Signature Edition SLS Competition

  • Thread starter AKps3
Congratulations about Scandinavia's victory Marxgorm. Very good lap times you made and after reading this topic (which I found only just today) it seems that you put lot of effort to be number one.

Congratulations to all other regional winners too. Have a nice time in Germany!

I received Signature Edition as a Christmas present from my girlfriend and figured out what is B-Spec generally in last days of the December. I had no change to do 24h endurance races because PS3 is located in a room where somebody sleeps. So it took me very long time to get one Bob to level 40 by driving just one 9h Tsukuba + 1000km Suzuka race / day. I just managed to get only one Bob driver to level 40 on Sunday 30th of January. So I had just 2 evenings to try to get my lap times better.

I did not use pen or paper to write down strategies but found out that fast controls were the key for success. Giving overtake and accelerate commands quickly in right order in very beginning of the race was the key for successful lap.

I have not checked the Scandinavian final results yet but yesterday evening I was on positions 4, 3, 3, 2 and 2. My best result was 1st on Le Mans on Sunday evening and dropping Marxgorm to 2nd. Unfortunately I did not have time yesterday to try better time on Le Mans after I found out that Marxgorm had made better lap time.. I think I could still have done better times and put some more pressure for Marxgorm but.. deadline is deadline :)
Congrats to all the winners, looking forward to reports from the AMG driving event :).

Now that the competition is over how about sharing how you did the the different courses?, maybe the indy one since it's the shortest race.
For any track the first thing I do is:

1. work out the goal time I want to achieve (either whatever is the top time or a little faster)

2. work out how fast my guy will go on his "clean" laps (without any AI in the way - usually laps 3,4,5)

3. work out what arrow he drives the clean laps the fastest on (blue, green or yellow)

4. Once you've got your fast clean laps, you minus those from the goal time you want, then divide the result by 2 - then you know what time you need to average on the first 2 laps to achieve your goal time.

5. Your first lap will always be slower, since you don't start at full speed, so then you just figure out the fastest first lap you can do, then just try and get that second lap as clean as possible - then cruise through the final 3 laps.

6. I also would write down my sector times for every lap so I can compare mid way through, if I'm off by 1/100th of a second I know I'm not being consistent and I'll restart.

For example, I knew on Indy my guy was fastest in the yellow, and could manage roughly 58.5 clean laps, I then worked out I needed roughly 1:00 laps for lap 1 and 2. The fastest I could get for lap 1 was 1:01 due to the slow start, so I knew i needed 0:59 for lap two, it's just a matter of patience and restarting until you get the right run.

The timing to get the right run is the critical part, that's why I wrote down sector times so I could instantly compare if I had gotten it right, every command you give influences the AI (both your Bob and the opponents) so you just keep doing trial and error until you get faster, you look for landmarks around the track and trigger points to get your Bob that 0.001 of a second in front of last time.


Congrats to all the winners, looking forward to reports from the AMG driving event :).

Now that the competition is over how about sharing how you did the the different courses?, maybe the indy one since it's the shortest race.

I was not the winner but 4th on Indy in Nordic region.. I will answer anyway let's see what is the difference with others.

For my Bob preferred method on Indy was pressing overtake button twice in very beginning of the race. I mean overtake button supposed to press immediately (in 0.1 sec) after the race started.

My best lap was with these controls:
2 x overtake (Bob overtook first car in second curve)
1 x accelerate (Bob overtook second car and third car on the back straight)
1 x overtake (Bob overtook 4th and 5th car in curve before finish straight)
2 x accelerate on empty finish line
1 x overtake in second curve (Bob overtook 6th car on second curve)
Rest of the race: accelerate (Bob overtook rest of the cars in back straight on lap 2). So I was leading the race several seconds when the lap 3 started.

My best time was with this method 4.56.2

With this method I could do about 1.00min first lap time.
Very True.. Indy is the track I had the best result on. Would also look for trigger points to pace up. I would use markers at various points on the track to see if I was on pace or not. If after severel attempts I wasn't getting anywhere I'd exit game and reload AI.

