actually arrives.

She was basically just asking everyone to give her money for her birthday so she could buy a laptop. So, now if she gets more than enough to cover it she just has bonus cash.

Her requirements were: WiFi, can load Facebook, can run Sims 3.
I added: Reliable brand, can run Starcraft 2 when it comes out.

Honestly, I think she just wanted a way to use Facebook while I played on my PS3 in the living room (the desktop is in the bedroom).

Anyway the basic stats are AMD X2 dual core (clocked at 2.0ghz), 3GB RAM, 250GB HDD.

Since my TV has a PC monitor plug I fully intend to take advantage of connecting the laptop to my TV and then using my wireless mouse and keyboard for Rollercoaster Tycoon and Starcraft.

And fortunately the external HDD was already pre-formatted to Fat 32 so I just plugged it in to my PS3 and began copying over any media I didn't want on my PS3's internal drive. I managed to save over a gig. Tonight I will do a system backup. After that I just need to get my internal HDD for the PS3. Considering I just bought myself some time and space on the necessity for that it may be June (my birthday) before I do it now.

I must say though, I am amazed at how cheap moderately decent Windows-based laptops run these days. The only thing over $1,000 we saw were Macs.
Her birthday isn't until the 20th
My son's is the day before that. Are you going to Chuck E. Cheese's, too? *

*I have actually talked him into Red Lobster, if you can believe that. :lol:
Bought these last night. The headset was for Heather but I am not that impressed with it for $200.00. Doesnt sound like true surround sound at all. But it is very very comfortable so we will probably just get the Turtle Beach headset that is not surround sound. It will also save us $100.
Turtle Beach X4 5.1 surround sound headset

New router since our old Linksys is starting to die.
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My son's is the day before that. Are you going to Chuck E. Cheese's, too? *

*I have actually talked him into Red Lobster, if you can believe that. :lol:
Less mouse, more fire.

She loves our local Japanese Hibachi place.
Are those your baller photoshop skills I'm looking at?

Strait trippin!

Do you have to take the bed off for the pump? I helped my brother replace the pump on his ranger and the bed had to come off for it.

Most people drop the tank out, but I am doing like your brother and lifting the bed off.

Sandisk Sansa Clip 2GB MP3 player.
Unless you have a resoltuion that is way too large for your screen, the picture is bigger than the actual device ;)
Strait trippin!

Most people drop the tank out, but I am doing like your brother and lifting the bed off.

Good choice, It's something like six bolts for the whole bed on the Ranger, and probably very similar to your S10 [thats what you have right?] Anyways, as long as you have 2 extra buddies that are willing to help you out and lift it off everything should go smoothly. There will probably be a fair bit of dust near the tank so keep a vacuum handy to clean the surrounding area. Good luck!
Dust...I've got about a 1/2" of dried mud that I have to chip off to get to the bolts. ;)


I feel like I am spring cleaning for my vehicles. I just ordered a new sprocket for the R1.

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Today I got another great car racing game:


to pass the time until the GT5 arrive :D
I'm having a lot of online and offline fun with Grid on the PC. Too bad you have to race with damage off online because of the trolls.

Sandisk Sansa Clip 2GB MP3 player.
Unless you have a resoltuion that is way too large for your screen, the picture is bigger than the actual device ;)

Is it only a tad smaller than a ipod classic? Those things are supposed to be smaller. The scale is a inch too big height wise as the actual height is 2.1 inches.

Sandisk Sansa Clip 2GB MP3 player.
Unless you have a resoltuion that is way too large for your screen, the picture is bigger than the actual device ;)

Nice choice. Has much better audio quality than my iPod touch, despite the fact that I paid 1/50th (yes, 50th) for it compared to the iPod.

Sandisk Sansa Clip 2GB MP3 player.
Unless you have a resoltuion that is way too large for your screen, the picture is bigger than the actual device ;)

Is it as big of a piece of **** as the Stone, with the laggy menus, cheap feeling, ridiculously retarded design and laggy menus?

If not, I might get it.

Edit: And is it possible to remove the clip?
Is it as big of a piece of **** as the Stone, with the laggy menus, cheap feeling, ridiculously retarded design and laggy menus?

If not, I might get it.

Edit: And is it possible to remove the clip?

Clip just slides off the back and snaps back in when you slide it back into place. Sound quality, like I said, is pretty impressive. Menus are not laggy and I generally hate delay. It is made from plastic, but doesn't feel really cheap. Certainly better quality than a lot of other Mp3 players you can pick up for 10-20 bucks if you look around. Menus make sense and input is basic 4 directional pad with center button and a home button. Separate volume keys, lock switch is part of the power switch.

All around, I was pleasantly surprised with how good it was. Was bought to be used when I am doing active things, like long boarding or biking, so I wouldn't have to put my rather expensive iPod touch at risk.

I saw the GTI and between that and my inner love for little toy cars, I couldn't resist not buying it. And I figured I'd grab the Exige while I was at it.

bummer my PS3 died last week though , this game was pre-ordered , it came in today.Now I have to wait 2-4 weeks to play it now. :grumpy: