Just responding to this as I said I would get back to you will share it here for others to either take something from it or just pass over....
@Mr Latte you really should try Dirt Rally, those big jumps would be awesome with your LFE's
I did some early tests but need to go back to this title. Do recall one of the Rallycross type tracks has a jump at the last part and it feels very strong when landing. Also this track (forget name) had various surfaces for different bump feelings and seemed good as an easy way to mess around with some effects/settings and do repeat laps.
I will give your settings a try, see if it improves and will report back later. Sadly i don't have time for testing the next couple of days.
I have tried mixing in the Advance with the chassis effects, but it doesn't feel great. Because of the greater power of the Advance i loose the directional feeling of the chassismode. You can really feel the difference between the advance kicking in from below or the mini LFE's from left and right rear.
I speak only from my own tests friend, not as some expert thats got all the answers or should not be challenged. What I would say is that it is possible to get a balance with each unit and still feel them independently but it may require a user to try various positions/placements on thier own cockpit build to discover what offers the best results regards channel seperation or detection.
Here is an example do take into account the power differences and in how I use dual units differently:
My power ratio difference between the bigger LFE and TST units with typical volumes could easily be 7:1 in wattage terms. If say comparing @ LFE 700w and the TST at about 100w. This ratio could be much greater as the LFE is only at about 1/2 its potential around that wattage level but is still really strong. Of course at times I may adjust the volumes for individual amps used but I can easily feel the difference in my seat with either turned off. So both are being felt and are identifiable in their own right. Yet when "either one" is not used, what it adds from its own tactile presence is easily felt as missing. I do not have an issue feeling the left units from the right, so even with (7:1) or greater power ratio difference my left LFE is not interferring to the extent I do not feel my right TST smaller unit.
Positioning is very important to the end result as is the structure of the build and yes I may of already highlighted that above to my own preferences for people to try regards stereo effects.
I did find (my own) best results with having the L/R units both on their appropriate sides as far apart from each other as possible while in close proximity to the seat. Also using a structural build that prevented each unit to mix into the other or a frame build that greatly reduces/minimises the potential for this to happen.
Your Current Setup?
From memory your L/R units are at the rear of your seat?
Both on the
same horizontal cross section?
If this is accurate? That to me (from my own testing/findings) is not ideal. You are not attempting to prevent the left/right directional effects from mixing together prior to what happens in the seat itself. They will of course mix in the seat but the importance (imo) is keeping them seperated/pure behorehand and that the left of the seat is only getting the left unit vibrations or the right of the seat is only getting the right unit felt as best possible.
Would for instance you get better L/R, if the units you have were attached to your side plates/uprights? It should give more direct and independant vibration felt ommitting from each side and both are much greatly separated or at least not on the same frame structure. Tactile will still flow where it can and through your frame but with the units mounted more directly to the side. We can ensure first point of contact/vibration is with where you want it and will not therefore be contaminated by another channel at that placement of the seat.
Simvibe suspension from a "left kerb" can have a reaction on the "right" hand unit also, yet it may be weaker than the "positional left kerb" being likely stonger on the left unit used. This may be also contribute to why you are losing directional placement. If both units are active at similar times but both are connected to the same structure/frame mixing their effects etc.
So you use the Advance mainly for a "hard hitting" set role with only 2 effects? Yet with your mini lfe and using a reduced number of effects on the CM, your
still suffering from the mini units bottoming. That to me says your potentially not getting the best out of what you have. I did from the very beginning of this thread, when it was created several years ago question how a tactile unit could cope with so many effects (folks are welcome to check). You highlight the issue with the mini lfe but seem to limit the better performance unit you own.
You have on various occasions stood by the "less is more" opinion, placing detailing of effects over effects saturation and trying to avoid units themselves being overdrivin as best possible. I agree with your perspective of trying to avoid over-using a single shaker unit.
Do question if your configuratiion is being best used or if limiting such a good unit to only 2 effects is the best way to go about it? I know you have done plenty of your own testing but curious of hearing of your own findings.
