Can someone explain how this game is still fun?

  • Thread starter CnPx
I get that the credit nerf is a pain, and it takes quite a while to get enough to buy a car and upgrades to do your own pseudo-race mod. But it's not that hard to get enough to buy one car a day and the upgrades to do whatever you want. Maybe a racing sim that dumps it all in your lap at once is more you guy's speed.

But if you don't enjoy racing for it's own sake, then no racer will please you. Go play Elden Ring or something.
what racing ?

There is no qualifying, No standing starts and lead car has a what 40 second head start.

In what world is that "racing"
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So You're spending more time complaining than actually playing the game? Well, I think we located the problem! And here's a solution, drive a bicycle, it's fun and healthy. 👍
This is as silly as me saying that if you actually enjoyed the game you would be spending more time playing it instead of defending it on this forum.
I race Gr3s online. Better physics, better car balance, a few new models to try out, better tuning effects, wider range of tuning options, better livery editor, better graphics, better visuals, and weather, and dynamics, better track designs, additional tracks. Honestly, for the way I play this game, 7 is an unquestionable upgrade in every single way over sport.

The I ly caveat is that lobby options are currently trash. But at least 1.08 fixed the reliability. Once they get online lobby options to where they should be, it'll be great.
I'd say it's fun until you complete the cafe menu. Then you are just left with nothing to do but win the licenses that gain you no new features.

Being in the car I think it is the best Gran Turismo but I still go back to GTSport for races cause it actually has content.
Exactly. The single player on GTSport is even better than GT7. The ONLY thing GT7 has that Sport didn't is the ability to let you buy a turbo charger and a bloody exhaust etc. People get so hyped about buying parts. GTSport gives you the ability to tune all the perimeters already.

It's only better after years worth of free updates. GT Sport didn't even have any single player modes to speak of on launch.
I'm having fun with the game right now, I'm just turning all the cars I won in the menus into proper race cars for 550 - 700 PP class. That requires test drives for optimal setups, test races to see if they are even competitive etc. In between I do a little grinding to earn enough money for the tuning.

Though I have to say, I had way more fun in GT4 and GT5.
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Exactly. The single player on GTSport is even better than GT7. The ONLY thing GT7 has that Sport didn't is the ability to let you buy a turbo charger and a bloody exhaust etc. People get so hyped about buying parts. GTSport gives you the ability to tune all the perimeters already.

GT7 has way better physics though, even with the slightly unpredictable oversteer in some cars. GT Sport cars feel lifeless, and FF cars were especially overpowered. Considering the main aspect of the game is driving, that's a pretty big plus for GT7 in my book. It is fun to race, it just needs some issues sorted (which I'm sure they will given there is an eSports scene), and obviously we need better payouts.
It’s not fun.

Missions, time trials, licenses all of this **** used to be SIDE content in previous GT games. Hell even GT3 which was the GT game I played the most had more single player content than this F2P crap they passed off as a GT game.
Exactly. The single player on GTSport is even better than GT7. The ONLY thing GT7 has that Sport didn't is the ability to let you buy a turbo charger and a bloody exhaust etc. People get so hyped about buying parts. GTSport gives you the ability to tune all the perimeters already.

While yes, Sport did have comprehensive tuning, you're being a little obtuse here. Tuning in 7 is a fully fleshed out part replacement program that individual settings are tied to, GT7 is a bunch of sliders. There is much more involvement and specificity here, and there are also options that change the cars personality that Sport didn't offer. Turbos change the power delivery based on size, clutch options change shifting performance, driveshafts, anti-lag, nitrous etc. Not to mention GT Auto with widebody options, and wheel offset/width setups that add a visual component to the cars that Sport is not able to match.

It's all fun and games bashing 7 for what it's doing wrong, but you're wrong about the things it does right.
A lot of people on this forum obviously hate this series, I don't why y'all keep commenting on it. If you don't like the game then don't play it, why keep talking about that you hate?
Why does warrented well deserved criticism bother you so much, does the fact most see the game for the medicore mess it is detract you from enjoying it.

If the game is so great, why arent you playign it rather then talking about it.

We talk because its not worth playing. What are you here ?
A lot of people on this forum obviously hate this series, I don't why y'all keep commenting on it. If you don't like the game then don't play it, why keep talking about that you hate?
It's the complete opposite, actually. They love the series and are sad what it's turned into. They/we hope that enough noise in the direction of PD will see them inclined them to turn it back what into what it used to be, or even better.

Eventually though people will indeed just give up, move on, and the GT series will lose millions of players. Don't think it can't happen, it can if enough people lose interest.
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To answer the title:

You can tune cars in GTsport. You don't need too buy parts is all. You can 10000000% tune suspension, transmission, etc just like GT7.

Where is this narrative that you CAN'T tune cars in GTsport come from?
It's a bit one-dimensional in Sport if I'm being honest. Set the power to the desired class, drop the weight down, tune the rest of the car as needed. Kinda straightforward, kinda boring.

GT7 gives you a lot more flexibility with the PP system. If I wanted to build a car for a specific performance range, there's a lot more different approaches I can take with the upgrades rather than just turning a slider up or down. Of course it's not a perfect system and can be exploited, but I've at least found it to be a bit more engaging than what's available to you in Sport.

Honestly this isn't even something exclusive to GT7, I think Sport is just the weakest title in the series if you're into tuning cars.
Honestly I hate the single player races. The AI is dreadful and hasn't changed much over the years. That was ok when GT seemed revolutionary back on the PS1, but four console generations later...nah. So even if PD added more of those, it wouldn't move the needle much for me. (if they ever actually get Sophie into the game, maybe that would change)

So for me the fun I had in GT Sport was 1) online races, and 2) just taking a car on a track and driving it. PD has kind of screwed up the online portion in GT7 by making most races tuning-allowed, as well as some dodgy track limits and regressive physics/tire sims compared to GTS. As well as the fact that some of the current meta cars on these races are unavailable to many players.

