Hey all. I am an owner of the sw12C living in the UK. I've had it for a couple of months after previously racing with a G27. I went through a lot of the same thought processes I've read here, so I'm happy to answer any questions as I found information hard to come across when making my decision about purchasing.
Overall, I'm really happy with the product.
The thing that swayed it for me was the price. I got the sw12C plus a rim with buttons (Polsimer formula wheel) for £900. For someone in the UK, this comes in a lot cheaper than the Accuforce which is very expensive to ship, and the Podium which, when including a rim, would be hundreds of pound more. It was at least £400 cheaper than any other option I was happy with. It was a decent compromise.
I would say that the 1-to-1 setup meeting thing wouldn't be ideal for some. Ollie is great and the chat with him was very useful (bordering on essential) to get the most out of the wheel, but not being able to use the product immediately and then having to mess around to get it tuned to different sims is part of the deal. I could see this totally being a deal breaker for many, but I felt that at the cost it was worth the faff.
The motor feels very powerful. Having the torque and in-game settings at 100% is way too much. The FFB feels detailed and I'm spending more time driving simply because it's more enjoyable to do so. I can't compare it to a CSW as I've never used one, but obviously compared to the G27 it's night and day.
Another drawback is that though I'd love to play F1 2018, I don't think it's supported... yet.
So overall I love it, but if plug and play is a must for you, then avoid.