So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
I see someone likes Bubbles. :P Had to Google because I totally forgot who is Octi; a plush of him would be the best thing!
How coul you NOT remember Octi?! It's an octopus on weed with a top hat! :lol:

The last few days have been great. No more cold and lots of sun.

Spent time with my wife and drank plenty of beer, watched movies and taken it easy.

Today I'm checking out a new pizza place just around the block so hopefully that'll good.
My sleep schedule is all kinds of messed up. So I can't sleep.

I fell asleep about an hour ago and had my first experience with a form of sleep paralysis/ lucid dreaming/outerbody experience/third-person :censored:ery/ whatever the 🤬 they call it!

All I know, is that it creeped me the 🤬 out!

I was watching myself sleep and every action ie. hands moving, elbow, legs, etc. was enacted in sync in my dream. The position of my legs; the blanket between my legs; the clothes I'm wearing; the position of my phone; the earphone cable from my phone to my ears...

Then suddenly my point of view flew back with intense speed and I was watching myself sleeping from really far away. My room was black and there was basically a spotlight over my bed.

When I saw that spotlight/ray of light, I couldn't breathe. Terror shot through my body. So much to the point where I jolted. I think it was my right elbow that just gave way and shot up.

I woke up hyperventilating with a cold shiver running up and down my spine. Also had this damn sinking feeling in my chest.



I blame Tech N9ne
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^ That's why I don't try lucid dreaming. Intentionally messing with my mind ain't gonna end well, I know that much about myself :scared:

Either way, today's... hideous. If there was a cliff in the office, I'd be throwing myself over it ASAP. Last workday of the year, so, naturally, lots of customers with lots of issues. Second to last day for our customers to reclaim some fees we unduly billed them with as well, and that's even worse. If our customers want their money back, we'll need a written application by tomorrow. It's been months since the German courts decided to outrule those speicifc fees and people are baffled that they've only got that one day left to claim them. That cut-off date was imposed by said German courts as well, so that's not even something we're to blame for... :indiff:
@Luminis not like I wanted to do it. It just happened. This feeling started at the base of my spine, and moved down to my thighs amd knees and feet. Locked them into place and moved up. That's when it all started....

Also customer support during this time of year.. I feel bad for you guys..
My wife, best friend and companion since 23+ years said that she loved me dearly but nevertheless wanted a divorce.

Shellshocked is too tame a word for how I'm feeling.

Truly sad news indeed. Stay strong there and keep positive.
Shellshocked is too tame a word for how I'm feeling.

Yikes. Not the best news to walk into.
Sometimes the lessons one has to learn from another are over . . . and you must part.
If you cannot prevent it do your best to part amicably and stay in contact. Remember you don't have to 'start all over again'. You have to move on. The future without her might be a different reality that you have to face . . . but that is all. It may be neither better nor worse - merely different. Look to all the blessings that come out of that parting while remembering all the wonderful times you were granted together.
That is the best I can say in sympathy - and you may imagine my arm around your shoulders as I say that.
It us hard to judge what others go through - we don't all perceive reality in the same way, but I'm hoping you'll walk through this gloom soon and into the sunshine of a better life with the promise of happiness for you again.


Last day of the year was great - spent it with a multitude of friends, just got back home, and of course a quick fly-by to say Happy New Year to all you guys and here's hoping to hear about some great times in the year to come. 👍

I did something monumentally stupid on the road that, miraculously, didn't get anybody hurt. I feel awful, so scared and embarassed, can I please exchange a couple of PMs with someone to get it out of my system?

Edit: @Team THRT Drift thanks a bunch, I really needed it 👍.
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Not bad, did well on my final, when returning home though some idiot decided to cross 3 lanes suddenly I was a millimeter probably from hitting him, left a trail of smoke because of how hard I braked, never been in a situation like this before so glad I held it together, thankfully I've recently had a change of Pads I have no doubt with the old pads it would have been game over.

I fell asleep yesterday at 6 PM, woke up at 10 AM this morning. Ate some croissant... then procrastinated all day...

Checked my Bio lecture schedule and found out just exactly how behind I am.. Was also supposed to have done four problem sets for Calc, and am supposed to do two problem sets for Chem. I need to read an entire book by Thursday for Anthropology...

Plus prepare for Labs in Chem and Bio...

Plus keep girl friends happy... plus keep the truck maintained.... plus... plus... AGH!!

Well, time to get into gear I guess.


Going through Uni like:

Well I had a dinner with my wife's family and some guy showed up, who my wife claimed was a gangster. Yeah, right.
Turns out he was a real gangster and took me to his hangout to meet his pals. That was fun, too much beer, whiskey and weed.
I now feel like death but had a good night.
Well I had a dinner with my wife's family and some guy showed up, who my wife claimed was a gangster. Yeah, right.
Turns out he was a real gangster and took me to his hangout to meet his pals. That was fun, too much beer, whiskey and weed.
I now feel like death but had a good night.


The Northen Thailand mafia are a nice bunch of chaps mostly. A few of them are a bit grumpy. Many if them hold government positions anyway so they aren't like hoodlums or gangbangers. They're all quite useful people to know for when I come to live here. And I also now have a weed supplier. Win win.
I had a very good day. Met with members (around 10 - 15) from a Belgian forum.

Well I had a dinner with my wife's family and some guy showed up, who my wife claimed was a gangster. Yeah, right.
Turns out he was a real gangster and took me to his hangout to meet his pals. That was fun, too much beer, whiskey and weed.
I now feel like death but had a good night.
Sounds like a script from a Hollywood movie.
Sounds like a script from a Hollywood movie.

Shem is a Hollywood movie. I follow his adventures with great interest. :lol:

A lovely, bright, sunny day here in Ontario - which is cheering enough to have the people I meet return my smile.
A bit of a rush in the early part of the day - and now a quick visit home for some tuck (rice and chicken) before I fly off again on endless and apparently useful errands before heading back to work.
Now if I can only scrape in a quick half-hour at the console . . . . :mischievous:
@Anghammarad Sad to hear that, hope you can keep strong and get over it. I also had a divorce years ago and its a tough one to swallow, but now a couple of years later I'm very happy with my new GF.

I had a vertigo attack on Sunday, they had to get me to the hospital by ambulance and here I am writing this from my hospital bed. Quite spooky to feel totally drunk for 24 hours straight due to natural causes... Doing better now though.
I went to bed at 1:30am and got up at 5:45am.
Got the kids ready, the car packed up and was on the road just before 9:00am.
Two hours and 45 minutes later we mad our first stop (:eek:) for lunch and shopping for new shoes for them.
Back on the road about 2:00pm for my son's appointment at 4:00, which we were almost an hour and a half early for.
Appointment finished up at 4:40pm, stopped for supper and gas refill at 5:30pm, got home just after 9:00pm

It's been a long day. :crazy:

On the plus side, he did his best PFT he's ever done. 👍
My wife, best friend and companion since 23+ years said that she loved me dearly but nevertheless wanted a divorce.

Shellshocked is too tame a word for how I'm feeling.
A really big internet hug to you.

Stay strong!!!


My day was good overall

  • Went to the university and signed up for German classes! :D
  • On my way to my house, I met a friend I didn't see in like six months, we had a really long conversation, but in the end he had to go to work.
  • Watched Neflix during the day and then played GT6 and Battlefield, just like the hermit I am :D
This was from the other day. Made a makeshift sled out of a truck hood, rope and a ATV. I was riding the sled in this video. We'd just started so we weren't really whipping it around yet.
