some jerk is using the Iraqi flag for an avatar

  • Thread starter Tank
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Originally posted by M5Power

Fortunately, they've already began to burn it.


The thing that gets me about this, and it's the main reason I've butted out of most of the threads on this topic here, is the astonishing attitude of a number of the US members here - I mean, complaining that someone has an Iraqi flag as an avatar, some of the comments in the numerous anti-French threads, and the patriotic vitriol about burning the flag. For a country that treasures free speech it strikes me that you're pretty hard on people who don't toe the line. It's very scary for someone from the other side of the world to observe.
Originally posted by vat_man

The thing that gets me about this, and it's the main reason I've butted out of most of the threads on this topic here, is the astonishing attitude of a number of the US members here - I mean, complaining that someone has an Iraqi flag as an avatar, some of the comments in the numerous anti-French threads, and the patriotic vitriol about burning the flag. For a country that treasures free speech it strikes me that you're pretty hard on people who don't toe the line. It's very scary for someone from the other side of the world to observe.

Thats why I stay away from those types of threads (bar this one) not only because most of those members don't want to accept other peoples opinions, but also because my opinion is crap :D.
Originally posted by vat_man

The thing that gets me about this, and it's the main reason I've butted out of most of the threads on this topic here, is the astonishing attitude of a number of the US members here - I mean, complaining that someone has an Iraqi flag as an avatar, some of the comments in the numerous anti-French threads, and the patriotic vitriol about burning the flag. For a country that treasures free speech it strikes me that you're pretty hard on people who don't toe the line. It's very scary for someone from the other side of the world to observe.

That's a very good point, but you've got to understand that most of these comments come from under-educated or hapless weirdos who stumble upon the thread because it was accidentally posted in the GT3 forum. Any logical or aware person can realise that their opinion about what other people say or do really means nothing - in the end it all comes down to the speaker (or doer). But many of the people posting such things aren't logical or aware.
Oh, I do understand that - I just prefer not to deal with the frustration (and abuse) that alternative points of view seem to generate at times. Your last point is a good one.
Originally posted by milefile
I said it once before, and I'll say it again here: There are a lot of kids here who, although they may be clever and amusing, are inexperienced and immature. It's not their fault. The political views of a high-school student shouldn't be taken very seriously. They can't vote anyway. Just laugh it off and it'll go away. Nothing could be more normal.

So because you're a couple years older, your political views should be taken seriously? Please explain more, I'm a high school student who shouldn't be taken seriously.
Originally posted by Cobraboy
First off: This shouldn't be in the Gran Turismo 3 forum.
Secondly: Klostrophobic is GTP's resident smart arse, he is sarcastic and sometimes offensive but he hardly means any of it.

We love our klos don't we?
I am the resident smart-arse.

We all love Klostro. He acts like a dick head but he never means it. :D
Originally posted by Concept
So because you're a couple years older, your political views should be taken seriously? Please explain more, I'm a high school student who shouldn't be taken seriously.

Most if not all high school students know only what they've been taught and they've picked up from their parents - they rarely have their own views on issues.
Originally posted by M5Power
Most if not all high school students know only what they've been taught and they've picked up from their parents - they rarely have their own views on issues.

Not me. I just choose the most unpopular viewpoint and go with it.
one thing strikes me about the current war in iraq. when evening comes the streets of baghdad seem pretty empty right? no police anywhere, it would seem the perfect place for no holds barred racing :D hehe, or at least just street racing. i hope someone can get down there and do just that, record some videos and put them up for all of us to see! :D hehe

Originally posted by Klostrophobic
Not me. I just choose the most unpopular viewpoint and go with it.

Originally posted by Concept
So because you're a couple years older, your political views should be taken seriously? Please explain more, I'm a high school student who shouldn't be taken seriously.
I was in highschool 14 years ago. Since then I've gone to college and gotten a degree, travelled and lived all over the place, worked in different businesses, gotten married, and had my own son. A lot more happens in the 14 years between 18 and 32 than the 14 years between 4 and 18. For instance, you won't be living with your parents. There are reasons you have to be 18 to vote, one of them is that minors tend to lack the perspective years of observing and experiencing life give you. Although a few kids have definitely got a head start.

I take seriously a teenager's belief that he should be taken seriously, and probably made a mistake by actually saying what anyone who's lived a little bit already knows: that an 18 year old will only get pissed off when you tell them they are not to be taken too seriously... we all did.

