SlideFX -- We're recruiting. The requirements? Hands and eyeballs.

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Wider version is up Bks. Let me know when you got it and I'll put something newer up.
i have a practice room for wheel drifters up, im new to it myself but anyone is welcome, especially pros lol. room number is 1427 6399 8494 1424 6026 or add me, ALGIBRAIC on psn
I would join Algibraic, but I'm at my mates house and I couldn't be bothered hauling my PS3 and wheel to his house even though he's 2 mins down the road haha. Maybe sometime next week?

Pwner - No worries dude! I'll try get on sometime this week and download it 👍
Anyone know what's going on with Cube & Kustomz? I haven't seen either of them in quite awhile.
Is anyone online? I'm in a dark place.

Edit: seeking out brodome in the hopes y'all give half a damn.
Confused? Anyway, just thought I'd pop in here and drop a link to my site. Finally recoded, fixed and edited some old files. Was even able to integrate my blog! woo!

Pass it around as much as you can, I'll be updating it as much as I can with everything from Real life stuff like Drift events, meetings etc to Gaming photography, meets to Tips & Hints about games, computers etc. Hope you guys like it, took me ages and I haven't been to sleep yet, haha.

What the.....everything is falling to pieces in here....
Yeah just to clarify why I am leaving, I haven't drifted with any SFX members in well over a month, the only active member is Pwner and because of our schedules we never seem to be online at the same time. I had a great time at the beginning of joining this team, had a lot of good laughs but now its completely changed and I find myself drifting with other teams more than my own. No hard feelings, I'm leaving on a positive note not a negative one and I wish SFX the best of luck in the future in the hopes that it doesn't completely die and who knows maybe someday I'll catch you guys in a lobby or something, anyways thanks for everything guys and good luck again 👍
Cya Commodore. 👍

Boy, by splitting the drift forum in half, there isn't nearly the amount of people browsing drifting related threads. Big fail.
I count 4..
*Let me clarify - Cro, Fadam, Bks and me. 6 if Cube and Kustomz are still alive somewhere.*
let me state as listed... Cro (inactive.) fadam (around but basically inactive on gt5.) BKS who not listed on the front page and who not currently online so basically inactive again yourself who is active and cube and kustomz who i havent seen online in weeks....
I'm changing my name to SFX_SlideEffects.


Who said we were going anywhere?

Idk theres like a couple members now that I barely see now, Since cro is going inactive you should make a new sfx team thread and get this one closed.
hey i havent seen anyone drifting in a while.....:( team ever drift anymore?

There's this thing called real life, I've been busy with that, the fact that most of us are in our twenties should say a lot.

damnit, there goes another drift team :(

Boost your post count elsewhere.

Idk theres like a couple members now that I barely see now, Since cro is going inactive you should make a new sfx team thread and get this one closed.

There is no need for a new thread, again, I don't see why you insist that we need your opinion.

let me state as listed... Cro (inactive.) fadam (around but basically inactive on gt5.) BKS who not listed on the front page and who not currently online so basically inactive again yourself who is active and cube and kustomz who i havent seen online in weeks....

This may be somewhat true, but I will say this. Going by the values and "quality standards" of this team, we don't pick up just anyone, that's what sets us apart. Pwner has had the ability to recruit for weeks and I'm guessing he hasn't found anyone worth being on SFX yet, so now I'm sure he knows how difficult it can be to find decent recruits.

I do know one thing, and that it's the 4th of July, so I'm going over to a friend's for some beer and fireworks. Considering the things I've been dealing with in real life, I believe I deserve it.

This team isn't going anywhere, I don't care if I'm the only member. It will survive, and I'm sure it'll start back up, you just can't worry about it "aaawwww there's no members or no one active," good I say, I'd rather have a small roster than one filled with morons that I could care less about.

Ok, I don't have time to explain anymore.

Later. 👍
Honestly, with my 50+ hour weeks I've been working, I haven't even felt like trying to recruit people. We'll get the team back to full force eventually. I just don't see why everyone else is so concerned.
Well if I remember correctly SFX never dies. We have had moments likes these so many times, we get active > things happen > we get inactive > we get active again. It's like a recession.. only we're not dealing with economic crisis.
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