My best indy opening lap was 101.3 followed by a low 59 with clean fast passes, but kept getting held up by GT on second lap. I started pacing down as soon as I was second so I could get a good slipstream on him. By pacing down I was actually making my times faster. I eventually got tired (it was 3am) and went to bed leaving the race in lobby.. Next morning PS3 was off. Power failure=) and as hard as tried I couldn't get those times again. The AI made a lot of difference. Also once my bob was in the lead he ran consistent 58.5 laps, sometimes lower..

Were u able to pass the alfa in the second corner on indy? I never got it right. So I'd start with overtake then delay my pace up a few seconds. This would cause me to pass the DB9 before second corner then slipstream alfa and pass alfa, jag. GTR and Audi before finish straight. If u could have passed alfa in second corner, ud be fast!
You should have been passing the Alfa just after the first corner at Indy ;) (I think it was the Alfa. Ahhhhh my brain has melted :) )

And yeah DanBen, I used to have a WRX, and an STi, and a Lotus. And I've had them all on track, but not much, and not for years, so I'll be a bit rusty :)
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For any track the first thing I do is:

1. work out the goal time I want to achieve (either whatever is the top time or a little faster)

2. work out how fast my guy will go on his "clean" laps (without any AI in the way - usually laps 3,4,5)

3. work out what arrow he drives the clean laps the fastest on (blue, green or yellow)

4. Once you've got your fast clean laps, you minus those from the goal time you want, then divide the result by 2 - then you know what time you need to average on the first 2 laps to achieve your goal time.

5. Your first lap will always be slower, since you don't start at full speed, so then you just figure out the fastest first lap you can do, then just try and get that second lap as clean as possible - then cruise through the final 3 laps.

6. I also would write down my sector times for every lap so I can compare mid way through, if I'm off by 1/100th of a second I know I'm not being consistent and I'll restart.

For example, I knew on Indy my guy was fastest in the yellow, and could manage roughly 58.5 clean laps, I then worked out I needed roughly 1:00 laps for lap 1 and 2. The fastest I could get for lap 1 was 1:01 due to the slow start, so I knew i needed 0:59 for lap two, it's just a matter of patience and restarting until you get the right run.

The timing to get the right run is the critical part, that's why I wrote down sector times so I could instantly compare if I had gotten it right, every command you give influences the AI (both your Bob and the opponents) so you just keep doing trial and error until you get faster, you look for landmarks around the track and trigger points to get your Bob that 0.001 of a second in front of last time.



Totally agree - this is the exact process I followed and would do for every track with all of my drivers - you had to have a plan so time was not wasted. As soon as you were confident you could not deliver a first lap fast enough, quit out reload and get a new set of AI cars.

Repeat as above for every driver. I used 9 level 40 drivers through the course of this competition. In the end all my best times were set with drivers who had at least 3/4 towards hot and 1 driver set almost all the times. He had low brakes, 100% cornering and accuracy and 100% hot.

I also found using the overtake command, even when nowhere near cars in front was good for jumbling up their positions to move problem cars out the way for when I would catch them up.

I have to say though, even with all the planning in the world there was a lot of grinding \ luck required as if the you had the wrong set of cars you couldn't set the times. the competition for me was all about working out what set of cars you wanted, and waiting until you got them.

There must have been something I didn't quite get though, although I qualified through 2nd place in UK my times were a long way back form the best - I was just consistent and put a lot of effort in.
Very True.. Indy is the track I had the best result on. Would also look for trigger points to pace up. I would use markers at various points on the track to see if I was on pace or not. If after severel attempts I wasn't getting anywhere I'd exit game and reload AI.

