So, how was your day?

  • Thread starter kidd0218
My day consisted of a drug test for my new job, apartment searching, apartment getting (yay!) re-wrapping wiring for my 5-speed swap on my car, drilling a hole in the firewall of my car for that swap, and purchasing insurance for said car.

Starting tomorrow I can start installing parts. Woo.
(Seeing as I can't be bothered with the drama of posting this on Facebook or twitter it'll go here. Need a vent.)

Me and a friend were talking yesterday, I haven't heard from him since I installed an air filter for him (because he can't do it...) so I decided to make general chit chat. Few things came up and suddenly, he dropped how he was seeing someone in the chat. Ok, I'll bite.

"Who is it?"
"You know your ex?"
"How could I forget..."
"Her cousin."

So, anyway, I moved on quickly. And I went to see him today. All was well and good until there was a knock at the door. Guess who? The cousin, now I don't mind her but she always asks about why me and (let's call her) Sam broke up. It got to the point where she only made references to it and when I said "Look, I kinda prefer not to share something like that with you." She flipped. "Someone like me? What's that supposed to mean?" And then (let's call him) Bob walked in and took her side ("I love her" grow up. You only want her in your bed.) saying "What you mean is you can't hold a stable relationship down. Remember Sam, Beth, Lucy and Lizzy (all fake names)?"

Now. That hurt. A friend I've known since I was 6, a really close friend, bringing these examples up. All ended basically the same, they called me to "Strange" or something and wished I was dead.

We argued, quite a few insults exchanged ("Oh I can't hold a relationship? This'll be over in 2 weeks once you've got bored of her. That's what you do, change women like you do socks. Remember Mel, Maria, Maracas and Meatball (fake. Obviously)?")

We left on bad terms, which involved me deflating his tyres (You just would) and him shouting weak insults ("You're not gonna have sex tonight but I am ha!") down the street.

30 mins later, I start playing GT6, get a message.

"Bob: Sorry about tonight :)"

I've looked, not an emoticon, reaction image or Daft Punk reference can put my reaction into words. Mainly because of the AUP...
Hasn't been too great of a day for me, been in a very bad mood on and off lately for various reasons. Hoping it will pass on soon.

Oh well it could be worse. I guess I should be thankful I am not blind in one eye, because I could have been, but luckily I am not.
Not too bad.
Talking to my best friend about hugging. Quite awkward, but hey.
Update: Bob now trying to apologise for yesterday. (Post above)

Other than him, not that different. I guess I'm kinda getting more comfortable in my French class. And I managed to make the girl (of which there are normally 2, but today it was just her) laugh a bit.

Apparently I am actually kinda funny... Apparently.
Driving license acquired today, and I had a date with the girl I knew during the driving lessons, what a week! :sly:
Not sure what's the most exciting thing, during the exam the adrenaline level was pretty high for the reasons above :D
Since something must go wrong I 'wasted' all the money on my paypal account and today a game I was waiting for 2 years appeared magically on steam (Toy Soldiers cold War, and I'm disappointed about the infamous GT6 DLC of course, not yet released), but I don't care too much :lol:
Miami bass parties are so fun.


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Woke up this morning feeling good until a pigeon started to call for it's girlfriend for a long time, very close to my window.
After a while I opened a window, which was apparentely enough to make this pigeon to shut up.

I believe it was between 15 and 20 minutes later, this pigeon was back. I opened my window again to see if I could see were this pigeon was. Opening the window seems to be enough to scare pigeons away though.

A minute ago when I was typing the first part of this message this pigeon was back and started calling for it's girlfriend again. This time it doesn't bother me at all.

I'm having lasagne for lunch. Yay! I'm enjoying my day so far!
I had a pretty great day, I joined my first MTB race this season and I finished 26th out of 50 something which is not that bad since I started dead last.
Woke up, sister comes home saying she almost died. What happened?

Well...this picture speaks for itself.


Idiot was parked in the turning lane so they backed it into a 10ft deep ditch against a telephone pole....

