So, about that course creator.

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They can be different if you want them to be.

However, Yamauchi only refers to "work", and not what kind of work it is. I would certainly suggest that many Joules more have been expended than he originally planned - but his answer says nothing about where they were expended.

This is true . In a purely logical sense it would imply , to me at least , an overestimate of what could or can be technically achieved within whatever timeline they had set for the CM . Which is why I still see conflict in the above two statements versus Kaz's original statements on how the feature was progressing 12 months ago .

There's maintenance coming on the 25th , i'm not expecting the CM to be included though .

Off topic , good times set by you and Daan in GTA round 4 by the way . I put in some good work there to beat you guys on the DS3 :)
In a purely logical sense it would imply , to me at least , an overestimate of what could or can be technically achieved within whatever timeline they had set for the CM .
Kazunori's answer doesn't imply that the work has been technical in nature - just that there's been more work required than expected.

On the bright side, it does rule out the "holding back because [other game]" idea that a few floated earlier in this thread.

There's maintenance coming on the 25th , i'm not expecting the CM to be included though .
Me neither - though I wouldn't totally rule it out... just almost totally :D
Off topic , good times set by you and Daan in GTA round 4 by the way . I put in some good work there to beat you guys on the DS3 :)
Unfortunately I lost the last week of the event to being in hotels and travelling to said hotels. A 3'30 was doable, I think, but it wouldn't have been good enough to challenge anyway. Would have been nice to carry on with the event though - I quite enjoyed it.
Kazunori's answer doesn't imply that the work has been technical in nature - just that there's been more work required than expected.

On the bright side, it does rule out the "holding back because [other game]" idea that a few floated earlier in this thread.

Me neither - though I wouldn't totally rule it out... just almost totally :D
Unfortunately I lost the last week of the event to being in hotels and travelling to said hotels. A 3'30 was doable, I think, but it wouldn't have been good enough to challenge anyway. Would have been nice to carry on with the event though - I quite enjoyed it.

It's still a possibility for sure for , any maintenance is with 6 thesedays . Thats always a brightside 👍

Yeah I slammed in a 3.30.484 , around 9th fastest UK DS3 time so not so shabby . Confident I would've pushed the 28's if I still had a wheel ... And maybe Daan was just slacking perhaps :D
GT5 servers were shut down in less than 6 months. Why would GT7 be any different?
I said GT5 servers kept running for some time after GT6 release, I never said "6 months"
People seem to keep forgetting that is was 6 years from GT4 to GT5. 5 or 6 years from GT6 to GT7 isn't crazy.
PS4 developing is easier and faster. Cant expect nowhere near as much as GT5 timespan
How T10 relese Forza 6 so early? Do they have more money, workers etc?

Probably neither of the above.

They have clear and limited goals for each new iteration of Forza, they have good planning and they have the deadline of releasing the game every two years which gives them focus.

Polyphony attempts to jam everything they can in each new iteration of GT, there's some evidence that their planning is at best confused, and they have few qualms pushing deadlines, if they even have them in the first place.

The teams have fundamentally different approaches to development. One targets relatively small stepwise increments at regular release intervals. The other shoots for the moon. The results are as you see them, that there's a reasonable chance that FM7 and GT7 will be out within a year of each other.

Kazunori's answer doesn't imply that the work has been technical in nature - just that there's been more work required than expected.

You're reading stuff into the words used in a translated quote. That's dangerous.

The actual Japanese was 今でも動いているですけど、思ったより大変だったということです。

Which taking it very literally is something like "It's still moving along, but it has been a lot more difficult than expected".

There's no mention of work in there at all, except implicitly in that the project is still ongoing. Maybe Translator-san added it into the English that he gave to the French guy to translate into French. I wouldn't know, I can't understand French. But it's really not in the Japanese that Kaz says at ~14:20 in the video.
You're reading stuff into the words used in a translated quote. That's dangerous.
I never bothered with the interview - somehow I knew what all the answers were going to be like before it even happened... :lol:
The actual Japanese was 今でも動いているですけど、思ったより大変だったということです。

Which taking it very literally is something like "It's still moving along, but it has been a lot more difficult than expected".
It doesn't seem to make much difference to the lack of conflict twixt what I said about Course Maker and what Kazunori said. They've had unexpected difficulty with it - but that still doesn't imply technological issues (though I'm sure many will infer that if they wish to).

I'm sure it required a few more Joules than they'd planned too :D
I never bothered with the interview - somehow I knew what all the answers were going to be like before it even happened... :lol:

To be honest, I didn't bother with it apart from looking up that one quote either, and that only because I knew that it was highly unlikely that a native Japanese person referred directly to work when they have so many non-committal euphemisms to use.

I never bothered with the interview - somehow I knew what all the answers were going to be like before it even happened... :lol:It doesn't seem to make much difference to the lack of conflict twixt what I said about Course Maker and what Kazunori said. They've had unexpected difficulty with it - but that still doesn't imply technological issues (though I'm sure many will infer that if they wish to).

I'm sure it required a few more Joules than they'd planned too :D

You're right, it doesn't make much, if any, difference. I was fishing to see if your choice of the word Joules was poetic license or whether it implied something more about your hidden information. I thought it was worth a shot. ;)
Kazunori's answer doesn't imply that the work has been technical in nature - just that there's been more work required than expected.