My best indy opening lap was 101.3 followed by a low 59 with clean fast passes, but kept getting held up by GT on second lap. I started pacing down as soon as I was second so I could get a good slipstream on him. By pacing down I was actually making my times faster. I eventually got tired (it was 3am) and went to bed leaving the race in lobby.. Next morning PS3 was off. Power failure=) and as hard as tried I couldn't get those times again. The AI made a lot of difference. Also once my bob was in the lead he ran consistent 58.5 laps, sometimes lower..

Were u able to pass the alfa in the second corner on indy? I never got it right. So I'd start with overtake then delay my pace up a few seconds. This would cause me to pass the DB9 before second corner then slipstream alfa and pass alfa, jag. GTR and Audi before finish straight. If u could have passed alfa in second corner, ud be fast!

I found drivers with 100% cornering could pass the alpha every time on every set of AI cars. I used OT the instant it started, followed by Increase pace.

You could then use either OT or increase pace to help position the Audi up ahead. if you got the right set of cars, when breaking for corner three you could take both cars and bounce of the Audi. This gave a 1:00:6xx time. There was also a set of Ai cars where the car before the Audi would hit you and knock you past both this gave a 1:00:7xx time.

Problem is because you got so close to the group in front, the first corner of lap two became impossible with bob taking an extra 20mph off every time.

I must have tired about 100 combinations of commands trying to move the cars in front around before I got to them but nothing worked. It meant your second lap was so much slower, my best time was never set with the quickest first lap.

I played this level for so many hours I was convinced if I got through the first corner second lap with the quick first lap I could hammer world number 1 time.... unfortunately I never found that way past!
Congrats to everyone on here with their times and to the winners good luck in the second stage and enjoy your trip to Germany! :)
Chilvas, I'm certain you weren't the only one dreaming of the magical time you could get if you could just get through the start of that second lap cleanly :)
Chilvas, I'm certain you weren't the only one dreaming of the magical time you could get if you could just get through the start of that second lap cleanly :)

The vain of my life, at least I did enough to scrape through qualification - very lucky that the UK seemed to be quite slow compared to other regions.

just hoping the finals aren't any time soon - my wife is expecting at the end of the month
Well, I will explain the "magic" behind the good times in this competition.
The AI can be manipulated by your own commands, you change how the AI moves as well as how you move with your own commands. also the AI is randomized every time you enter a race from the GT life menu.

So my raceplans were just an analysis of how I wanted the AI to behave on every track to achieve the optimal time, trial and error / reloads until I found a set I thought was promising and hammer at it, changing various commands and timings to have the AI cars where I wanted them at the time I wanted them there. Slipstream every straight and overtake cleanly = success.
swapping a paceup with an overtake could for instance lead to the Ferarri being .2 seconds faster when I encountered him on the next lap.. etc.
Also, your bob behaviour is based on triggerpoints around the track, not real time logging of your input. say on tsukuba if you want to overtake a car at the long corner before the finishline, you need to have overtake active when you exit the hairpin 12 seconds earlier, the command itself has timed out before you get there but he still performs it, but if you activate it 2 seconds after the hairpin he will not do the overtake, this was the secret to breaking into the 9:55's at tsukuba, catching the lambo on a fast AI and get a 3:01:8xx after 3 laps.
Also, overtaking before a corner when you have AI cars reasonably close will cause bob to break a lot later and less when entering the corner, a sub 4:56 on indy is pretty much impossible without doing this.

I will post the stats of the Bob who held all my endgame times later and you will realise that the bob stats does not matter much... he has horrible stats.
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Hahaha so sad how I can picture every car and moment you guys are describing... I saw an Aston driving in traffic this morning and I thought in my head "increase pace" and could almost hear the bump-bump sound as you run up their bumper. And that crazy menu music before race start...

