Yesterday I had issues because my dad was hounding at me because I'm not doing enough. Which is mainly because I'm tired after a week of hard work and use my weekend to relax, which is fair enough I believe. I'm expected to get all my licenses (car and motorbike) within 2 days, keep in practice for music individually, and collaberate with my brother 3 times a week, relax, help around the house all within the 3 hours or so I get to myself each day and sleep decent hours. I get home from work at 6 PM almost every day now because work goes late for no reason, and I should really be sleeping at 9 PM but I can't because my parents aren't quiet people and don't go to bed until 11 PM.
And yesterday I was so irritated by my dad threatening to kick me out for not keeping up with the 7 million things he wants me to do daily in 3 hours, I spent two hours in bed ranting in my head in frustration (I can't stand up to people, so I can't just tell him when he's being stupid) so I only got 4-5 hours sleep because I have to get up at 6 AM for no reason. I get to work at 7 AM, but work never really starts until 8 AM, this is because my dad wants me to get used to getting up early, and calls it character building. Which it isn't, because it just makes me so tired that I'm characterless. I haven't even seen my best friend in about three months because I'm always tired after work and I need the rest in the weekends.
Today however, was alright. Had a Traffic management course related to work, so I didn't do any actual work. Almost all of the stuff they teach us is common sense anyway, so I sit there for an hour doing nothing in a room and then do a little test thing (which is open book, so it's easy for anyone). But it was better than working for sure. But nyeh, just look forward, with a stroke of positive thoughts maybe something good will come?