SNAIL Invitational - Next Event: On Hold till Further Notice

  • Thread starter Rednose58
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<<<<<<<< March 2019 - RESULTS ARE IN >>>>>>>>>>>>

..... and we have a TIE....






Live Broadcasts


From @Rednose58

Replay Tags (by @racingchamp30 )

Tag 1: race Tag 2: champion Tag 3: one
Tag 1: race Tag 2: champion Tag 3: two
Tag 1: race Tag 2: champion Tag 3: three
The people tagged in this post have a chance to make the official invitation list for the next SNAIL Invitational Event. The final standings depend on the the final points after the Stewards finalized their reviews. The top 14 performers of the season get an "Auto Qualifier" invitation and (for the April Season) the next best 16 performers will get a "Wild Card" invitation, which means that the they can fill the positions where some of the Auto Qualifiers can't make it to the event.

We had low numbers participating in the last few events and there were requests made to consider another day of the week. We did a survey and the results were split 50/50.

So, what we will do for the April 2019 season is to Survey the potential qualifiers and see on which side the majority of this group falls.

Can you please click on this survey link and pick your name from the list and tell us if you are available for Friday May 10 Only, Monday May 13 Only, You can do both nights or you are not available at all. This will help me to determine the best date and ensure we have as many people as possible to participate. Please complete the survey before Friday May 3 at Noon Eastern time.

@Akzl298 @basswerks1 @Bologna_Duc @Bud__Greene @Fudman420 @Grandpas_Money @gulfvet67 @Herimopp89 @II-NOVA-II @MikeGrove @Mully465 @N38824jr @NASCARNATE99 @NBG_Drifter_71 @Neuttyy @nic-KL @nog3861 @Phlano_099 @racingchamp30 @Rauljimenez76 @rkzjb04 @SAMHAIN85 @Skills_19657 @soundtiger95 @TexasmostHated @TheRaceReviewer @Thrash_46 @Timlour @Whitey093 @xMicr0zx

See next post for the correct GTPlanet names
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I completed the survey. The 10th won’t work due to some graduation things and the 13th could work but I’m trying to really promote the endurance series more, so I am hoping to have a practice lobby open most mondays.
The 10th won’t work due to some graduation things and the 13th could work but I’m trying to really promote the endurance series more, so I am hoping to have a practice lobby open most mondays

We definitely dont want to overlap any SNAIL events, but just remember that the Invitational as of right now is only ran once a month. So it'd really only affect Endurance practice once every 4 weeks, if the Invitational does end up running on Monday(s).

And..."we talkin' bout practice"
We definitely dont want to overlap any SNAIL events, but just remember that the Invitational as of right now is only ran once a month. So it'd really only affect Endurance practice once every 4 weeks, if the Invitational does end up running on Monday(s).

And..."we talkin' bout practice"
I understand that. I’m sure that I could get someone to host the practice room. It’s really no worries.
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Responded to the survey. I would participate if this event were to be run on Mondays, even if it is only once per month.
Most Friday nights for me are taken.
Results of the survey are in and it looks like the best date for April Season is MAY 10


Even though it is a close call, more of the higher ranked drivers fall on May 10

There is however another issue with the data for D1, D4 and D5 not completed yet. That will potentially take out a lot of the objective out of the races.

@Akzl298 @basswerks1 @Bologna_Duc @Bud__Greene @Fudman420 @Grandpa Money @gulfvet67 @Herimopp89 @llNovall @MikeGrove@Mully465 @N38824r @NASCARNATE91 @Drifter1171 @Neutty @Nicktune @Nick Cannella @Phlano099 @racingchamp30 @Noob01_lmdead@Rob Brown @SAMHAIN85 @Skills @soundtiger95 @TexasJDC @thracerviewr @THRASH @Timlour @Whitey093 @Micr0z

I won't be able to host on Friday, so we would like someone to volunteer. I'll set Sam up so he has access to the line up info and other data.

The Official invitations will go out on Monday May 6. From what I can see so far is that most of you will be on the list. If you had major penalties on April 28 then you might be affected and drop off the invitation list. Please watch out for the information late Monday / Early Tuesday

We will do a similar survey for the next invitational and see how the May Season works.


