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  • Thread starter McLaren
Topped off my wife's phone.


Double minutes plus 200 bonus = 1000 minutes for $100, in addition to the 300+ minutes she didn't use from her initial 400. Obviously we don't use them very often, so I think she'll be set for a bit. đź‘Ť
I've got educational discounts with Apple, so I bought one of these:


Which came with a free iPod (not for me). When I got home and took everything out of my bag I had actually been given:


No, that's not showing the same iPod in 2 views. The girl at the desk actually gave me 2 8gb iPods. Since I'm a good person, I actually gave the second one back. They had my info regarding the purchase and discounts, so instead of worrying if they'd eventually catch me, I played the safe route and washed my hands clean of it.

Oh yeah, it was through my school's computer and book store. Not interested in my school pointing fingers at me for theft. I wouldn't risk my education for a lousy iPod, not to mention I have an 80gb and I'm getting a Phone within a year.

They were extremely grateful that I brought back their merch so gave me some free iTunes tracks in thanks. I almost said "That's okay, I steal music" for irony's sake.

Bought this album with the 10 free iTunes downloads:


If you've heard of the band Pavement, then check out this lineup if you don't know about it already. This Preston School of Industry stuff is hard to find normally, so I was happy to finally have copies of it.

I will probably fall asleep regretting doing the good thing though. Either all my good karma came back to me in the form of a free iPod and I blew it, or I just added a whole bunch more of it to my growing account up in the sky.
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Nice Purchase! How big was your student discount if you don't mind me asking? I'm looking into getting myself a Mac with some Student discount but as I'm not at college already I can't find out anything. I figure it would vary but any number is better than none.
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I figured they may have gone down but of course they didn't, still $10 a quart (when I went up to NH it was $7).

Kinda stupid because now I'm pretty much broke, and so are my parents, so I can't take care of my driveshaft shaking like hell again. It's $50 to get it balanced.
in about a week, i plan on makign a few major purchases, so when my next paycheck comes rolling around i will post tons of stuff! until tghen i can look at what everyone else is posting and dream
Yeah yeah... I know I already have vacuum mounts but these have some swivel action going on..... I've been told the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. Well I refuse to admit it dam it!


Don't worry. Ever see those pictures of the places with the engine in place of the fuselage and two cockpits where the engines are?

Someone asked if they were real
I said yes I think so

They thought I was serious :lol:

Bigger jack-asses have been made, Eric. ;)
i bought a fart bomb at the mini mart on mt street. i ding dong ditched and set it off. u should have seen the guys face!!!