SNAIL - Endurance Series (Archive)

  • Thread starter BradESPN
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I am seeing on other threads and through PSN that the network is down. Anyone experiencing this? Is there a contingency plan in the event the network is not operational by 9:00pm EST?

I am seeing on other threads and through PSN that the network is down. Anyone experiencing this? Is there a contingency plan in the event the network is not operational by 9:00pm EST?

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If the PSN is down at race time, we'll unfortunately have to postpone until next week.

I don't want to just move to a later day this week because that would be unfair to everyone that has shuffled their schedules around to be free on Tuesday nights.

Hopefully the network is up by race time.
Also I'll give it a try tonight in the RS.01 if possible

Brad will confirm, but generally speaking D2-4 from Sunday race in D2 here. I can't check what Sunday division you're in as I'm on my phone at my daughter's swim practice, but I'm assuming it's one of those 3 divisions.
If there's space, could I also join? @abm89 and I usually try to play at the same time. Is there any "teams" or anything like that? Lol

Yep, you're in - you'll be in the R.S.01 as well.

And actually... yes, there are teams! You'll have to wait until next season (starting 3 weeks from tonight) to become official drivers and start a team.

You can see the current teams if you check out the standings in this post (the acronyms in parentheses are teams, not everyone is on a team).
Yep, you're in - you'll be in the R.S.01 as well.

And actually... yes, there are teams! You'll have to wait until next season (starting 3 weeks from tonight) to become official drivers and start a team.

You can see the current teams if you check out the standings in this post (the acronyms in parentheses are teams, not everyone is on a team).

Sounds good we can be pretend teams. @Shotgungho backed out of the contract deal for today anyway.
I'm going to open the room at 8:30 EST, but I won't be paying attention until the Astros game is over (currently heading to the bottom of the seventh).

If any non-SNAILs try to join, can someone please politely ask them to leave and check out to join next week? If any SNAIL joins, they are of course welcome to race (feel free to chastise them for not saying that they're interested on this thread...).
I apologize for the late notification but my wife would like to take our kids to a Halloween parade in Hershey tonight...yes tonight of all nights. I don't know if I will be able to make it back before the 9 PM start time. If it is close I can message someone threw psn and let them know.

Thanks for the heads up - I'll be monitoring this thread and PSN, so feel free to send an update however it's convenient for you.
This was me after crashing while in 3rd with a 20 second lead over 4th with a little under 20 minutes left:


Oh well, maybe one of these days I’ll actually be consistent and have a clean race. Congrats to the winners. Loved the turnout we had tonight. We had a great mix in the amount of D1 and D2 drivers and having to deal with traffic almost every lap made for some interesting racing and kept you on your toes all race. Hopefully we can do it again next week!
This was me after crashing while in 3rd with a 20 second lead over 4th with a little under 20 minutes left:


Oh well, maybe one of these days I’ll actually be consistent and have a clean race. Congrats to the winners. Loved the turnout we had tonight. We had a great mix in the amount of D1 and D2 drivers and having to deal with traffic almost every lap made for some interesting racing and kept you on your toes all race. Hopefully we can do it again next week!

I did my best to get out of the way.
Good racing! @Herimopp89 had me sweating whether my RM and fuel saving would work.

I was glad to see gunny go by with the time running out so I had just enough fuel, haha

You an me both I was at like 6 percent when I crossed the line it was a great finish and you went alot of laps there at the end. The top 3 in d 2 were with in 30 seconds or so of each other. That's pretty close after 90 mins of racing if you ask me.
I did my best to get out of the way.

I don’t think you or anyone for that matter had a hand in my wreck. All on me. I’ll have to watch the replay again but I think I caught the grass.

It looked like everyone actually did a really great job at handling traffic. The slower cars did a good job of letting the faster ones through and the faster cars did a a good job at passing cleanly from what I saw. Just the perks of having a group of good clean racers :gtpflag:
I don’t think you or anyone for that matter had a hand in my wreck. All on me. I’ll have to watch the replay again but I think I caught the grass.

It looked like everyone actually did a really great job at handling traffic. The slower cars did a good job of letting the faster ones through and the faster cars did a a good job at passing cleanly from what I saw. Just the perks of having a group of good clean racers :gtpflag:

I had one incident where I accident got into two people I down shifted into the wrong gear and it was all down hill from there. I dont remember who I hit though
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