I guess you need the perspective experience gives to understand why it's important. It truly is one of life's little cunundrums. In another 14 years I'll look back and say how inexperienced I was.

So I'm not going to sit and get all pissed off about some avatar intended to get a rise out of people, nor will I get defend it like it's some important statement. It's too easy and frankly I think Klos sold himself short. He's usually a little better at irony. But 45 posts over an avatar? Good job Klos.

Tank must've missed something along the way, or didn't consider the source, because all he did was give Klos a lot of attention which I'm sure inflates his ego and makes Tank look like some crabby old fart. It was so predictable that everybody collected into two sides over an avatar. "You go on that team, I go on this team... okay now we can fight."

I didn't mean to offend anyone, although I guess I knew it would. I was mostly talking to Tank. And in this situation, Klos came out ahead, toying with people like Tank... and all the people who immediately came running to defend him with "free speech." Free speech should be reserved for something that actually matters.
Originally posted by milefile
Free speech should be reserved for something that actually matters.

i don't agree with that. free speech is by its own definition, free to be whatever it wants.

but wise words milefile. every 3 or 4 years, u look back on them and think, "damn i was pretty foolish and immature then" but it just comes with growing up. all u can do is the best at that particular time.

Originally posted by M5Power
Most if not all high school students know only what they've been taught and they've picked up from their parents - they rarely have their own views on issues.

That depends. I have my own viewpoints and I'm critiscised by some of my family for them. Especially on the war. My dad and I agree on things about the war but my mother and I have completely different viewpoints. Then again, I was brought up differently than most kids (won't go into detail...;)) so I have "taboo" viewpoints on certain things. For one, I think President Bush is an ass and is doing about a good a job as Jimmy Carter did. Say what you will but I feel he needs to grow some balls.
Yeah. You must be a genius to argue with your parents. How individualistic of you.

But look at the bright side, you've only got five more years until you can vote.
Originally posted by KosmikFool
That depends. I have my own viewpoints and I'm critiscised by some of my family for them. Especially on the war. My dad and I agree on things about the war but my mother and I have completely different viewpoints. Then again, I was brought up differently than most kids (won't go into detail...;)) so I have "taboo" viewpoints on certain things. For one, I think President Bush is an ass and is doing about a good a job as Jimmy Carter did. Say what you will but I feel he needs to grow some balls.

,............................ spoiled rotton punk kid with a big mouth and no sence of history
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
,............................ spoiled rotton punk kid with a big mouth and no sence of history

Hey, hey, now...its okay to say that I'm wrong but that hurt dude. I mean, that actually hurt...

BTW, your lucky I'm not sending dirty PM's to you and flaming your ass right now. :lol: Just kidding :)
Originally posted by milefile
Yeah. You must be a genius to argue with your parents. How individualistic of you.

But look at the bright side, you've only got five more years until you can vote.

You'd be surprised how many kids just agree with their parents on situations like this and take what they say as gospel. I know arguing with parents is nothing new but on issues like this, arguments rarely come up.
Well I guess sombody's got to stir things up or we'll all get bored and do something constructive , instead of posting here. Hehe...Its a shame some people take things seriously enough that it makes them easily manipulated into thoughtfullness....oh were did we all go wrong..... @ Milefile I aggree with most of what you said...but..not everyone has had the benifit of being exposed to the klos dude., So he may be making a first impression on alot of people. Some may say a bad impression others will have no impression and some may laugh their butts off..Then again some may wan't to defend the first ammendment and laugh at the same beats workin:lol:
As much as I agree with Tank that we as Americans should support our troops, I don't see why it is such a big deal about Klos's avatar. Its only a joke, Calm down and breathe. Even I knew it was a joke judging by some of his past avatars. Dare I even bring up the teeth one? If you've seen that one, then you know what I'm talking about. I guess Klos just gets a lot of publicity out of this thread. :lol:

Milefile, you are very right, I'm 18 but I don't really have political views yet. I hope to change that though, by paying more attention to whats going on it the world.
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
,............................ spoiled rotton punk kid with a big mouth and no sence of history

Your smiley is inappropriate and your comment is also. The statement he made did not warrant the response you conjured. Just because he doesn't agree with your political views doesn't give you the right to say that and show that smiley.
I'm starting to feel some real nostalgia I'm back in school an in the yard....Play nice now...seems to ring in my ears..
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