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  • Thread starter McLaren
Comin out of inactivity for the past year or so! Here's my latest purchase :) Or rather pre-order... (The rest of the knife gets charged onto my account once the knife is released.)

My beloved Benchmade 477 3.5 Emissary. :embarrassed:


NEXTLEVELISM Deluxe Edition - DJ Fresh

Bought this from iTunes for a tenner, and there are some amazing tracks on this album. Not to everyone's tastes though, especially for those people older than me ;).
Got a pair of these (literally):

Very impressive. Best bang for the buck, I think. Only costs a tenner. Extraordinarily comfortable. Bass is extremely tight, great mids, nice shimmery highs. Has the same "color" to its sound as my HD650s. Ultra-low freq bass doesn't hit as hard because it's a smaller driver, but it is capable of the same grumble. Highs have a tendency to clip though. Only notice it on a couple of my songs, but it's obvious with lower bitrate, higher-compression files. If the highs are compressed in your file, they stick out like a sore thumb with these things.
Firetrap Monroe Lows. Again, mostly for comfort.

Quite like the darker shade of brown on this new pair.
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NEXTLEVELISM Deluxe Edition - DJ Fresh

Bought this from iTunes for a tenner, and there are some amazing tracks on this album. Not to everyone's tastes though, especially for those people older than me ;).
I found this to be his worst album yet, still though. It's not like he could reach the heights of 'Escape from planet monday' ever again.

I found this to be his worst album yet, still though. It's not like he could reach the heights of 'Escape from planet monday' ever again.
I can't say I've listened to his other albums
. I got this album as I was browsing iTunes just to see if there was anything decent out, when I saw this one. It reminded me of his singles 'Louder', 'The Power' and 'Hot Right Now', of which I loved hearing about two years ago in the clubs on holiday in Cyprus.
I then listened to the samples of the songs, the huge majority of which I liked (the live versions on this edition are very good as well ;)) which then persuaded me to purchase the album.

If his older album(s) are better than this one, then I'm definitely going to have to look into getting them 👍.
Got my first ever smart phone...
Nokia Lumia 521 at Best Buy for $70.

An upgrade from this.

Where I somehow manged to get pass the lock and start dialing numbers, accessing the internet, and even save gibberish contacts out of symbols all in my pocket. :lol:
Bought a docking station for my phone earlier today, as it means I can listen to my music while hotlapping on GT6 or banging in goals on FIFA 14.


It's a Sandstrom SPDBT1612 (obviously:sly:), which I bought from Curry's for £48. I didn't wan't an expensive one as I can't justify spending more than £100 on a dock. One station from Beats by dre cost £319! :crazy:

Someone like me will rarely listen to music on a dock at too high a volume as I live in a house with other adults and kids, so I don't wan't to annoy them, therefore I can't review the product at loud volume yet. I listened to my music on the dock in-store, and this was my favourite in terms of audio quality within my price range.
When it comes to audio quality, my main concern is bass quality. This is mainly because I listen to a lot of bass heavy music such as drum and bass, dubstep, grime, hip-hop etc. The bass is very heavy on this dock, especially for one of this little size without becoming overpowering. When it comes to vocals, as long as I can recognise who is singing I'm not too bothered, and the high pitched sounds seemed fine to my ears 👍

I'm very happy with it to put it shortly! I just can't wait to get the house to myself and listen to my music at a high volume!
How is it? I think this was recently on PS+ for the Vita but I never got it. Did I make the wrong choice? :scared:
Well, this is my second time buying it, I had it on PS3 too! It's a fantastic game, very challenging. Not sure if the Vita version is up to scratch...
How is it? I think this was recently on PS+ for the Vita but I never got it. Did I make the wrong choice? :scared:
I picked it up on the Steam sale last summer for the kids. I've been pleasantly surprised the couple of times I've played it. 👍
Haven't posted here in a long time but my latest purchase was the E-3lue E-sport Cobra II Mazer wireless mouse for £16.80. Arrived yesterday and haven't got much use out of it so far due to the PC I bought it for messing up but so far I like it. It feels nice and big in your hand and also has a nice weight to it. Best example I can find in my head would be a comparison between a Galaxy mini and a iPhone, the iPhone feels heavier ans sturdier compared to the Galaxy mini. That's how this mouse feels compared to the one I had previous.

My very first bowling ball! The Strike King in Red/Blue Pearl. I got mine with custom drilled and fitted electric blue fingertip inserts and factory white thumb insert.


A BSI Solar II Tote Bag.


A pair of Brunswick shoes.


And a microfiber Brunswick Grip-Sack. (Used to pull moisture from your hand and coats it in a very fine powder to aid in smooth releases)

Upsides: Ya can't break a Nokia ;)

This is true, I dropped my Nokia 520 on the way to school in a 5cm deep mud puddle, the battery and cover came off and the thing flooded with water. I was running late so I just put it all together (wet and all) and carried on. It worked fine through out the day and around 4 hours later I took it apart to let the water that was still inside dry.
Only $14.88 per flat and free delivery with Amazon Prime. That is $1.24 a can.

If your lucky if you can find it in the store for about $2.00 a can.

If it is money you want to save, try fresh.

It will also taste better, and be healthier. Besides, you can't fry or barbecue canned chicken.

That said, there are some dishes where I find myself shredding or chopping cooked chicken, wishing I could just open a can.
@FoolKiller it is more for the convenience. I will post in the what I use it for in the what are you eating thread. I doubt you will like that very much either.