SlideFX -- We're recruiting. The requirements? Hands and eyeballs.

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Well enough that I can post this message, its weird, its all bright and sunny outside today. So, Im assuming PSN is still down?

Good to hear you're all ok man. And yea i'm pretty sure it's still down
After further investigation, my yard is a mess, tree branches the size of my leg are everywhere, house is fine though. Just got a bit of clean up to do is all, but after watching that Japan documentary I feel like an ass even talking about a messy yard.

Also, just read on the interwebs about PSN, no new info, I guess I'll just drift the old fashioned way, offline! Woohoo!

What would be even more awesome is if PSN goes down you have to keep inserting quarters into the USB just to run it. Thats what I definitely need, to be bored and poor.
No, the quater idea would suck lmao, i already paid enough for the console

Edit. I just notice how EPICLY boring GT5 is when you don't have to option to get online :(
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It hasnt been too bad for me really, making drift/touge tracks, tuning, practicing. Tune some of your cars or something. 👍
Yea i'll probly make some tracks or something while we're chilling in a party
It hasnt been too bad for me really, making drift/touge tracks, tuning, practicing. Tune some of your cars or something. 👍

Only thing that I don't like is not being able to dupe stuff.

Oh and change the tires to Sport for ProStreet.. :nervous:
Want to use sport hards? My car was kicking out a bit too much anyways. Man, I was trying to sign into PSN when I turned on my PS3 and it was saying "Signing In..." for more than 30 seconds. I got excited until it said "undergoing maintenance."

Anyways, shall some of us XBL party it in a little bit?
Ok, I'll post here in a little bit when I'm getting on. Didn't touch my wheel yesterday and I'm eager to slide.
Sport Hard didn't make much of a difference. I think I just need to give the Camaro up and pick a different car. It's to much of a beast for a noob like me.
Yea, i'd suggest something else aswell. I took nearly 5 seconds off my time with Sport hards on
Is that you in the party now cro? As in Cromag? Wasn't sure if that was you but if not, sorry other guy I sent message to, haha.
Just as a reference, current Time Attacks:

London Circuit:
Street Class FWD: 350hp cap, 1100kg weight cap, CS tires

Cote d'Azur:
ProStreet Class RWD: 475hp cap, 1200kg weight cap, SH tires
I love having no electricity.

Oh and does this kind of stuff only happen where I live?

Yes, he is "towing" it that way... o_O..



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Me and Cal both got a 1:01.4xx I think

Indeed! I got my Acura Type R to a surprising 1:01.470, then thought it was unfair and totally cheating that Fadam had a turbo on his car so I went and got the premium Ford Focus. Managed to get a 1:01.299 but didn't enjoy this car as much as the Acura so i'm going to keep working on it. More times to come but so far:

London: Acura ITR-1:01.470 @ 348BHP/1100kg
I was going to build a Focus i had in my garae lst night, but i changed my mind, lol. I'm going to find something else to build later on when i get my wheel out
I was going to build a Focus i had in my garae lst night, but i changed my mind, lol. I'm going to find something else to build later on when i get my wheel out

Start a party and message me here so I can join, we can go crazy in random front wheel drives!:crazy:

PS: I'm going to find some super turbo cheating monster beast and destroy your stupid renault, I hate them for buying Nissan!
Lmao, i was going to try a golf, but you can't even get over 200hp in them :grumpy: I'm not going with a Honda, hmm i'll find something cause i don't like Renaults lol
Lmao, i was going to try a golf, but you can't even get over 200hp in them :grumpy: I'm not going with a Honda, hmm i'll find something cause i don't like Renaults lol

I built up the '05 Golf as my FF time attacker, I was pretty hammered last night so I didnt post a clean lap, but I remember it understeering horribly. I really need help tuning it to make it carve the turns better. Can anyone link me to a tuning guide or that has their own knowledge they can share?

Oh and FYI, 348hp and 1112kg is what it ended up coming out to. ;)
Looser diff, raise springs fairly evenly maybe rear a bit higher, keep dampers close to stock and camber is your friend. Sleep is now my friend and i'm paying him a visit, see you all tonight/tomorrow?.
I think my Megan has about 330bhp and about 1120kg, not 100% sure without looking
Haha Megan, the name of numerous easy hot chicks.

Adam, you got any tips to cure understeer on FF cars?
i use kinda hard springs and a little extra camber. Throttle control is essential aswell

Edit. i want to try get my time down abit tonight with some fine tuning seeing as that was only a basetune i slapped on last night on controller
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