On the bright side, it does rule out the "holding back because [other game]" idea that a few floated earlier in this thread.
Me neither - though I wouldn't totally rule it out... just almost totally :D
Unfortunately I lost the last week of the event to being in hotels and travelling to said hotels. A 3'30 was doable, I think, but it wouldn't have been good enough to challenge anyway. Would have been nice to carry on with the event though - I quite enjoyed it.
Now i'm really curious when do you think the course maker will be released:lol:
That would mean 2 years from now.

IF - BIG IF - IF there is a GT release on PS4 next year, it will be for the Christmas season 2016. If it's GT7, then the GT6 servers will be up for 6 months or so, which means 2 years from now. If, however, they do a GT7 prologue, then who knows? GT7 proper could still be 3 years out.

I think this sounds about right. My gut feeling is we're about halfway through the active 'live' GT6 lifespan. Just need that CM to reach the peak. From there it'll be a slow decent to GT7.
How T10 relese Forza 6 so early? Do they have more money, workers etc?

1. They have stricter paymaster. Probably.
2. Maybe, maybe not.
3. Technically yes. Depends on when you look at their employment numbers...
3. Technically yes. Depends on when you look at their employment numbers...

I thought a big part of the reasons was T10 outsourcing modelling, but PD keeping it in house... Could be wrong, but I'm sure I read that here in the past.
I thought a big part of the reasons was T10 outsourcing modelling, but PD keeping it in house... Could be wrong, but I'm sure I read that here in the past.

...Hence, technically. Apparently their "core" team numbers less than a hundred, buuuuut, during the so-called crunch time before the dead line, that number can swell upto 450 (or something). Pretty sure that number is including outside help...
The teams have fundamentally different approaches to development. One targets relatively small stepwise increments at regular release intervals. The other shoots for the moon. The results are as you see them, that there's a reasonable chance that FM7 and GT7 will be out within a year of each other.
Literally, The moon! in a racing game!. Or The real driving simulator
How T10 relese Forza 6 so early? Do they have more money, workers etc?

It's a different strategy. They call in more resources as needed to get releases of Forza out the door. They need to to draw people away from PS4. Just look, the PS4 is leading the console war currently, and we're on a GT forum talking about Forza. It's gets people who might be on the fence to go grab an XBOne now rather than wait for the PS4.
I said GT5 servers kept running for some time after GT6 release, I never said "6 months"

PS4 developing is easier and faster. Cant expect nowhere near as much as GT5 timespan

It doesn't take THAT much longer to develop on PS3.

I don't know what the hold up with the course creator is, but I REALLY REALLY hope it's a killer addition to the game
I would certainly suggest that many Joules more have been expended than he originally planned - but his answer says nothing about where they were expended.

I'm sure it required a few more Joules than they'd planned too :D
Hinting at something here? :D
Seems like an odd choice of words otherwise, and you say it twice in three posts time. Plus you obviously know something about the course maker (as you said multiple times). Is this the 'wind' you were talking about earlier?

Theory: Joules -> July
Me neither - though I wouldn't totally rule it out... just almost totally :D
This suggests that you have some knowledge of the release schedule, and if so, that it would be unlikely to be in June, however, there's still the possibility, since June and July are close.
Given some of their previous release dates (GT5 v2.0 being the most memorably-timed), I'm just going to throw my CM release date guess into the ring, based on info gleaned from E3:

September 15.

Well, a late birthday present would be very nice!

I have a pretty solid idea, though, that they will hype the CC to the hilt. It will be built up almost as much as a new game, because they want to draw people back to the PS (3 AND 4) and GT.

September.... :( waiting soooo long.....
Hinting at something here? :D
Seems like an odd choice of words otherwise, and you say it twice in three posts time. Plus you obviously know something about the course maker (as you said multiple times). Is this the 'wind' you were talking about earlier?

Theory: Joules -> July

This suggests that you have some knowledge of the release schedule, and if so, that it would be unlikely to be in June, however, there's still the possibility, since June and July are close.
But why Joules? That suggests that there was actually a release date planned another July... But how many Julys have there been since release in December 2013?... July 2014

W8 M8! 2013? 2+1+0+3=6

July 2014 and July 2015 are 2 Julys, so:

6/2= 3

Hmm, we must go deeper... GT6 was released in December. December is the 12th month.

3+12= 15... 15? 15th September!!!

Wake up m80!

Famine and SlipZtrEm part of Ehloomanyhty cunfirm!!!
Joules = SI unit of work...
I know. It's just that it seemed like a weird way to phrase that. Not incorrect, just unusual. And ever since you mentioned possibly dropping a 'wind', I've been reading into your posts way too much :D

So, sounds like it's safe to drop that theory...
Given some of their previous release dates (GT5 v2.0 being the most memorably-timed), I'm just going to throw my CM release date guess into the ring, based on info gleaned from E3:

September 15.

I used to think in a similar manner... I thought for sure that PDI would release the course creator when Project Cars was released. After all, Project Cars is the first legitimate threat to GT's PlayStation crown in a long time.

I am over GT6 so I wouldn't mind if this feature never made it the game anyways. Move on to GT7!
Concerning dear old Kazunori:

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