BK Advance specific effects & role?
If I was to ask whats the difference or benefits in using "Vertical Surges" in a mono fashion on a single BK Advance unit to say using "Road bumps"? Surely you can set the Hz/volume to utilise what you want, I suppose for any effect (bar textures) for stronger such felt response via the BK Advance. So for instance why "Vertical Surges" was their a reason you went with this effect?
Impacts as an effect, what generally triggers "impacts" effects or how often are they used? Is the effect constant with all games? Again just curious as to why this effect gets specific boosting being used on the Advance unit to say others? My points for asking is to learn from your own testing and findings not to dismiss them as a bad choice or thing to do.
Entry level kicker, limted volume issue?
I would even go to say that while you would get less strength from say an ADX unit you could likely run more effects on the CM and avoiding any bottoming issues. I suppose people here using ADX units can tell you how many effects they may use or if that is a factor for them. Yet the additional energy from the mini lfe is nice to have over ADX or Aura Pro type units.
I do believe "some" single effect's from Simvibe operating by their own if using eg: 20-135Hz with enough volume could still cause a mini lfe unit to bottom. Go ahead and try it and let me know. This possibly is why, even with your restricted usage of effects on the CM you still get it happening. What causes the persistence of bottoming may increase by all means with additional effects and volumes used. The more operating strain on the unit with added effects, the more likely it may happen with even less volume.
Yet for example, does a unit fully loaded with all Simvibe's effects but kept at a low volume bottom? I would doubt it and as you expressed already volume is a main contributator.
One day someone will try to unravel this issue?
I query if the volume factor is limited to specific Hz and wattages combined that trigger the units to go beyond their thresholds? The magnets that power the piston to move, the force created by moving the piston when it is in motion is increasing the energy/speed. Is this exceeding the power of the magnets not able to reduce the direction of the piston quick enough within the casing. So the piston is going beyond their holding/stopping force (you discovered this with no lid) and it usually hits the lid?
If it were me and searching for understanding. I would go back to a single effect or test tone if you find one that can cause bottoming using 20-135Hz and keeping the volume the same. Then gradually restrict the Hz from the 20Hz up. I would be curious myself if you find a wattage/hz factor (eg 35Hz@ 90watt) for what the threshold is rather than a total used Hz range factor for the big/small values. For example using big 40Hz / sml 120hz = 80hz range values. So (eg a 80hz range with using 100w. Compared to a larger range with 100hz range but at reduced 80 watts) are these factors, do they matter?
What I would agree is, volume/wattage is possibly more of a factor to cause it than number of effects or range of freuencies being used at one time. Yet finding the factors that determine how a unit goes beyond its threshold, mmmm has anyone
really reported on such tests or others and bothered to look into such?
Its not so much an issue with the full size LFE unit, not that it cant happen, it can but with the bigger units most should be able to run them well within their wattage abilities. This is the main issue with the smaller mini lfe units. People usually want to drive them pretty hard 100w etc. The paper specs for thier max wattage, are very much too high, regards thier usable wattage, particularly when using Simvibe. I even highlighted the specs on the box at one point used to be different than the sticker on the units, not sure if this is still the case.
Back to build/installation optomisation...
What I would say is, if you are a user that likes effects strong (high volumes) then more direct/closer proximity installation and with maintaining independence for stereo (if important for the users build) will certainly help. Not only can you get a stronger possible sensation but you also have the possibility to require less volume and reduce bottoming but still maintain a good felt exprience?
A seat with internal metal frame and using its seat runners is great way to distrubute the effects. Maybe thats one reason I feel so well the L/R. My previous Cobra bucket seat that like many peoples requires side mounts. To me direct side mounting/contact is where I'd place them. You can get even more efficency from the unit if it also can make contact with the underside of the seat tub. Just use some isolation materials or isolator that make contact and keep the L/R seperated, not as one board or metal frame section.
Do keep in mind even with using both CM/EM channel options
It's a different thing to use two tactile units with their
"own set effects roles or usages."