It's still there as I'm posting this LMAO.
Riding on a school bus around here is like asking to be killed. My school bus driver (when I rode the bus, from K-half of 9) was great, but other than her I've probably seen like 2 good bus drivers. I'm not saying it was the bus driver's fault, but there are so many idiotic bus drivers here it's not funny.
When I went to school we had one go sideways twice in the same spot at the same time due to an idiot driver.
Towards the end of last year my health started declining rapidly. My kidneys had signs of damage, I was getting constant migraines and when my blood work came back it was strewn with cancer markers. I had a small team of doctors trying to figure out what was going on. They were fairly convinced either my kidneys were dangerously affecting my blood and causing my immune system to fail or I had cancer somewhere that they couldn't track down. The scariest part was my autoimmune response was so erratic that they darn near hospitalized me until they could figure out what the heck was going on. And I was losing weight faster than they could control. Well, I decided to really concentrate hard on my workout routine and really eat right. I started drinking soy shakes when I wasn't eating just to give my body a constant supply of nutrients. Well, things slowly began improving. I stopped getting migraines, my kidneys started evening out, and I started packing on healthy weight. Well guess what? I went in for a checkup and I just got my results back this morning. My lipid panel is good! My blood work is great!! All tests came back 100% normal or better than normal! My main doctor said he was proud of how quickly my health improved. He said he wasn't totally sure but that really working out and trying hard to eat right probably played a huge factor. He said most likely my kidneys were so damaged that they were causing all these erratic side effects, and while they are far from healed, that eating right probably saved them. He said many other people just give up and continue to eat and drink whatever they want and end up on dialysis by this point. So while I don't exactly feel lucky that this all happened, I'm very relieved to see my tests were normal!
That is very good news @XS!

I went to the beach yesterday. I don't remember a thing.... all I know, is that my van was muddy as hell when I saw it this morning; as if I went rallying. I had to clean it this morning which was a pain in the neck when it came to the wheels and wheel arches, but it was fun overall. My mother didn't want to drive a dirty van to work, so I woke up earlier than usual (around 5) and went for a long bike ride then got down to business.

It still needs to be cleaned. The worst part was that I found an empty bottle of Lysol under the passenger seat. It was a mess. There is Lysol EVERYWHERE! It's not like I can clean it out easily either. I think I'll remove the carpets and just add water to the interior, brushing every inch of that floor using the Lysol.

Further inspection lead me to find something wrong with the engine. I need to get an engine cleaner fluid (not sure what it's called) something to flush out the crap oil the mechanic put into it. Around 2k-3k RPM there is a constant ticking, thanks to the watery oil the mechanic dumped into it.

So yeah, busy, annoying day. I was just relaxing playing GTA, now I'm about to do some work, and later I'm calling my friends to find out what exactly happened yesterday.
Good day today...

I own my own landscaping business and renewed two contracts got to get more (and more and more.)

Can't wait to stop working snow storms and back to working outside in the Sun!
Happy International Women's Day to all the women of GTP and the world!

Weird syntax? Yeah....

Speaking of International Women's Day, I sent out a broadcast saying 'Happy International Women's Day to all my girl friends on my contacts list. I got the usual thank you and smiley face of some sort.

There was one girl....

Happy International Women's Day to all the women of GTP and the world!

Weird syntax? Yeah....

Speaking of International Women's Day, I sent out a broadcast saying 'Happy International Women's Day to all my girl friends on my contacts list. I got the usual thank you and smiley face of some sort.

There was one girl....

View attachment 125001
Go for it. :lol:
Well, since I'm going to start pushing for a company car, thought I'd better do something with mine.

9 months without opening it, and this is what greats me...

@phillkillv2 Well, it's mould. Or, an E46 320d Tourer, depending on what you were curious about :lol:

Damn, interior is covered in it. It appears that the boot leaks, down the right hand side of the rear hatch, and into the battery compartment, so it won't start either. It's been stood for 9 months with water getting in.
Well, I'm back for yet more advice.

My parents are planning on kicking me out when I'm done college. So, again, I'm considering starting anew in a new city or province.

This time, though, I only have four trustworthy friends and a cat to hold me back. Most of my other friends betrayed me.

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