SlideFX -- We're recruiting. The requirements? Hands and eyeballs.

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Hmm, the power to weight ratio thing and the different stages add to a lot of confusion. I would be fine having a 1400 weight restriction for street though, thats quite a bit.

Edit: after looking at the weights of cars in the dealership, I would rather just have a 1300kg cap for Street and 1150 for Tuner. Should we have a third class apart from Unlimited? Maybe have a Street class with 300hp cap, Pro Street at 450, then Tuner at 650 and finally Unlimited.

Yes? No?
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Hmm, the power to weight ratio thing and the different stages add to a lot of confusion. I would be fine having a 1400 weight restriction for street though, thats quite a bit.

With this weight, it's going to be all big cars, what you have no love for rollas' n' Kei cars? You big meanie, Power to weight is very simple: more power or less wieght = lower kg/BHP, less power or more weight = higher kg/BHP. I want my light weights!

You can't use a dang challenger for everything FRIEND!


I say just use the 3 classes. 1 using comfort tires, 1 for sport & one for race tires. Just need to figure out the weight issues. I say we just use the PP system. 4-500PP | 501-600PP | 601+PP
Read my edit. Maybe we can do this:

Street: 350hp cap, 1350kg weight, comfort medium to promote slides.
Prostreet: 475hp cap, 1225kg weight, comfort softs
Tuner: 650hp cap, 1075 weight, sports softs
Unlimited: duh...

What do you think? This seems pretty balanced, hell we could even spread it out more and do a "Super Tuner" class. Thoughts?

Edit: Screw the PP system, its too flawed.
Adam I see you trolling, I want your input on this. As soon as its agreed upon Ill put it in the OP and we can get this epic event started.

Oh yeah, we would use those classes for both time attack and touge.
I don't like the idea of 4 different groups, i'd prefer just the 3
I like the weight you got, but now we're going with 3 groups, how about street 400 hp, tuner 550hp and unlimited, well...
Oh I see what you mean now, in all honesty I like having the Street, ProStreet, Tuner & Unlimited, it just seems more balanced overall.

For this first little go we could do ProStreet at Cote de Azur unless you guys would like a different track. I would realky like to do it there though.
Yeah thats most likely what we'll do, as its the most fun range in my opinion and Im sure you all will agree. It will be nice to have a slower class for those "near stock" cars when we feel like doin the low power stuff.

Yo, want to xbox party it for simplicity's sake?
I say we just break cote de azure into a few sections and do touge runs there. I'd prefer something a bit shorter for time attack runs.
But Pwner, we would need to do the whole lap to get the official time, unless theres something Im missing. For touge though we would likely be doing sections of tracks, probably on a lot of customs.
But Pwner, we would need to do the whole lap to get the official time, unless theres something Im missing. For touge though we would likely be doing sections of tracks, probably on a lot of customs.

That's what I'm saying.. save it for touge runs. We could probably break it up into 4 or 5 smaller sections and pick something different for the time attack runs. Doesn't matter either way, I'm down for whatever, I'm just trying to throw in my opinions.
I'll hop on xbox real quick, there's nothingon tv

EDIT, i think cote de azure would be a good full lap, it's a techincal tracks which means you ned a good tune & line to get a good time
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Exactly Adam, its a good track that will hopefully teach me how to grip tune better, and your opinion matters Pwner thats why Im asking everyone haha. :D

Well its settled then, ProStreet at Cote de Azur. Let the battle... BEGIN!

Heh. :sly:

Edit: Ill put info in the OP in a little while.
Ahh i was going to tell you to get on Xbox

I got on yesterday for awhile and messaged Cro.. I think you may have been in a party with him. Never got a reply so I got back on GT5. lol
What's your prob fad? jeezeee, I think it's a great idea, but you guys will have to explain it to me while we are all one, because after reading like ten pages about it, my brain is going to explode. lol.
What's your prob fad? jeezeee, I think it's a great idea, but you guys will have to explain it to me while we are all one, because after reading like ten pages about it, my brain is going to explode. lol.

I'm messing you idiot lol, i was just bored:dopey:
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