So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
Sad day today, a friend of mine who I've known since nursery/kindergarten visited me today with my Goddaughter. He's smoked drugs for a long while now and while he has stayed only with smoking and not moved onto hard drugs he has seriously taken a major mental hit.

He is so messed up mentally, he believes every conspiracy theory he reads about and thinks people are half Aliens. He also thinks that some hippy/shed type inventor has created zero point energy and runs a MK2 Ford Escort on it and scientists don't know how it works.

Such a sad day as this guy could have done anything with his life as he was very clever and a real likable person, now I want to slap him and tell him to get a grip.
Every fall/winter, my motivation for creating things dies. It's not that I do it deliberately, but it just happens to me like a natural mental clock. Every spring/summer, I get more and more creative with ideas and cool designs. I guess my mind goes with the seasons. I love fall/winter, but March in particular is my favorite month out of all others.

Yesterday and today have been just laid back. I missed a flight home, but that was because of the way the flights were structured. I went back, played League of Legends and read some articles. As Sundays are usually, I'm just kicking back and being lazy.

The upper part of this post came along today and it's something that I've just started to notice about myself. I also have a practice of moving my wallpapers and themes towards something brighter when Spring and summer comes around.. just adds to the better mood.

I can't wait for the sunny but rainy April showers :D
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I hate March. Busiest month of the year for me as professors cram every little thing into the month before we finish classes and study for final exams
Gonna go brand some cows at my grandparents farm. Should be interesting.
Went to a party last night. The host and birthday girl were over an hour late because of complications, and then I had some stomach cramps near the end.
In the first basketball practice I was utterly humiliated, I had no direction whatsoever.
Just one of those days where when someone ****s with you, you just have to stop giving a **** about them. Once this is over with, I'm burning down any bridges, and I'm taking anything that they own away from them.

When people try to hold you back or try to mess up your plans, break them down, leave them behind, and wipe them from your memory, but you have to make sure that whatever you do will be etched into their brain for the rest of their life.

People don't understand that actions can't be made without repercussions and circumstances. It will be learned soon.
Productivity is the word today. I got a lot of work done this afternoon whereas usually my motivation lacks after lunch. Got several projects finished and feel generally pleased about it.
Last two days have been rubbish. Firstly a friend has found out he has a brain tumour, he's in his 70's and I've no idea how this will pan out for him... :(

Then, far less important, but almost the straw that broke the camels back, reversed into a parked car.. hardly any damage to their vehicle, suprisingly large amount to the car I was driving, which wasn't mine. 18 years of driving, 12 points and one license revocation, but I've always been proud of the fact I've never had any kind of accident...

On the plus side, finally got my Xmas bonus so I'm going to start booking tickets tonight. 10 BTCC races , 4 24 hour races, 1 DTM race.
This is a very dark day in my life. My computer mouse's wheel basically melted in my fingers while I was cleaning it, and couldn't find a suitable mouse replacement in my house (my father insists on keeping everything we no longer use, neglecting the fact that if we don't use it, it's for a very good reason). Now I'm using a mouse that looks like was designed for children, as it is the length of my fingers.
I had an argument with my family, every single family member is crippled because of their own stupid lifestyle. One is eating himself to death, the other one is drinking himself to death, one family member has a screwed up back that gets worse and worse but she does not even think about doing something to prevent further damage, one a heavy smoker who cant even breathe anymore, one member is anorexic and looks like a concentration camp prisoner.

Sadly I'm the only healthy family member, I love being physically active, I'm a passionate weight lifter + cyclist, I try to eat healthy and avoid potential health risks we face on daily basis. I have extensive knowledge about these things and really tried to use it to help my family over and over and over again, but now I have finally realized its for naught. Their self discipline is completely non-existent.

Really, people void of any form of self discipline fascinate me, in the worst possible way. I simply don't understand people who are intelligent enough to be fully aware of that their actions cause immense harm to themselves which will most likely result in an early and not so pretty death yet they don't stop. Heck I get the impression they don't even want to stop. I simply don't understand.

Ironically those people usually cry the loudest when they finally crap out.

Ah, this makes me so angry because I still love them.
Last night was the first time in...well, I don't quite remember the last time I had a Friday without beer.
Once I got home from work I took a snooze that somehow lasted until midnight. I woke up, realised I was sober and went back to sleep.