Compared to
ALL choosen effects being used on a single channel and
"their total range of frequencies being split over two different units."
Confused, err how do they differ?
Well one option has each unit use the full Big/Small Hz values set within the tones (Hz Range) for the effects being used on each channel. The other option is having each unit utilise
only the set Hz you want that individual unit to operate with! One option has
both the units doing much more in varitation of frequencies. The other option can have both units utilising
only the desired or smaller Hz varations with less potential work load.
- In doing so, you can utilise the Hz your unit operates well with.
- This way you optomise Hz to its own characteristics and peak performance abilities.
- A Kicker type unit with larger moving piston, performs best with low Hz
- A Transducer type unit can perform better with mid and higher Hz detailing
- If using inuke dsp amp you can further control cut/boost ANY individual Hz value in how it feels.
(For the record, personally I do this but also like having a dedicated "Engine" unit via EM)
For you to consider...
I cant remember if you bought an inuke dsp amp or can even do the below test?
Do the test-tone others have done for ADX and find what Hz you like best on the Mini lfe....
Use your Advance for 10hz-50Hz (no higher)
Use your Mini lfe for 50hz-100Hz +
Try both on say (Left Channel) compared to only a mini lfe on (Right Channel)
*Trying to use one BK Advance unit to operate for low HZ enchancement for both L/R may not be ideal but its upto you if you ever want to be bothered to do own comparisons of above to other options.
I only share what my own findings worked best for me friend having tried many such posibilities. My preferences may not be same to other peoples neither.
Yesterday i also tried putting some spacers between the centerpart and end caps of the mini LFE. This certainly needs further investigation. It was a brief test using the control panel in SC4.
I set the volume of the amp at a level that the test tone would just cause the piston to bottom out. Than i took the mini LFE appart and added the spacers. Obviously because the piston now has more room to move it wasn't bottoming out at the same volume. I need to order some longer bolts first to do further testing. Adding spacers combined with a golf ball (as you suggested) or some high density foam could also be a great solution. I will report back on this later.
Covered some of this above, I wouldnt be bothered that much looking into modifications as the increase/benefit found may be limited anyways. Would personally have more interests in your findings of what the thresholds are, or factors that are relevant.
I also ordered a couple of mini pucks and will try adding them to the back panels of the GS-4 as tweeters for the mini lfe's (rpm EM). I don't expect them to really shake things up. I will be interesting to try this because the backpanels are isolated units and there's only a thin later of foam on them.
I did do some testing with these in the past. Do think they have usable possibilities friend.
With audio tactile they were a bit too noisey when driven hard but if reducing their Hz range for a specifc or limited "usage" then yes if placed well within a users installation they perhaps could add additional detailing.
I have had "Triple Role" possibilities (like a tweeter) in mind. Allthough not sure of the benefits with bumps or textures yet. I did have in mind trying such as potential enchancement to an "Engine/Gear" only EM unit. Mainly to add a bit more excitment/clarity towards the high revs for an engine effect, like you describe yourself.
My own curiosity with such, however is wanting to compare using "Dayton Puc" to an "Exciter" unit and limiting of course the Hz ranges to use only what may offer a tactile sensation without too much noise/annoyance.
Wrapping up....
I would however like to see you take on a new build frame and try to better implement stereo and maintain better seperation. I can only again speak from my own position that for me much has been learned in the last few years (slow progress) with additional testing of configurations.
If you were using a Dual Role configuration for CM with Left/Right Mini lfe & BK Advance combos each side. Not only can you get better directional felt effects, you can bypass the mini lfe bottoming issue and ALL effects you use on the CM will benefit from the additional power of the Bk Advance not just 1 or 2 like you currently have.
The point is, two units cleverly combined to work as one, IS beneficial just as tying to maintain stereo separation in a build IS valid for improving direction L/R effects being felt. Such however does require using a crossover contol type device and duplicating CM channels but it can easily be done and shows performance benefits.
Such is worth considering perhaps if you seek improvements....
(I need a break)