OK I am going to need crystal clear instructions first before I can reply. Which thread do I put the question in? The Islam thread, UK election results thread, Britain thread, a new "Immigration" thread??
It's rather simple. If its about Islam in Britain specifically then the Britain thread, if its about Islam in general then the Islam thread.
I'm not sure whats so tricky about it?
I am aware, hence why I've picked a statement from the article that has nothing to do with the chart. Stop focussing on the chart - that is an adjunct.
I'm going to be blunt and say that I simply do not believe you.
Your original post contained the graph as the main focus, its a lttle trite to then tell people not to focus on it, not does the article in question mention the Swedish method of recording incidents, that's the 'missing' factor I repeatedly asked you about.
If you were aware of this you would first know (as the Swedish Police and UN have both made clear) that using the graph without that information is simply misleading and would have been able to identify it as the missing factor.
I am starting to think your ideology is more dangerous than any (and I do mean any) religion. It is dangerous and immoral to continue ignoring facts that are staring you so blatantly in your face.
I know your ideology means well, but it brings untold misery to a lot of people. Liberals who can't accept this fact need to do some serious reflection before they condemn others as "racist".
No one is ignoring facts, what we are questioning is firstly the use of the facts in a misleading (deliberately so) manner and the use of them to take a section of a group and apply it to the whole. That is as dangerous to society as excusing everything, a route that no one I have seen here is even close to suggesting, but I do see you using sources that do clearly suggest that the actions of some can and should be applied to the whole.
Its akin to me saying that as you clearly have an issue with Islam and Liberals that you full support Anders Breivik, condone his actions and are likely to try and emulate them at the soonest opportunity.
Quality source. I did a little digging and the coverage of the London Riots is 'interesting' to say the least, in particular the new history of the riots of the '80's. Its nice to have the events rewritten to meet the aims of the far right.