- 894
- Michigan US
- Steele_obsidion
- LinksTriforce
I want a professional Steering wheel, but at the same time i dont wanna spend the money on one and if im moving soon i might as well wait
Very good deal 👍
I guess we're not going to see you for a while! Enjoy![]()
Midnight showing opening night on IMAX!!!
Oh, for Watchmen, if you couldn't figure it out.
👍I just finished my online booking for the IMAX screening in Sydney on Thursday. Woo Hoo!
I know you've had a lot of experience with Falkens, so make sure to let me know how they compare. 👍![]()
Set of four, of course - 205/50/15
This is a first for me. I have seen first movie on a Saturday and on occasion a showing on the first Friday evening, but I have never done the midnight Thursday night thing. I better get free crap.
Set of four, of course - 205/50/15
I just want to clarify this is not an IMAX theater, like at the museum. This IMAX has yet to show an educational film other than James Cameron's Deep Sea 3-D. It has been showing The Dark Knight since it came out and before that has been things like Polar Express 3D every Christmas, Iron Man, Superman Returns in partial 3D (that was odd), etc.Unless it's a premier or the theater is doing a special event (which very few IMAX theaters do), then the only free crap you can expect to get is the loss of sleep and to watch a movie with a lot of hardcore fans.![]()
OK, I just checked out their Web site. They need an IMAX theater. And they show Lost every Wednesday night? On a big screen? And it is an adults-only environment with beer?I'm trying to talk myself into going to the midnight screening at the Alamo Drafthouse as they are planning a special event there...
You will notice my tickets are for reserved seats (the block boxes). Row K, Seats 15-18. The theater was already 2/3 sold, and they went on sale today.but there are sooo many crazy Watchmen fans here in Austin, there is talk already that people are going to be camping out days before hand to get the best seats, including Harry Knowles and his huge posse!
I got the Kevin Smith version of the ultimate hardcore fanboy review. But he likes Ben Affleck, so who knows?BTW: If you want to read a review of the film by perhaps the ultimate original comic book Watchmen fanboy, Harry finally busted loose with his thoughts from his early screening.
I went for TDK and 300 was on sale for $20.Both outstanding. 👍
I might have to fire up 300 again sometime soon.
Why can't we have cheap G25s here?
I've had my first PS3 SLIoD in the first 10mins or so.
Something of Death?
Care to share your final price? Been looking for some track tires. The Civic needs to start stretching its legs more.![]()
Set of four, of course - 205/50/15
Looks like tirerack has them for $92.
Well, if everyone wants me to, I will "show off my latest purchase" when it arrives...
...However, it should be noted that it is a mankini.![]()
Of course, it should also be noted those are pretty competition tires for street classes. And they don't last quite as long, pick up every nail and thing on the road, are noisy, have a harsh ride, and will follow every line in the road.
Count me in:
Count me in: