SNAIL Michelin Pilot Challenge 2024, "PS5 Users Only", GS/GT4 Monthly Series on Friday Nights 9pm EST, **Recruiting New Drivers**Open 

  • Thread starter llNovall
Checking on your status for tonight. Let me know.

you are first on list for the reserves. In the event @Buffalo_DRD is not able to race, you will havea grid spot for tonight. Be prpared to race. I have yet to recieve your TT data for classing and an updated livery for any class adjustment. Please reminded, if you post a fast lap more than 1 second faster than the next fastest lap posted in the same race, that driver will be assessed a 15 point penalty for that race. (This would apply to the second race as well if a break out occurs due to no TT data)

@Fudman420 , you would be next in line.
Hey Snails, unfortunately I won’t make it home in time. I’ll likely miss out start time by about 45 mins so I’ll step asides on this one.
It pains me. Have a fun race folks.

@radliffracing much appreciated if you can grab those screen shares for all sessions.

Good luck White Knuckle Racing.
Hey Snails, unfortunately I won’t make it home in time. I’ll likely miss out start time by about 45 mins so I’ll step asides on this one.
It pains me. Have a fun race folks.

@radliffracing much appreciated if you can grab those screen shares for all sessions.

Good luck White Knuckle Racing.
Goingbto miss ya tonight Niagara. Thanks for the early heads up.

You now have a grid spot for tonights event. Please be sure to get your TT results in asap. Also, be sure to send your spec sheet to the psn groupnor myself between the room opening and the start of qualifying for scrutineering. See you tonight.


Event #3 Drivers Meeting

Grid Business
Good evening to everyone who will be attending tonight's event at Laguna Seca. We have a full grid of 16 drivers confirmed to race, with two drivers on Reserve, in the following order: @Dragonwhisky , and @Phlano099 .
@CdnSweetTee is unfortunately unable to make tonight's races....hope your shoulder feels better and we see you next event. @Fudman420 , you are now guaranteed a grid spot for tonight. As mentioned, @Dragonwhisky and @Phlano099 , be ready in the event we have any last minute drops.

ALL drivers should submit their spec sheets to my PSN: NOVA-0479 between the time that the room opens at 9pm est and the start of qualifying at 9:15pm est, along with an updated side picture of your car reflecting your placement in the overall standings if chosing to participate.
I'd ask all drivers to make sure they are running a wired connection in any way possible and to clear their network cache before entering the race room to avoid any issues. It seems the online lobbies run based on the slowest running system and/or internet speed in the room....basically throttles everyone down which appears to cause the instability we have experienced in the past. Let's try to head off any of these issues and optimize everything on our own ends that we can to help. For those with faster internet service speeds (over 200mbps+), it seems there are less issues with stability. For those on slower internet speeds or forced to run wirelessly, their network appears to be affected more when other in the household are online and pulling from the service speed. See this link to optimize your network priority for the gaming, and try to reduce internet usage (if possible) elsewhere in the house when racing.

Get them final practice laps in, and be ready for tonight.

Reminder to all drivers:
All confirmed drivers are holding 1 of 16 grid spots, and we have 22 drivers on the PS5 roster, 18 for tonight. Please notify me as soon as reasonably possible if you are unable to make the event. The latest acceptable notice without any recourse is 9:10pm est. Any drivers who are confirmed to attend, and fails to appear, will be placed on automatic Reserve for their next confirmed event.

Drivers Briefing
A few reminders for Laguna Seca:
1.) Be mindful in the opening laps. Be patient, and avoid contact/incident at all cost. Incidents that result in an issued caution, in the opening 2 laps, will come under automatic review for any possible infractions and penalized as necessary. Please be patient, brake earlier, and respect your opponent driver's space/line...they are not brakes or guard rails.
2.) Chicanes and S Sections of the track: There is no written rule for these sections, but I'd ask all drivers to exercise caution and good judgement through these sections. Know when you have lost the position when approaching these section, and be considerate enough to back out to avoid the risk of incidents. This series will continue to induce some very close quarters racing, and one slow up, or mistake could result in yourself, both, or many drivers losing position....don't be that guy. If both drivers are dead on, side by side, proceed with caution, and hold your lines. Just be warned that attempting to gp side by side in these sections cleanly will slow both of you down and almost guarantee a loss of position(s) from other attacking drivers. BE CAREFUL and AVOID CONTACT ;)
3.) See this Event Details Link and review for driver specs, race details, and allowable track boundaries for Laguna Seca.

