So, about that course creator.

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Lol I thought this thing would of been out by now. I actually I haven't been on GT6 since project cars came out. But I think that PD is just going to save the course maker for GT7. Like many are saying, they probably bit off more than what they can chew and thought that they could deliver the course maker onto Gt6.
Lol I thought this thing would of been out by now. I actually I haven't been on GT6 since project cars came out. But I think that PD is just going to save the course maker for GT7. Like many are saying, they probably bit off more than what they can chew and thought that they could deliver the course maker onto Gt6.

Well I've known Kaz to be vague and secretive, but never to be a liar as such.

Only a few days ago did he say that the course maker is still planned for GT6.
Lol I thought this thing would of been out by now. I actually I haven't been on GT6 since project cars came out. But I think that PD is just going to save the course maker for GT7. Like many are saying, they probably bit off more than what they can chew and thought that they could deliver the course maker onto Gt6.

Kaz said , very clearly (for once) that CM is coming ... as to when , it's anyone's guess , hopefully sooner than later.
Well I for one can't wait much longer. There has been a very noticeable decrease in the amount of people playing online in the last few weeks. I can only guess that it is because of Project Cars.

On any given night, I would have about 18 to 20 friends playing GT6. Now it is maybe 6 or 8. I am not talking about regulars, but all friends, even those that only join every once in a while.

Sunday night the room got to about 10 ppl, mostly friends. But Saturday I left early. A total of 3 friends joined.

GT6 needs the course maker ASAP. Then the fad, that is Project Cars, can fade away.
Give Julian Assange a buzz, he'll know and be happy to share....


Waits for CIA and ASIO to beat the door down.....
Well at least we know that there's no need to wait for the next game for this feature. However I don't expect an update after 2015 containing such thing, because it would be silly to do it in 2016. No one would be interested then, so PD can't waste time now.
Well I've known Kaz to be vague and secretive, but never to be a liar as such.

There have been things said that have turned out to be demonstrably false. Matchmaking in GT5 and 12 months for the VGTs in GT6 are the notable ones. And one could throw in the "track every month" stuff prior to GT6 release, which was first said by Kaz at Silverstone.

I don't think he's a liar, but I don't think he's any more immune than anyone else at PD to having their words come back and bite them in the bum. There's plenty of examples of him saying stuff that he probably shouldn't have said at the time, "we can release any time we want" for GT5 and "our sounds are too perfect" probably being good ones. Saying stuff that you believe to be true at the time but later turns out to be false doesn't make you a liar, it just makes you imprudent.

I think he's gotten better with GT6, although recently we haven't heard much of anything out of him in terms of actual information so it's hard to tell.
I remember an Interview with Kaz before GT6 was announced. When the interviewer asked him to give an assumption to "when GT6 will be released", he said that after GT5 he don't want to say a timescale because if he would be wrong people will be crossed.

I think Kaz is afraid of telling us anything about development time.
I remember an Interview with Kaz before GT6 was announced. When the interviewer asked him to give an assumption to "when GT6 will be released", he said that after GT5 he don't want to say a timescale because if he would be wrong people will be crossed.

I think Kaz is afraid of telling us anything about development time.
I think the amount of time spent to develop the Course Maker should make the course maker a game on its own, and why not, compatible with any game :D

(Yes I'm talking completely unrealistically :P)
I was surprised by Kaz not being as vague as usual and giving straight answers. Unfortunately, the only straight answer was "No."

New cars. Not excited. Most likely VGT's and that's it. Race cars have no use (for me, at least).

Course Maker. A bit too late.

Still, I'm considering going back to GT6 for a little while. PCars ended up being very disappointing. It's not a bad game. Sounds, looks and it feels wonderful, but it's nothing more than an overpriced early-access beta.
I'm not searching through 20 pages, so I hope this wasn't posted yet.

At this point, with GT7 most likely being released by December 2016, I almost feel like we don't need course creator anymore.

If GT7 is more than a year away, I certainly need course maker to help me deal with the wait... :lol:
The thing that aches me the most is that PD will not give us any information of any sort. While I understand they'd rather remain silent and secretive about what they are developing, how harmful can it be to show us a single screenshot of, say, CM's main menu?

I mean, there are developers out there who share stuff like this (but I admit - I can only think of independent devs that do this), and in an overwhelming majority of cases fans are super happy to see even these small updates...

Oh well, I'll just politely wait till the damn thing arrives. I hope it's going to be very well polished, especially considering that, as PD say, it's been in testing for about a year now! :D
I don't understand why Kaz says " I can't say anymore about this and this". Who prevents him from telling all of this stuff (CM, GT7). He is the CEO of PD, Sony won't fire him if he will give inforamtion about his game,right?
(Or is GT is Sony's game?)
I don't understand why Kaz says " I can't say anymore about this and this". Who prevents him from telling all of this stuff (CM, GT7). He is the CEO of PD, Sony won't fire him if he will give inforamtion about his game,right?
(Or is GT is Sony's game?)
PD is part of Sony worldwide studios. :)
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