some jerk is using the Iraqi flag for an avatar

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Originally posted by Nightmage82
one thing strikes me about the current war in iraq. when evening comes the streets of baghdad seem pretty empty right? no police anywhere, it would seem the perfect place for no holds barred racing
You know, I thought the same thing; an Iraqi police car was zooming down a 6-lane at one point, and I thought to myself....oh yeah, that would be fun!

Except for the very large potholes, collapsed bulidngs, and very recent (de-)construction zones.'s my two cents.

AltF8 - I agree wholly with you. I support the Iraqi people, and I wish going after Hussein didn't involve dropping bombs on their country.

MileFile - I would also like to see the Middle East. It seems like a fascinating place to visit. Maybe once the bombing ends.....

Klos - Yes! He finally admits that he plays Devil's Advocate every time. :D

Vat - Well, officially, we are at war to disarm and depose Saddam Hussein. Whether or not we are after cheap oil, I cannot say. It certainly seems like a collateral benefit - barrels of oil have already dropped in price by roughly 14 USD. The short answer is that I still don't know exactly what to make of this war, and I still question its necessity.

Please note that my avatar and title are there to show support for our troops, and not because I think we should be bombing the piss out of Iraq.
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer

You hit like a girl.

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