Someone explain this to me

  • Thread starter Joey D
Originally posted by Hooligan

Not if it weren't for goverment mandates. In the 1950's, they had doctors on TV discussing the wonderful health benefits of smoking. They still push the "positive" social aspect of smoking (a farce if there ever was one).

re. NOS: Do you seriously think that a sudden surge in pressure, heat, and violence in the combustion chamber -- on an already stressed engine -- could possibly do no harm? (Were you absent during the thermodynamics lectures in physics? ;) )

If your engines are set up properly, it does next to nothing. Propane injection on deasle trucks does much the same thing.
Originally posted by Hooligan

Not if it weren't for goverment mandates. In the 1950's, they had doctors on TV discussing the wonderful health benefits of smoking. They still push the "positive" social aspect of smoking (a farce if there ever was one).

re. NOS: Do you seriously think that a sudden surge in pressure, heat, and violence in the combustion chamber -- on an already stressed engine -- could possibly do no harm? (Were you absent during the thermodynamics lectures in physics? ;) )
Yes, your engine can handle some of it. If u abuse your engine by addding 100shot of NOS u will kill it. 4 cylinder engines can handle between 40-60hp without any extra wear. But for instance in tf&tf (yes that old movie ;)) he 2 100 shots of NOS which damaged his engine. If he would of used a 60 shot it probbaly wouldn't of done any damage.

BTW: i thought NOS would kill your engine but when i read it on an AD i belived it. And when i get a car and can afford NOS i will tell u if tits the truth or not. If their wrong i will sure for false advertising.
it won't mess your up if you do it right. i only have it in my car for show. I dont fill it and the bottle isn't even connected. I wouldn't use it but my friend gave my the bottle and i thought it would look fast.
ohh wow fake stuff in your car for show...everything in our cars is functional or better than what was there, and it's all factory Mazda parts, no harm, everything fits, it's the way it should be...
every thing else in my car is real but hey the bottle was free. Nothing else so i just mounted the bottle and told people i had it. Its a hell of a lot cheaper than the real stuff. Plus why do i need to out nitro on a honda?
Nitrous Oxide is an abrasive, after it meets intake into the cylinder, it can do hell to your cylinder walls after time. It's alright maybe after you rebuild an engine and use it occasionally, but you've got morons out there who use it every friday night cruising around. I just would never use it.

Oh and as for propane injection in diesel engines, I just finished taking two different diesel engine courses at school here, and propane can have the same affects as nitrous, it's an abrasive, and really is not a good way to get more power through a diesel. Even if your engine is set up properly or not.'

Oh and Troy: The cigarette companies don't tell you smoking is bad, that's the Surgeon General.
Originally posted by Pako
It's just like Kleenex, which used to be a Trademark/Brandname, until it became a common household word. How do you refer to Kleenex? Do you call them nose wipes? Tissue? Kleenex?


Well even if i had the real stuff i wouldn't use it. I want to win based on my car not some stuff in a bottle. Plus im all throttle, no bottle. Let me win based on my engine.
i thought about an engine swap with like a Spoon or Jackson Racing engine but i aint got that much money.
Streetracer780- What year is your Civic? '97, right? What all do you have done to it?
well its got an Iceman intake, Borla exaust,and changed the chip. I put a body kit on it a little wing thats the same color as the car. ALUMINIUM wings look bad. Its got like 200hp in it. The white one isn't mine it looks like mine but mines black. i got a MTX system in it also.
Originally posted by streetracer780
well its got an Iceman intake, Borla exaust,and changed the chip. I put a body kit on it a little wing thats the same color as the car. ALUMINIUM wings look bad. Its got like 200hp in it. The white one isn't mine it looks like mine but mines black. i got a MTX system in it also.

200 in a Civic sounds nice.:) If your car looks like that white one, it looks nice too.:D
Originally posted by streetracer780
ya it pretty good but last night some Mustang hit me

Pfft! A Mustang wouldn't have been able to keep up with my Honda, let alone rear-end it...:P

Anyhoo, sorry to hear about the wreck...:nervous:
yes but when the mustang is tailgating you in the rain and slides into you, well.
you can read my story in the Street Racing forum over in the Other Racing Section