Solve the puzzle - compile a sentence which matches the pattern...

  • Thread starter Famine
Okay, the only thing studying those two sentences did was remind me of what a preposition and adverb are, when I broke them down into the types of words they contain (and had to look up a few word types)...and I'm sure I'll forget what an adverb and preposition are again. :lol:

I know you said it had nothing to do with weird grammar patterns or such, but I have nothing else to work with, here.
You're being too complicated. Stop thinking about grammar and syntax.

A single similarity has been found by nearly everyone in all of the correct sentences. But a pattern requires more than just one similarity.

I can't give you any more help than that without it becoming obvious. Keep the two phrases you highlighted in mind though - they're short enough to be manageable.
I did find a second similarity (other than the very obvious one that everyone picked up on), and both of my attempts featured that one, too. I'll PM you with what I think that second similarity is.
If you have to PM him about it, then it’s probably wrong. ;) Once you realize what it is, it becomes as obvious as the nose on your face, and you’ll get all giddy realizing how all the example sentences work perfectly and why all the wrong sentences are so wrong.
I thought it was obvious, I thought I understood why the correct ones worked perfectly and the wrong ones didn't, and I constructed my two sentences to follow the pattern I thought I saw...but Famine says they aren't correct. So I'm completely and utterly lost.
Like I said, the more varied the sentences become, the harder it is to spot any sort of pattern. You don't teach a child to multiply before you teach him to add. It becomes even harder when people start being "clever"; that is, when they start communicating in "correct" sentences.
I have a feeling that if I said one of the correct sentences, you guys would still lex luthor me into wrongitude.
Don’t get too frustrated, guys. I was this close to outright quitting yesterday because I was so annoyed at not being able to see it – I think I literally spent three straight hours just staring at the sentences, trying to figure it out. Then I went to bed, woke up, went to work, and when I got home and went to GTP, it literally took me minutes for it to click. Sometimes all you need is to be away from the problem for a while to get a fresh perspective.

Like I said, once you do get it, it’ll smack you right in the head – it’s not some little nuance thing.
In America, we like our tire-smoking victory celebrations, even though we didn't invent the spinning jenny.

[huh? what?]
I think I literally spent three straight hours just staring at the sentences, trying to figure it out.
See, I just don't care quite enough to put that much effort into it. Since school ended, I just haven't been in "thinking" mode :).
Never being a fan of loud music, I went to a Chris De Burgh concert in Scotland last weekend... what a terrible din! Burgh's guitar was totally out of tune!
"I'll only send a Welsh greeting card if Frank agrees to chip in."

"The overwhelming conclusion of Polish children - war's awful."

"Origami craze sweeps Latvia!"

(and now we should see who played Mastermind as a kid)

Sorry for guessing. I'm still eliminating formulas. I barely remember Mastermind, though. I remember the pegs being in the boxes of all the other games at summer camp and whatnot.
Sorry for guessing. I'm still eliminating formulas. I barely remember Mastermind, though. I remember the pegs being in the boxes of all the other games at summer camp and whatnot.

My Mastermind reference:

You had four words which you know made a correct answer. You copied it but changed two of the words, and it became an incorrect answer. This might indicate that the two words you changed had some relationship to each other, or the other two words, which is important to the pattern...

sar593 - Nope.
My Mastermind reference:

You had four words which you know made a correct answer. You copied it but changed two of the words, and it became an incorrect answer. This might indicate that the two words you changed had some relationship to each other, or the other two words, which is important to the pattern...

See? I'm making progress. (albeit more through pity than cunning. Though, I did understand the reference.)

I told you I would.
Nope, and nope.

But in Libya, if you strip olive branches of their leaves, then you’ve got it!
This is pretty much all I have left to try:

"Nigeria is rife with poverty, especially during the snowy winter months when farmers have nothing to do."

"While touring mars via the remote-controlled Mars Exploration Rover, scientists noticed a rock formation that vaguely resembled Italy's Pantheon."
It would be correct if Nigeria was the backdrop for for the adventures of Aladdin and Abu – jabbering by that silly monkey notwithstanding.

And the second would be okay if you had mentioned Sbarro (meals made fast, Italian-style!).

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