Today I woke up an hour ago (7ish) and feel great! No gut ache, no head ache, no dehydration, nothing. It's going to be strange to experience a Saturday without booze in my system slowing me down.
Last night was the first time in...well, I don't quite remember the last time I had a Friday without beer.
Once I got home from work I took a snooze that somehow lasted until midnight. I woke up, realised I was sober and went back to sleep.

Today I woke up an hour ago (7ish) and feel great! No gut ache, no head ache, no dehydration, nothing. It's going to be strange to experience a Saturday without booze in my system slowing me down.
This made me laugh pretty hard. Just imagining "woah, Im not drunk?" after waking.
So today was my Birthday and it was awesome. I got way more happy birthdays than I expected, everyone in my English class sang me happy birthday, I got a awesome card and one of my friends bought me Dayz. Then at work more birthday wishes and afterwards a bunch of us went to dinner for me and anothers going away party. After that it was Go-karting until now. In the final half-hour I'm just gonna relax with some steam games.
Big big day, sadly in our University a girl was hit by a University bus on Campus and was sadly killed (last week) which led to sit-ins demanding those held accountable recieve punishment, a complete overhaul for the transportation and medical systems and a suspension of academics till the University is deemed safe.

Demands were not met which led to a strike by the students starting today with 85+% not attending the midterms, some parents also showed up to have a meeting with the president of the University for said reason.

when the meeting was concluded the University sent an e-mail bluntly stating that whoever did not partake in the midterms will be rewarded with 0 and no suspension of academics, which was met by anger by the students and the parents, strikers are expected to resume tomorrow (number may decrease though) and we are all hoping the University does the right thing but so far it seems that is not probable.

Note: The University always had a bad history with listening to student demands and has always treated student as the cash bringers, which is weird since it's regarded as one of the best Universities in Egypt (and one of the most expensive).
So my day was summed up very easily...


But for actual detail...

I usually use this quad to get to work (it's only about a 500 meter ride there), and just as I stopped there (to find that no one else had showed up because it was slightly wet) the wheel gave out. I'm happy it happened as I stopped, rather than happening while travelling 30-40 KM/H on a narrowish gravel road. I limped it all the way back home (because of course, it broke when I was as far away from home as possible) and eventually got it into the garage. By some miracle nothing was actually broken, just one bolt had fallen out, though I lost the the nut. (no point trying to find it. It could have fallen off days ago, but the bolt only just fell out then) But found the dust cap that goes over it, along with a washer. Good thing is that it was easily fixable, and it's now up and running again (because this actually happened on Friday... Not Sunday which is what day it is now). :D
So my day was summed up very easily...

View attachment 330308

But for actual detail...

I usually use this quad to get to work (it's only about a 500 meter ride there), and just as I stopped there (to find that no one else had showed up because it was slightly wet) the wheel gave out. I'm happy it happened as I stopped, rather than happening while travelling 30-40 KM/H on a narrowish gravel road. I limped it all the way back home (because of course, it broke when I was as far away from home as possible) and eventually got it into the garage. By some miracle nothing was actually broken, just one bolt had fallen out, though I lost the the nut. (no point trying to find it. It could have fallen off days ago, but the bolt only just fell out then) But found the dust cap that goes over it, along with a washer. Good thing is that it was easily fixable, and it's now up and running again (because this actually happened on Friday... Not Sunday which is what day it is now). :D

Now maybe you should check the other side.:P
Today I completed my life, and it's all summed up with this one picture.

#IWasSlayedSoHardIDied #ILoveKatyPerryUnconditionally

Big breakfast followed by 2 hours of exercise to ensure all the cigarettes don't kill me too soon.
Had a sleep around lunch time and then woke up to discover a beer in the fridge I didn't know I had. Yay!
Soon I'm going out to practice my parallel parking as tomorrow I collect my brand new car from the dealership and will take a licence test on Wednesday. Yep, I'm finally going legit...well, on the road anyway, though I think my scootercycle is still missing a tax disk and the cruise control is certainly a semi-illegal mod, but how else does one open a banana while riding to work?
Worked on some vegetables patches, after only 25 minutes of being exposed to an early April sun, far away from the equator, my arms instantly transformed into crispy chicken wings.
Somebody fix the sun please, its clearly broken.

The photo looks rather tame, its much worse.
