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  • Thread starter McLaren

It just started raining pretty bad so I'm going to have to change one of my pan gaskets and the transmission gasket tomorrow. They had to order another transmission gasket so i'll pick it up around 6:00pm, and while I'm there I'll probably buy a quart of oil (it's tad low because of the pan gasket leak)

Sorry about the blurriness by the way. My camera usually doesn't do that.

Just downloaded the full album from iTunes, after listening to the title track on YouTube... kicks some serious butt, this album :D
Decided while I'm waiting for GT5 to arrive, I should stock up on the other releases.


Also bought a new DS2, seeing as my first one died after 4 years of use and a copy of GT4 for a friend I'm introducing GT to :D
Well I needed some new bedroom furniture so went to a local Antique/Second Hand dealer and picked me up some fine things. First up is a set of draws, a very nice set indeed.


And to go with the old is new theme, I got rid of my horible cheap and nasty desk and got myself this...


probably not the usual items to show up here, but they are new so to speak, ohh and the speaker stands are new too. 👍
Bollé Dip

Needed some new shades and these were on sale. I've loved every pair of Bollé shades and goggles I've owned, so I stick with the brand.
And to go with the old is new theme, I got rid of my horible cheap and nasty desk and got myself this...


probably not the usual items to show up here, but they are new so to speak, ohh and the speaker stands are new too. 👍

Tasty desk and draws 👍
Rue how much did you pay for that? Do you like it? I'm thinking of buying a set up like that so any info you can throw my way will be apperciated.
Strangley enough they're all made like that :lol:
I dont think Vettel would put up much of a fight, the poor blighter :D

New book, ordered on the day it was released and arrived today... read the first few pages at work, but bought it on the recommendation of one of Amazon's top reviewers, Stephen A. Haines, who also recommended me Daniel C. Dennett's "Darwin's Dangerous Idea" and Richard Dawkins' "The Selfish Gene".

The quote in my signature is from the Prologue to the book, and you can read Stephen's review of the book at Amazon by clicking the "Ken Miller" link in the sig too.

Ken Miller is a hero of mine - key witness in the Dover trial, his testimony all but destroyed the reputation of the key Creationist "scientist", Michael Behe - author of "Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution" (a book I also own!). Miller is also a Christian, and puts paid to the myth that Evolution Theory is somehow the preserve of the atheist.

I also recently bought "The Ancestor's Tale" by Richard Dawkins, and plan to read both that and this new book in tandem. Funnily enough, with books titled "Only A Theory", "Darwin's Dangerous Idea", "God, The Devil and Darwin" (by Niall Shanks) and "The Biochemical Challenge To Evolution" on my bookshelf, I have already been asked if I am a Creationist by one work colleague :lol:
The best peanuts I've ever had!


This is savory, salty, sweet with a kick. Ripened red jalapenos are smoke-dried and ground into a fine powdered spice known as chipotle. With origins deep in Mexican cuisine, this spice is milder than fresh jalapeños, but still provides a bit of a burn. Combined with sugar and salt, it's cacahuates with a kick!

And because my non black eye is jealous I thought I'd pick one of these up for the team.



...and a bunch of associated cables, etc. that are too boring to show. I didn't show the FiOS HD-DVR because I'm technically only renting it.