SNAIL Invitational - Next Event: On Hold till Further Notice

  • Thread starter Rednose58
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RACE DAY - JUNE 17, 2019

We have a good response for this month's Invitational Event. For the first time a few "wild cards" might not be able to race. It is important to let us know if your circumstances have changed. In that case, please go back to the Registration Form and make the change. You have until Monday June 17 at high noon to register or make a change. After that, the first 14 (maybe 15) players will have their spots reserved. Remember to read the Rules and Regulations to ensure you understand the procedures. It explains why there are only 14 spots available. We can push it to 15 if I'm the only non-racing steward. Also see the Race Day Schedule.

The current driver status. It can still change, but at least it shows who might be the unlucky ones. I'm sure Dr. Phil will have words of wisdom to comfort you.

Thanks to all who have responded so far

First 14 Drivers (Automatic Qualifiers):
@Phlano099, @Nicktune, @TEX36, @Lozano1, @nmcp1, @Timlour, @TexasJDC, @Bologna_Duc, @racingchamp30, @soundtiger95, @Nick Cannella, @Neutty, @Fudman420, @Mully465

Next 16 Drivers (Wildcards):
@Noob01_lmdead, @Skills, @gulfvet67, @TomMang_68, @thracerviewr, @Kgffy, @basswerks1, @NASCARNATE91, @Grandpa Money , @Herimopp89, @Drifter1171, @WildOne1976, @Rob Brown, @JamCar0ne, @diehard racer, @SAMHAIN85
Here is the final registration list. The first 14 players have their spots reserved. The one's who did not respond can keep an eye on the broadcasts and will be allowed to join at 9:30 pm Eastern time if there is room

@SAMHAIN85 and I will be stewards. Sam is a wildcard qualifier, so he is free to race if he wants, but since he only raced one night in the season, it will be up to him.

It will be a strange night though. Race 1 will be "traditional". Race 2 on the oval will require a lot of cooperation from the ones at the back to try and catch up to the leaders. So, be wise. In race 3 the guy on pole will complete the first lap before the guy at the back even started



If Nascar, Nog and Kg show up, here is the starting order and delayed times (zoom in):

@Phlano099, @Nicktune, @TEX36, @Lozano1, @nmcp1, @Timlour, @TexasJDC, @Bologna_Duc, @racingchamp30, @soundtiger95, @Nick Cannella, @Neutty, @Fudman420, @Mully465

@Noob01_lmdead, @Skills, @gulfvet67, @TomMang_68, @thracerviewr, @Kgffy, @basswerks1, @NASCARNATE91, @Grandpa Money , @Herimopp89, @Drifter1171, @WildOne1976, @Rob Brown, @JamCar0ne, @diehard racer, @SAMHAIN85
Well shoot I thought I had responded. I'll be online and available if there are overflow. It says the form for submission is closed so I cannot respond at this point but I will be there if any confirmed participants do not show. Question, I filled the form with available times, was there another I somehow missed?
I sent this to Red earlier:

Red- I'll be on standby. If only 15 show up I will take the last slot and help you run it. I'll broadcast the race but wont be participating since I only ran 1 week of the May season.
If 16 show let's have one of the participants give you a hand.


I'd hate to bump someone out to make room for me if theres already 16 in the lobby. Especially since I wont be racing. @Neutty or anyone else, if this happens maybe you can help with typing out the delays for Red and whatever else he might need. That way everyone can stay and race and wont be bumped
Question, I filled the form with available times, was there another I somehow missed?

The registration form was here

Were pretty lenient about letting people race even if they missed registering. But those that registered will have priority
Sorry for not showing up. I wasn’t getting notifications from this thread and forgot about it. Last I checked I was still a wildcard. Hope you found someone to fill the spot. My bad.
Wow, I did better than I ever expected. Too bad about the last race though. A better finish on my part and I could have had the overall nights win.