So mostly I have fun by picking a car and tossing it around a track or trying to beat my times. Just enjoying how different cars handle without chasing rabbits or listening to talking heads. But with the artificial scarcity of GT7's car unlocking system, there's not many cars to choose from. At this point, I'm considering just going back to GT Sport.
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As someone that doesn't own this game and want to jump in and going great lengths to do so (buying ps4, buying ssd, buying gt7), im glad I saw the more realistic reviews. The eye opening current reviews have assured me that I should hold off buying this game.

The YT videos I saw were from someordinarygamers and reviewtechusa.

Now reading this thread and seeing there are more races in GT3 than this game. It's crazy to think what Kaz and PD have been doing since GT6. I know they made GT S, but gt7 having graphics from a previous gen console is atrocious. Actually whats more atrocious is the last time the cars were updated were either from 2016 or 2017. Here we are 2022 and the most recent cars are pushing almost 7 years.

I understand some of yall are diehard fans, I still tend to think I am having GT1-6 and even having gt5 prologue in English and Japanese. But the antics sony and PD has pulled here needs to be called out. Otherwise we will continue to get ****ed.
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As someone that doesn't own this game and want to jump in and going great lengths to do so (buying ps4, buying ssd, buying gt7), im glad I saw the more realistic reviews. The eye opening current reviews have assured me that I should hold off buying this game.

The YT videos I saw were from someordinarygamers and reviewtechusa.

Now reading this thread and seeing there are more races in GT3 than this game. It's crazy to think what Kaz and PD have been doing since GT6. I know they made GT S, but gt7 having graphics from a previous gen console is atrocious. Actually whats more atrocious is the last time the cars were updated were either from 2016 or 2017. Here we are 2022 and the most recent cars are pushing almost 7 years.

I understand some of yall are diehard fans, I still tend to think I am having GT1-6 and even having gt5 prologue in English and Japanese. But the antics sony and PD has pulled here needs to be called out. Otherwise we will continue to get ****ed.
Sony blacklist anyone that has previously given any of their games a bad review so they can't receive review copies of their games anymore. You can read more about it here . This is why you never see negative critic reviews on any of Sony exclusives. Like seriously how messed up can you get? Review this please. But if you don't like it then lie and say its good anyway. Also people are scared to say a game is bad because subscribers that like the game may unsubscribe.
But yh I wish I never bought it. £70 and I ran out of stuff to do after a week. I have tried to squeeze more entertainment out of it but its impossible at this point. It's just repeating the same races over and over. I just play GT Sport or Forza Motorsport 7 on my PC. They are far more fun and have so much more to offer. I can't believe GT7 was actually given the green flag to be published. I feel like they weren't allowed to delay it anymore but I am happy that people have taken the time to air their opinions GT7 metacritic . And that this has blown up in Sony's face. Now we will see if the company has a pulse anywhere in that stone heart and sorts this **** out. I am running out of reasons to own a playstation and Sony are giving me less. Most of the exclusives I like have been discontinued or turn to hot garbage.
Sony blacklist anyone that has previously given any of their games a bad review so they can't receive review copies of their games anymore. You can read more about it here . This is why you never see negative critic reviews on any of Sony exclusives. Like seriously how messed up can you get? Review this please. But if you don't like it then lie and say its good anyway. Also people are scared to say a game is bad because subscribers that like the game may unsubscribe.
But yh I wish I never bought it. £70 and I ran out of stuff to do after a week. I have tried to squeeze more entertainment out of it but its impossible at this point. It's just repeating the same races over and over. I just play GT Sport or Forza Motorsport 7 on my PC. They are far more fun and have so much more to offer. I can't believe GT7 was actually given the green flag to be published. I feel like they weren't allowed to delay it anymore but I am happy that people have taken the time to air their opinions GT7 metacritic . And that this has blown up in Sony's face. Now we will see if the company has a pulse anywhere in that stone heart and sorts this **** out. I am running out of reasons to own a playstation and Sony are giving me less. Most of the exclusives I like have been discontinued or turn to hot garbage.
Couldnt agree more, this is why I dont have a PS4, nothing in their library interests me. I made the jump to xbox with the x360 slim to play Forza Motorsports 4. Now I have FM4,5,6,7 and the open world Forza Horizon games 1,2,5. Funny enough, I still have more GT games, 1-6 + prologue + GT on psp.

$ony needs to approach this like how xbox boss Phil Spencer approached it, by listening to the fans and doing the right thing! Sony is slowly killing off their fan base and they're doing a good job at it IMO.
Lol, wow. I mean the criticism is absolutely deserved. Nearly everyone that is complaining want the game to be great. There are great things about it, but there is also just so little. Also, maybe you should spend some time somewhere else. This forum may be bad for your blood pressure. See how I did that. I suggested that you may wish to leave..for your health...not because your off rails remark offended me.
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Lol, wow. I mean the criticism is absolutely deserved. Nearly everyone that is complaining want the game to be great. There are great things about it, but there is also just so little. Also, maybe you should spend some time somewhere else. This forum may be bad for your blood pressure. See how I did that. I suggested that you may wish to leave..for your health...not because your off rails remark offended me.
...deleted by author...

Sorry if I offended you.

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I just wish we had some sort of car progression, like "drive 1000 miles" and you get Race tyres for free, take part in 10 races get suspension and so on, like attachments in shooter games were u use a weapon to unlock stuff!
That would be so much fun!