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  • Thread starter McLaren
Re: mancaves
Once I get a house and married and stuff, I'm dedicating the smallest bedroom to my mancave. The walls will be red and i'll have a giant ass 360 degree view of the Chaparral museum on the wall.

In white.
Got this:


It was between that and a Roku 3. But I really don't care about the million channels. And so far with the Chromecast, it's been great. Streams everything without much problem. Casting via Chrome is a little weird but it's in beta.
@Mike Rotch - A 7" phone phablet?!?
Haha, I know what you are getting at.




This is purely for travel purposes and doing the rounds with me on the weekend to cafes. I like to have my own 4G connection rather than use free wifi (security phobia) :)

I've also since ordered a 32GB micro sim -> sorted for hand selected entertainment for next months long haul flight to SA 👍.
This is purely for travel purposes and doing the rounds with me on the weekend to cafes. I like to have my own 4G connection rather than use free wifi (security phobia) :)

There's that plus speed, my 4g phone's internet is around 10 times quicker than my home internet connection nevermind free wifi.

@Pako floor came up really nice. 👍

Anyhow my three latest purchases. :grumpy:




Also some various brushes, rollers and other bits and bobs required for prep.
Can't say I'm enjoying myself, also looks like more paint is going to be needed.
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Been wanting to get one for a while whilst in runout and now that my Galaxy 1 refuses to run or upgrade certain apps due to its ancient version of Android,

I have Cyangenmod 4.2 on my Galaxy S IG9001, its actually pretty good. Had to put it on pretty damn quick when my stock ROM went haywire for some reason and wouldn't do anything. Since the custom ROM has been on it, its been mostly painless.

I almost could just not get a new phone for several more years, that is, if the camera wasn't showing its age now... But I will wait. And wait....
The slightly awkward looking tickets to Mat Zo, Above & Beyond, and Porter Robinson live in Ottawa next month. It'll be my first time going to such a massive EDM concert, hopefully I'll survive to tell the tale:lol:

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A period map of the battle fields of the D-Day invasion plus a modern counterpart for comparison.


A 1:64 scale model as close as I could get to my real car. It's made by AutoArt and I had to order it from Japan, making it possibly the most expensive Hot Wheels-style car ever! Well, for me anyway.

All needed for next week's road trip with my son across the entire D-Day region.

PS. I'll mainly be using the Sat Nav, just don't tell him that.
After my party on saturday's my Logitech's decided to kill themselfes and so I needed a replacement. Decided to get something a little "better" than the plastic cans that are Logitech, so I got the Edifier C3

I really like how the floor turned out. View attachment 204827
I'll install some trim then put the man cave back together. Yaaaay!
Turned out excellent!!

I hopefully had my last MAJOR visit to Home depot for my Garage, house, and yard projects this year.

(7) gutter pieces (barely visible in top of pic)
(3) 4x4 treated boards
(2) 2 J channels for siding
(1) 12' trim board
(1) INSIDE gutter corner piece
(2) end gutter pieces
(4) gutter connectors
(2) 2 downspout brackets
(1) Downspout


Also purchased this play and charge kit for the X1.
The slightly awkward looking tickets to Mat Zo, Above & Beyond, and Porter Robinson live in Ottawa next month. It'll be my first time going to such a massive EDM concert, hopefully I'll survive to tell the tale:lol:

Jealous as hell. Can I come? And this came today.


The prints included are amazing.
I had $200 for two weeks. What did I do?


Bought these for my X1, left over cash is now transportation money. I wont be able to eat, but hey, atleast I can bring the most out of my gaming experience.. until I die of starvation.
I had $200 for two weeks. What did I do?

Bought these for my X1, left over cash is now transportation money. I wont be able to eat, but hey, atleast I can bring the most out of my gaming experience.. until I die of starvation.

That's the mentality. Food is temporary, electronics are FOREVER!