Whilst getting gaps from the 1st race replay from last night, since I forgot to screenshot the results page in game, I noticed something interesting. I'm not sure if my conclusion after collecting this data is at all accurate, perhaps
@Famine could confirm or refute, but it is one metric to work from.
Using Xrad as the example in the pic below, I paused the game just before each driver crosses the finish line and frame by frame the replay until the timer in the middle of the screen resets, subtract the 1st place finisher's time and that offset from the total race time of the sampled driver, at that moment in the replay, to get the gap.
I gathered gaps for all 9 drivers, not finishing 1st, in this fashion and came up with this table.
Base finish time | 46.016 | | |
| Finish | Offset | Gap |
DUB-L-DEE | 53.883 | 0.022 | 7.845 |
Rasta_Senpai | 58.821 | 0.021 | 12.784 |
Xrad-11 | 65.327 | 0.021 | 19.29 |
DRD_Niagara | 67.163 | 0.018 | 21.129 |
Dragonwhisky | 67.263 | 0.001 | 21.246 |
Kgffty | 69.899 | 0.030 | 23.853 |
Oshawa-Joe | 85.448 | 0.018 | 39.414 |
A_Mindful_Place | 90.454 | 0.019 | 44.419 |
Wareaglewar1968 | 95.102 | 0.027 | 49.059 |
The conclusion I've drawn from this data is, those "offsets" are my "ping times" to each driver, in thousandths of a second, at that moment. I noticed when I was connecting to Niagara's room last night I had 5 bars of signal strength, we're on the same side of the continent, so my "ping" to him was sub 20/1000ths seconds. I'd bet Oshawa and Mindful are at or near the same side as myself and Niagara, hence their sub 20/1000ths.
In the peer to peer connection that GT has worked under since at least GT5, the host's connection isn't all that critical. Everyone is connected to everyone once you get in the lobby. Our data doesn't pass through the host once we are fully connected.
Every race I've managed to join with Kgffty he shows packet loss on my end. In other words, his car moves very erratically on my screen. I wonder if I show up on his end the same way. He is on the other side of the continent from me. I also wonder who else is noticing other cars behaving erratically. Wareagle was showing some of that last night as well. You can watch the erratic movements in the replays. Car does a kind of slide/skip/vanishing thing going down the track. When cars are doing that, it's packet loss. The PS5&4 didn't get one or more data packets, so it just drags/snaps the car where it has data defining its location. Everyone's PS is doing that kind of thing, every moment we are racing.
Xrad, if you wish to host, you're welcome to do it. Might be a good idea to get several bodies taking turns as host. Spread the load out some. Hosting and keeping up with scores will certainly take away brain cycles from driving. Yeah, I know, Worst was doing it on a regular basis but, he's an 👽. And from what I've read over in the time trial thread, some aliens operate with more than the one brain the rest of us hominids make do with.
As to Oshawa's wondering how to test, that would be a simple, if tedious task, and would require everyone save replays and get the offsets for comparison. Brutal honesty is usually painful.
At any rate, might be another time for
@JamCar0ne to conveniently post a link to that fat post I did years ago on this subject.