So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
Dang man, ever have one of those days where almost everything you touch doesn't work out? Spent 2 days at work building a massive quote for a sales rep who promptly, upon receiving it wrote me a scathing email about how I did everything wrong. And yet, it's literally everything on the quote which the sales rep does not understand. I sent her a small essay before I left today detailing literally every line item on the quote. Can't freakin wait to see what she replied with in the morning.
Got home and thought I'd play some guitar to relax. Nope, I just sucked so much tonight that I got frustrated and put it down. Then I thought I'd play some GT and REALLY sucked hard on that too, so I put that down. Then I thought I'd cheer myself up by watching some funny YouTube vids. Nope, the Internet decided to work at 1995 speeds the instant I tried watching. So here I am grumbling about it before I go to bed frustrated lol.
School. I would describe it but the AUP won't let me. Let's just say I can't wait to leave...

Today was 4 hours sitting around reading about planes and cars and doing some Google sketchup stuff, followed by a gaming lesson on Game maker language... j o y.

I learned something though, the phrase spotty dog can mean "okay"
Got my replacement drivers license in the post today... Without going into all the details again, it was revoked following failure to surrender upon request. It had also expired and the address was out of date by some way. Needless to say I've had to pony up several hundred pounds in fines for one reason or another... So it was quite pleasant to also receive a cheque from her majesties paymaster General to cover an over payment, only £33 but it was a nice feeling.

Also, when I first exchanged my old fashioned paper license, for a "new fangled" photocard, I lost entitlement for a load of catergories, these appear to have been added back to the new license.

I'd like to state also.. Don't underestimate the evil procrastination powers of someone with serious anxiety issues. This situation with me and the DVLA had basically been going on for 12 years, and has felt like a cancer on my soul, one that I've been unable to face up to. Today marks the end of that.

Now, if only I had a car that works :lol:
Veeeeryyyy good day. Beautiful weather. Had a good work out this morning. Made spaghetti sauce. Interneteded a for while.

Injected brake cleaner directly into the inlet manifold of my car (while the engine was running ofcourse) in an attempt to solve an ongoing technical problem (cleaning de air flap thingies inside the inlet manifold). It didn't work. :(
Took my father for a drive to let him feel how bad my car is performing. He was flabbergasted.

Find out that I can buy Assetto Corsa on Steam simply by using my debet card and transfer the money directly onto Steam's bank account, instead of having to have a credit card, visa, PayPal account and all the other complicated payment systems.
A nice and slow day. I over-ate today, but that was mainly due to me wanting to taste the new goodies I bought at Safeway.

I hope everything is going fine for everyone, though.

Tomorrow is going to be more of yesterday except for more hours, and a Biology exam tomorrow. I'm not too sure if I'm ready, but I'm going to put a few hours of studying in tomorrow before the test. I've studied a small amount, which is usually good for me, but I'm still somewhat nervous about this. I'll take it one step at a time.

Time for some sleep.
Cell theory. How water helps us live. Proteins, Amino Acids, Atoms, Molecules, Compounds, Elements... yada yada.

It's not really hard to get, it's just hard to remember. That's why I hate Biology, too much ******** to remember.

Yeah... it's all memorization. Very few theories/concepts in comparison to other science courses, say Physics or Chem.

How'd it go?

So far bad, stomach pain all day.. :(

Where is the pain?
Yeah... it's all memorization. Very few theories/concepts in comparison to other science courses, say Physics or Chem.

How'd it go?

I think I messed up. She let us make a little "cheat sheet", but 95% of the stuff I had on it was useless. I think I got around a 60%-69%. She beat around the bush when I asked her what to focus on for the test.
It was actually diarrhea... :(

Ouch. Stomach flu? Or just spent too much time barefeet on cold surfaces?

I think I messed up. She let us make a little "cheat sheet", but 95% of the stuff I had on it was useless. I think I got around a 60%-69%. She beat around the bush when I asked her what to focus on for the test.

Ah... Yeah my Bio prof is the same. She's very vague. As if she WANTS the class to fail. That's how I feel about all Uni profs.

A conversation of a friend of mine and our Calc prof:

"What'd did you get on the last test?"

"I failed... got around 40%"

"You're doing good. That's around the class average."

Speaking of biology teachers/professors, the one I had last year would always refer to my class, as well as his others, as "stupid humans" in the midst of punishing the whole class for one little thing that one person did wrong. It happened all the time. Then the one day, I got yelled at for not doing something that he never told me to do.

Dropped my phone this morning, glass shattered, screen totally black and non-responsive.
Insurance covers it, but they're not answering the damn phone all day; have listened to a total of almost 3hrs of classical music while waiting for an operator to talk to me... 👍

Dropped my phone this morning, glass shattered, screen totally black and non-responsive.
Insurance covers it, but they're not answering the damn phone all day; have listened to a total of almost 3hrs of classical music while waiting for an operator to talk to me... 👍
Sounds fun
Finally secured financing to follow an intensive training course in sales today. Will hopefully have a job at a car dealership by the summer.👍
Serviced a bicycle, cleaned a scootercycle, shaved my head and it's only midday. I'm not sure what to do for the rest of the day.
The sun is shining and the weather is fine, not sure where to go or what to do.
Absolutely, positively one of the worst I have had in the last 6 months. Only 2 other times have I had a day this rough.
So far so good. Did nothing but play GT6 all day. And have lots of food and drink. And a quick trip to my garage to have new tires installed.
I couldn't believe the difference in grip driving back from the garage.
Now I'm rushing off to a Nursing Home for some volunteer work, a longer journey, so I will be really able to note the difference.
New tires feel so great. :)
Since my car is an FF it chews up the fronts good, and I'm happy to get some control back.
Don't you rotate the tires before you install new ones?

*Bring the back tires to the front and vice versa*

I should have - but I didn't; strangely I did this with my other cars, but not this one. Why? Well, I got a set of slightly used tires for the car when I first got it (used car - an Olds from a Dealer pal, one of the last cars off the assembly line), and decided to run that down quick before I went in for new tires. Hardly 20K miles and the tires were shredded. Could be my style of driving. :nervous:
This is the first FF I've owned, and I rather like it actually.
As for the new tires - wow! What a difference new rubber makes.
Turn-in, steering, grip, comfort - there's no doubt that tires make a huge difference.

Now every time I get out of the car I have to look at the tires. They just look great. :)
I've resisted kicking them. So far.

Back home now for the rest of the day - or rather evening now - and after a brandy, pork steaks and chocolate cake (coming soon) I will be immersed in my own little racing-world combo - GTPlanet/GT6.