Tomorrow (7th September) is my birthday, so I decided to buy a few more things

(Again, long post warning)
GT5 Spec II Store Promotional DVD JP
This one arrived sealed-should I open it to have a look?
Game Boy Color Plastic Box protectors:
To protect a few other recent purchases...
Lastly, some Adventure Time paraphernalia:
Firstly, a sealed copy of Hey Ice King! Why'd you steal our garbage?!
...This was my second attempt at getting this-the first one ended up being damaged during delivery
A TPB-dubbed the 'Enchiridion Edition' (only available at the New York Comic-con). Contains content from issues #5-9, a cover gallery section and a Behind the scenes section:
5 variants of Adventure Time #1...
...Pictured covers are (from left-right) E, C, A, B, D and the Chapel Hill Comic's exclusive. Now I have all 1st print variants but two-one of which is an impossible to find variant exclusive only to Russia
And finally, I just ordered this today:
...Probably the best of all of the Adventure Time Cover variants in my opinion (especially considering all issues have had a minimum of 4 cover variants, and there have been 32 issues and 33 spinoff issues to date). These are Issues #11-15 and #22, and are exclusive to a shop named Brett's Comic Pile (only 500 of each variant).