whys there such a huge gap in the PP, Garris? 344 to 365 with initial at 350 doesn't seem to make sense...it's only 6 off the initial for leaders, but up to 15 above for those down the ranks!
It is just a 21 point swing in PP (7 increments). When the season starts rolling along, it'll start to make more sense. I don't remember, but when we did testing, I think everyone started at the bottom, and it started to level out rather quickly.
After the first race, the top quarter will go down by six points and the bottom quarter will go up by six points. After the first race, there will already be a 12 point difference. I think it will really start to show and things will find an equilibrium quickly.
Admittedly, the starting point could be more in the middle of the range, but I got to thinking... I don't want to keep penalizing the initial winners but so much. At the end of the season, I do want the better drivers to top the leaderboards. I just want the races to be closer and for every race to matter (don't want a points champion obvious by three-quarters through the season).
There were a couple rules we were playing with in testing that I haven't included. I'm not against them, we just didn't get to test without them, so I don't know that they are necessary. One of them was the idea that if you podium a race, then you are no longer eligible for a 2x increase in your PP. If you ever fall in the bottom of a race, you only get a 1x increase.
It is a short season, six races in three weeks, so we'll see how it goes and tweak things as needed.
Also, this Tuesday, anyone up for testing?