Final Reminders:
-Please be sure that everyone is on a wired connection to their PS5 (in any way possible)
-Clear cache before entering the race room
Lets try to do the best we can to reduce the jitters within the lobby.
Any drivers that are noted or noticed to create continuous issues will be asked to retire for the event.

Here is the confirmation list:

1.) NOVA-0479 / @llNovall (#4)
2.) JDMKing13 / @JDMKING13 (#9)
3.) kgffty / @Kgffy (#84)
4.) DRD_Niagara / @Buffalo_DRD (#78)
5.) Sand_68 / @socalnatv (#68)
6.) DUB-L-DEE / @DublDee (#33)
7.) Cdn_Sweet_Tee / @CdnSweetTee (#22)
8.) DucatiRobb / @Bologna_Duc (#88)
9.) Fudman420 / @Fudman420 (#42)
10.) Rauljimenez76 / @Noob01_lmdead (#12)
11.) cesarr64 / @cesarr64 (#64)
12.) GTP_WorstDriver / @Worst_Driver (#13)
13.) Wetroadracer / @Wetroadracer (#187)
14.) Phlano_099 / @Phlano099 (#99)
15.) MrDonovan / @MrDonovan (#46)
16.) radliffpower / @radliffracing (#85)
17.) mac1032763 / @Mac1032763 (#420)
18.) R1600Turbo / @CodeRedR51 (#62)
20.) Thumpleton (THMP) / @THMP (#003)
21.) Ridger23 / @bublyman (#7)
22.) Dragonwhisky / @Dragonwhisky (#5)
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@llNovall not sure what this, "your car reflecting your placement in the overall standings if chosing to participate.", means. Otherwise, I reckon I'm as ready as I'm going to be.
@llNovall not sure what this, "your car reflecting your placement in the overall standings if chosing to participate.", means. Otherwise, I reckon I'm as ready as I'm going to be.
This pertains to participating in applying your driver standing on the digital number board. In real racing, this digital board would reflect your race position, real time, in the race....but since that is not an option for us, I decided to implement this as a way for each driver to display their current driver standing going into the next event. The participation part is ,that if you choose to participate, please maintain accuracy in updating this from race to race for best integrity. Watching back the replays, it has been cool to know where a certain driver is in the standings going into the event, and makes some of the battles mean that little bit more...especially when you have two drivers close in standings. Hope that answered your question.
This pertains to participating in applying your driver standing on the digital number board. In real racing, this digital board would reflect your race position, real time, in the race....but since that is not an option for us, I decided to implement this as a way for each driver to display their current driver standing going into the next event. The participation part is ,that if you choose to participate, please maintain accuracy in updating this from race to race for best integrity. Watching back the replays, it has been cool to know where a certain driver is in the standings going into the event, and makes some of the battles mean that little bit more...especially when you have two drivers close in standings. Hope that answered your question.
It does answer it and brings up my next question. How does one change that number on that particular number plate? I'm guessing it's that digital looking one?
It does answer it and brings up my next question. How does one change that number on that particular number plate? I'm guessing it's that digital looking one?
Correct. In the first post, last tab for awards, scroll down in that tab, and it clarifies the details on how to apply. 👍
Welp. After a day of decent stability, my internet decided at this moment of all moments to disconnect me (Which also meant I couldn't hear anyone for abit). Guess this winter cold was an awful time for me to come racing with you guys, was fun while it lasted.

Hopefully, next month is way better.
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Congrats @Worst_Driver and think @bublyman 🏆 first race,
Lots of great racing both races, well I was watching, I was slow,
Second race Srry @DublDee when I spun and I had know where too go, not much I could do don’t blame guys gasing it too get me out of the way spinning, not sure who other driver was,

RACE1 Lap1 was little disappointing, aggressive driving or I was being too nice lol.

Cya guys at the Mountain at least on long straights I’ll be a headache.
Man last night was incredible fun, I had the pace to podium but not the consistency. Laguna is a very tough course, not surprsied where I ended up. It was fun to race with @JDMKING13 @Kgffy @llNovall and several others in the mid pack during race 2 after the caution.

Lots of tight battles in an unforgiving course, I was absolutely sweating by the end of race 2. Cant wait for the next round!

Great job nova as always putting together and hosting this series, some of the best racing to be had right here.