You ran really well! I had a lot of fun trying to get around you cleanly in the BMW. I felt like i was a bit faster but couldn't find the speed to get past. The one time you made a mistake I overcooked the braking zone and couldn't capitolize. Great racing! It was a blast!
Sorry for the no show guys. I ended up staying later at work and overslept on my late afternoon nap so I didn’t really have time to get laps in. I hope everyone had a good time and hopefully I’ll be able to join everyone in the future.
Time to do the survey again to see if we want to have the next event on Friday July 12 or Monday July 15.

Please note: This is not your official invitation or your sign up. The official invitations will come out on July 8 and signup will be explained in that invitation. This is only a survey to see which date suits the most people so that I can issue the invitations accordingly.

If you are tagged below then you have a chance to be invited if there are no major IRs filed against you on June 23 race night. The top 7 people in each division are in the list below.

Personally I would like to do it on July 12, but if y'all vote for July 15, I'll make it work.

Please click the link to fill out the SURVEY

@basswerks1 @Bud__Greene @Fudman420 @Grandpa Money @Herimopp89 @JamCar0ne @Bubdub804 @MikeGrove @Mully465 @N38824r @Nascarcory @NASCARNATE91 @Drifter1171 @Neutty @Nicktune @Rob Brown @Nick Cannella @TomMang_68 @Phlano099 @racingchamp30 @Noob01_lmdead @SAMHAIN85 @stelephant @TEX36 @thracerviewr @Timlour @Lozano1 @WildOne1976
Survey says: Friday July 12


I do have an issue that came up and will be out of town for the unforeseeable future starting Tuesday next week. I'll prepare the spreadsheet and send out the official invites and instructions on Monday.

I hope @SAMHAIN85 is available to run the evening. For anyone else who is available to help Sam, I'll provide you access to the sheet so you can help him with the starting grid texting etc. Just PM me you email address that is associated with your Google account.

If someone wants to host, that will help too.

I will have access to my computer and can still prepare the final report. I will need a few things there too, but we can sort that out next week.

@basswerks1 @Bud__Greene @Fudman420 @Grandpa Money @Herimopp89 @JamCar0ne @Bubdub804 @MikeGrove @Mully465 @N38824r @Nascarcory @NASCARNATE91 @Drifter1171 @Neutty @Nicktune @Rob Brown @Nick Cannella @TomMang_68 @Phlano099 @racingchamp30 @Noob01_lmdead @SAMHAIN85 @stelephant @TEX36 @thracerviewr @Timlour @Lozano1 @WildOne1976


The June 2019 Invitational is here:
Friday, July 12, 2019 at 9:30 PM Eastern Time
Rules and regulations: Here



Congrats to this season's top performers! Welcome to the Snail Invitational Race. Registration is now open. All SNAILs listed below are eligible to register. The top 14 drivers who register before the deadline are given priority on race night. Please click on the link to the REGISTRATION FORM to indicate your availability. You have to click on the "Yes" (Confirm) or the "No" (Cancel) option. If your situation changes you can come back and enter the change. The form closes at noon on Friday, July 12, 2019.

Wildcard/reserve drivers still have to register. You will be added to the list if some of the first 14 drivers can not make it. You can come back from time to time and click on the CURRENT DRIVER STATUS to see where you are on the list.
Driver Seeding


Note: The seeding is subject to change once the final Steward Summary is posted.



Top 14 Drivers (Automatic Qualifiers):
@Fudman420, @SAMHAIN85, @Bubdub804 , @basswerks1, @Noob01_lmdead, @Neutty, @NASCARNATE91, @N38824r, @Nicktune, @stelephant, @Mully465, @TEX36, @thracerviewr, @WildOne1976

Next 14 Drivers (Wildcards):
@Grandpa Money , @JamCar0ne, @racingchamp30, @Herimopp89, @Nascarcory, @Phlano099, @Timlour, @Rob Brown, @Bud__Greene, @Nick Cannella, @MikeGrove, @TomMang_68, @Lozano1, @Drifter1171

For Info:
@Rednose58, @MajorBlixem, @SAMHAIN85, @nmcp1

Volunteers are welcome to put their names forward to help with broadcasting or other duties if one of the regular stewards can't make it.
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