The April 2019 Invitational is here:
Friday, May 10, 2019 at 9:30 PM Eastern Time
Rules and regulations: Here



Congrats to this season's top performers! Welcome to the Snail Invitational Race. Registration is now open. All SNAILs listed below are eligible to register. The top 14 drivers who register before the deadline are given priority on race night. Please click on the link to the REGISTRATION FORM to indicate your availability. You have to click on the "Yes" (Confirm) or the "No" (Cancel) option. If your situation changes you can come back and enter the change. The form closes at noon on Friday, May 10, 2019.

Wildcard/reserve drivers still have to register. You will be added to the list if some of the first 14 drivers can not make it. You can come back from time to time and click on the CURRENT DRIVER STATUS to see where you are on the list.
Driver Seeding


Note: The seeding is subject to change once the final Steward Summary is posted.



Top 14 Drivers (Automatic Qualifiers):
@Herimopp89, @Skills, @SAMHAIN85, @racingchamp30, @THRASH, @Phlano099, @Timlour, @Grandpa Money , @Fudman420, @Noob01_lmdead, @TexasJDC, @soundtiger95, @Akzl298, @Nicktune

Next 16 Drivers (Wildcards):
@N38824r, @Drifter1171, @Rob Brown , @NASCARNATE91, @basswerks1, @Neutty, @Micr0z, @gulfvet67, @Bologna_Duc, @MikeGrove, @llNovall, @Nick Cannella, @Bud__Greene, @Mully465, @thracerviewr, @Whitey093

For Info:
@Rednose58, @MajorBlixem, @SAMHAIN85, @nmcp1

Volunteers are welcome to put their names forward to help with broadcasting or other duties if one of the regular stewards can't make it.
Note for D4 drivers (April 2019 Season): For some of you, your delay time for the Mustang and/or Corvette might be affected as we didn't receive D4 data for April 21 and April 28. The rules are explained in Section 5 as per post #2
Remember to respond to your invitation before Noon eastern time on Friday May 10. Thanks to those who responded. Live status here

Status as of May 7, 11:30 pm Mountain Time

Top 14 Drivers (Automatic Qualifiers):
@Herimopp89, @Skills, @SAMHAIN85, @racingchamp30, @THRASH, @Phlano099, @Timlour, @Grandpa Money , @Fudman420, @Noob01_lmdead, @TexasJDC, @soundtiger95, @Akzl298, @Nicktune

Next 16 Drivers (Wildcards):
@N38824r, @Drifter1171, @Rob Brown , @NASCARNATE91, @basswerks1, @Neutty, @Micr0z, @gulfvet67, @Bologna_Duc, @MikeGrove, @llNovall, @Nick Cannella, @Bud__Greene, @Mully465, @thracerviewr, @Whitey093

For Info:
@Rednose58, @MajorBlixem, @SAMHAIN85, @nmcp1
75% sure i will be there tonight so i confirmed

i guess i should at least attempt to make a livery for the cars tonight
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Here is the entries for tonight:



@Herimopp89 @Timlour @racingchamp30 @Phlano099 @Fudman420 @Noob01_lmdead @Akzl298 @gulfvet67 @Nick Cannella @Mully465

Room will be up at 9PM EST. We will spend 10 minutes at each combo for a warmup, and then the first race starts at 930PM EST.

I will take care of hosting duties, texting and typing out delays. Itd be nice if we could get a spectator to stream the event and for someone to upload the 3 race replays.

See you guys tonight. Consistency is key to doing well in this thing.
Here is the entries for tonight:

View attachment 820061

View attachment 820063

@Herimopp89 @Timlour @racingchamp30 @Phlano099 @Fudman420 @Noob01_lmdead @Akzl298 @gulfvet67 @Nick Cannella @Mully465

Room will be up at 9PM EST. We will spend 10 minutes at each combo for a warmup, and then the first race starts at 930PM EST.

I will take care of hosting duties, texting and typing out delays. Itd be nice if we could get a spectator to stream the event and for someone to upload the 3 race replays.

See you guys tonight. Consistency is key to doing well in this thing.
Looking forward to participating in my first Invitational.
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