SlideFX -- We're recruiting. The requirements? Hands and eyeballs.

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Alright you guys drifting or not? I took my wheel down last night, if you guys are I'm going to sit it back up.
I still need a pic of everyone's main car, I can upload it to my flickr and resize it. PM me a photomode location of your main, something that will look good small sized.

It will give everyone something to do while the servers are down.
I was going to add information about our touge and time attack to the OP, but then realized I was too inebriated to do so.

It took me 29 minutes to write this message.
It took me 29 minutes to read it.

*You going to be in a party chat or anything in a bit Cro, getting ready to head home now..
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I will if you get on, I turned my xbox off. We can time attack that track and talk tuning speak though, post here when youre on.

Edit: as in, I will get on when you do.
1,000th post in this thread?

Meercat, get involved with the time attack if you want, you might have fun. Im thinking about awarding a prize to whoever does best outside the team for the given track, but Im not sure how I'd legitimize it. A screen capture via phone or replay perhaps?
Read my edit. Maybe we can do this:

Street: 350hp cap, 1350kg weight, comfort medium to promote slides.
Prostreet: 475hp cap, 1225kg weight, comfort softs
Tuner: 650hp cap, 1075 weight, sports softs
Unlimited: duh...

What do you think? This seems pretty balanced, hell we could even spread it out more and do a "Super Tuner" class. Thoughts?

Edit: Screw the PP system, its too flawed.

Final rules?
"We sincerely regret that PlayStation Network and Qriocity services have been suspended, and we are working around the clock to bring them both back online. Our efforts to resolve this matter involve re-building our system to further strengthen our network infrastructure. Though this task is time-consuming, we decided it was worth the time necessary to provide the system with additional security.

We thank you for your patience to date and ask for a little more while we move towards completion of this project. We will continue to give you updates as they become available."

:banghead: :irked: :mad: :( :nervous: :grumpy: :yuck: :guilty:
"We sincerely regret that PlayStation Network and Qriocity services have been suspended, and we are working around the clock to bring them both back online. Our efforts to resolve this matter involve re-building our system to further strengthen our network infrastructure. Though this task is time-consuming, we decided it was worth the time necessary to provide the system with additional security.

We thank you for your patience to date and ask for a little more while we move towards completion of this project. We will continue to give you updates as they become available."

:banghead: :irked: :mad: :( :nervous: :grumpy: :yuck: :guilty:

It sucks now i've finished socom single player and I really really want some online fun. Think i'm going to have an early one, if it's on when I wake up i'll jump on.

Hope to see you all there...:nervous:👍
I very much doubt PSN will be on for around the next week if they're re-building the whole thing
Just been messing with a couple of cars on monaco and i been getting around the 1:50 mark on controller. What you guys got so far?
1,000th post in this thread?

Meercat, get involved with the time attack if you want, you might have fun. Im thinking about awarding a prize to whoever does best outside the team for the given track, but Im not sure how I'd legitimize it. A screen capture via phone or replay perhaps?
Sure I'll sign up and try. Although I'm not the best racer there is always point in trying. I'll read your specifications and rules.

Awwh they deleted my 1000th post. I miss and those "serious" times. ;)
Just been messing with a couple of cars on monaco and i been getting around the 1:50 mark on controller. What you guys got so far?

Still in the Pro Street class like last night? I will give it a shot in a few mins if I have the energy.👍
I havent tried that track yet and dont imagine I will today. I hit the sauce a little hard last night and today I have that "not so fresh" feeling. Maybe PSN will be back tomorrow then we can drift.
Maybe PSN will be back tomorrow then we can drift.

Must be you didn't read the latest news...

Our efforts to resolve this matter involve re-building our system to further strengthen our network infrastructure. Though this task is time-consuming, we decided it was worth the time necessary to provide the system with additional security.

I don't think i can be bothered with XBL tonight, plus Family Guy just come on :D
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