And how annoying was it when you start lapping cars in Tsukuba... Having to re engage brain...
thanks god I do not live in France :D
It's a pity you live in my region ;-) I'm _almost_ joking, but man... where have you been the whole month? I remember guys from Greece (George_gr33, xagoras) Czech (Spyke22), Poland (zuv23) and some guys from my country, but you never (?) was in the lead. Moreover, there were no intermediate results on your way to the top. You just did the best results from 28th of january to the 1st of february on all tracks. (was it a new bob-driver?) Since 28 of January, when i've lost my regional 1st place on Indy, i was trying hard to restore my complete leadership, but somehow all my bobs didn't want to drive at all and i've lost another 3 tracks. I wasn't able to repeat my own results even after 40 hours of playing on last weekend. None of my strategies was working, none of my best bobs was good. I even don't know why. Le man was my last fortress, but you broke it at once (without intermediate results again). But the victory is a victory. I congratulate you.
I was angry at first, but now i'm alright. Probably it is destiny. So let the destiny choose the one, who will get an SLS. And don't forget to practice sporty driving. You will definitely need this skill.

By the way - why there isn't some in-game present for 2nd place?

Good luck to all participants of this competition.
P.s.: May be 'extreme driving' lessons will be a good idea to get ready for 2nd stage of GT-comp.
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I do not think so, I think it is a random roll for every driver @ every race what the AI stats are. there are more AI variations than colors avalable.
Edit: curses, a Finnish guy has beaten me @ Sarthe, seems like I have to race today after all :/ hoped it was over.

Dude, I was hoping that my time would have been remained as a final result... :sly:

Just found out that my 2 previous messages on this page has been now released by moderator.. I just registerd to this board today.
Does anyone know what is purpose of the "mental arrow" next to your bob's helmet? I found out that when the arrow was down my driver did for example 1:56.x times on Monza but when the arrow pointed up my bob drove 1:58.x lap times on free track. It was little bit confusing because I would expect that bob is driving better when the arrow points up..
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Yes, its true. At least for hot-headed bobs. My best bob could do 4:18,4xx on Le Man's 2nd lap while having "orange"-mood and only 4:19,1xx in "blue"-mood (clean lap, all commands were the same). May be for cool-headed drivers it was inverted, but who cares now -)
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Lol.. I was 4th in my region on Indy.. But 65th in the world! haha.. Also just shows how tight this comp was... 1,5 seconds between no 1 and no 65...
Congratulations Marxgorm....and well done everyone else who spent those hours upping the levels and going round in circles ;-) Now we can get down to analysing b-spec with the experts on board.
Damn, 9th in the UK/IRL.

All because my stupid Bob's couldn't do better than a 4:58 on Indy. NONE of them were aggresive enough to make the move into turn two no matter what i did :( I finished 42nd on Indy and STILL got 9th in the region. :(

Congratulations Marxgorm ;)
I saw your progress in this competition.
Specially on Indianapolis 👍

I finished 3th in France, and qualified, but it was very hard for me in the last days..
See you in the finale :)

A lot of people ask me for videos of my best time on Indianapolis and HSR.
I made it, in bad quality (all videos will be in HD in a few time, on GT5rs Youtube Channel..)

Now.. it's time to retrieve G25, and have fun in A Spec' :):)

I added some Live video to see orders sequence..
My Bob, Takeuchi, is a big nervous.
I all raced with yellow arrow.
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Marxgorm thanks for all your fantastic help. I wish you the best of luck in the finals and, specially, enjoy yourself, you deserved it! I'll be crossing my fingers for you.

I wish I had started earlier to work hard on this competition, but 3 days for the 3 last races just wasn't enough to get a good place. Also my Bobs started to decrease their stats, I guess they were getting old, and I didn't have the time to grow new Bobs.

I did very well on Indy and High Speed Ring (2nd place in my region), reasonable on Suzuka (the 3rd race I worked on) and then was all downhill. Any way it got me 8th overall in my region.
Great News! You guys are going to have a South African at the finals. Drizztza came first in our region (South Africa, UAE and Saudi Arabia) He scraped through by 0.0027...!!!! well done man=)

Just a quick question, how do u guys feel about some more B Spec events in Seasonal Events? We all have fast bobs now and generally understand B Spec. Maybe when the comp is over the tracks can be opened again just for leaderboards sake.. Can be different cars, different tracks etc.