Space In General

Just Jupiter doing its job. Which is absorbing free-floating debris to keep us warm, spoiled primates from going extinct.
Anybody who has ever worked for the government will tell you that neither the US military nor NASA are capable of the planning and organization required to maintain a space fleet. Sorry dude, but that's tin foil hat and black helicopter talk.
Anybody who has ever worked for the government will tell you that neither the US military nor NASA are capable of the planning and organization required to maintain a space fleet. Sorry dude, but that's tin foil hat and black helicopter talk.

I take it this is to me ?

I take it you've read all of his stated evidence ? Not just what has been commented above also ?

Like i've said above , this will be going to a trial in a court of law so any and all evidence will be presented . Maybe after the trial we can go all ' tin hat ' etc ...

Until then we just don't know 👍
Here's your problem:

Some of these logs were ship to ship transfers, but he says he was usually smoking pot when he hacked, so that prevented him from remembering the names of the ships. McKinnon told the Gaurdian: “I was smoking a lot of dope at the time. Not good for the intellect.”

We're going on the word of a UFOlogist who was high on cannabis at the time he was doing this and obviously not in the fittest state of mind to remember. And really. If you found a photo of a UFO in a US Government archive, how hard would it be to CTRL-C and CTRL-V it into your own computer, or at the very least "Save Image"? Not very hard at all.


This is not to say that the USAF is not hiding anything. Oh, they're hiding lots of stuff. Experimental aircraft, spycraft, satellites and etcetera. But UFOs and a secret space battalion? Very, very difficult.
Here's your problem:

We're going on the word of a UFOlogist who was high on cannabis at the time he was doing this and obviously not in the fittest state of mind to remember. And really. If you found a photo of a UFO in a US Government archive, how hard would it be to CTRL-C and CTRL-V it into your own computer, or at the very least "Save Image"? Not very hard at all.


This is not to say that the USAF is not hiding anything. Oh, they're hiding lots of stuff. Experimental aircraft, spycraft, satellites and etcetera. But UFOs and a secret space battalion? Very, very difficult.

Smoking cannabis alone can't discredit an entire testimony alone . You can't unsee what you saw , even if you were stoned .

I see your point regarding saving the image however , and until all the evidence comes out then we just won't know the true facts .

Absolutely . And as previously cited , top secret and above top secret are there for a reason . It keeps the average joe on the street in a ' you're crazy man , there ain't no such things as UFO's etc as we haven't been told about them yet ' kinda mentality .

I'm just looking for the truth , a bit of weed smoking , deluded hackery or some evidence of the unknown either way are welcome in my view 👍
Heavy cannabis use can cause hallucinations and paranoia. As well as foggy memory. Those three factors together make anything he claims about the time he was on it suspect.

The testimony is also suspect because the suspect is suspect. He hacked into numerous US Government databases in an altered state of mind and is facing some serious charges. That he thought he could leverage the government by threatening to reveal secrets indicates there's something not quite right with the way he is thinking.

And lastly, if you're already of the frame of mind that you expect to find a particular something, this will taint the way you view the evidence. As is the case here... hence the fact that some of us are non-plussed about the word: "Non-terrestrial", because it can mean any number of things.

Also note that all US career astronauts are technically USAF officers... so you have a whopping number of non-terrestrial personnel doing regular flights already.


Top secret is top secret not because of civilians. Top Secret is top secret because there's a lot of technology and research that the USAF is sitting on that it doesn't want hostile nations getting their hands on.
Heavy cannabis use can cause hallucinations and paranoia. As well as foggy memory. Those three factors together make anything he claims about the time he was on it suspect.

The testimony is also suspect because the suspect is suspect. He hacked into numerous US Government databases in an altered state of mind and is facing some serious charges. That he thought he could leverage the government by threatening to reveal secrets indicates there's something not quite right with the way he is thinking.

And lastly, if you're already of the frame of mind that you expect to find a particular something, this will taint the way you view the evidence. As is the case here... hence the fact that some of us are non-plussed about the word: "Non-terrestrial", because it can mean any number of things.

Also note that all US career astronauts are technically USAF officers... so you have a whopping number of non-terrestrial personnel doing regular flights already.


Top secret is top secret not because of civilians. Top Secret is top secret because there's a lot of technology and research that the USAF is sitting on that it doesn't want hostile nations getting their hands on.

Generally , only very large amounts if cannabis can make you hallucinate . It isn't the same for everyone and in my worldly experience , quite rare for someone to do so .

I see your point , of course I want to see evidence . However I already said above that whatever happens either way , I just want to see the truth come out . Whatever the truth may be .
Generally , only very large amounts if cannabis can make you hallucinate . It isn't the same for everyone and in my worldly experience , quite rare for someone to do so .

I see your point , of course I want to see evidence . However I already said above that whatever happens either way , I just want to see the truth come out . Whatever the truth may be .

Theres been numerous times were a few hits have done it to me but I see your point.
Anybody who has ever worked for the government will tell you that neither the US military nor NASA are capable of the planning and organization required to maintain a space fleet. Sorry dude, but that's tin foil hat and black helicopter talk.

I see your point regarding saving the image however , and until all the evidence comes out then we just won't know the true facts .

Well there could be a tribe of ten foot tall leprechauns* inhabiting some nearby woods. Until we review the evidence, we just don't know if it's true or not. But I believe the likelihood is about the same as Mr. Mckinnon's story.

^ that's insane...a lot of gas moving around in a reasonably short time

So many comments come to mind involving chili burgers and/or sauerkraut...

*Would anybody find it more believable if I'd said three foot tall leprechauns?
We report the discovery and confirmation of a transiting circumbinary planet (PH1) around KIC 4862625, an eclipsing binary in the Kepler field. The planet was discovered by volunteers searching the first six Quarters of publicly available Kepler data as part of the Planet Hunters citizen science project. Transits of the planet across the larger and brighter of the eclipsing stars are detectable by visual inspection every ~137 days, with seven transits identified in Quarters 1-11. The physical and orbital parameters of both the host stars and planet were obtained via a photometric-dynamical model, simultaneously fitting both the measured radial velocities and the Kepler light curve of KIC 4862625.The 6.18 $\pm$ 0.17 Earth radii planet orbits outside the 20-day orbit of an eclipsing binary consisting of an F dwarf (1.734 +/- 0.044 Solar radii, 1.528 +/- 0.087 Solar masses) and M dwarf (0.378 +/0 0.023 Solar radii, 0.408 +/- 0.024 solar masses). For the planet, we find an upper mass limit of 169 Earth masses(0.531 Jupiter masses) at the 99.7& confidence level. With a radius and mass less than that of Jupiter, PH1 is well within the planetary regime. Outside the planet's orbit, at ~1000 AU, a previously unknown visual binary has been identified that is bound to the planetary system, making this the first known case of a quadruple star system with a transiting planet.


Orbiting empty space. 👍
I figure by then I can have my family pay them to shoot me out into space or something. Hopefully that's in about 60+ years. :nervous:
Build your own 3 stage rocket. All it needs to get into space is 500? grams of ashes. :D

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Dammit. We are so tiny.

We need to force Famine into developing warp drive. With a bit of luck we'll be heading towards Gliese 581 next year. :D

Amazing Photo Captures 84 Million Stars in Our Milky Way Galaxy

Astronomers have catalogued 84 million stars at the heart of the Milky Way galaxy using an enormous cosmic photo snapped by a telescope in Chile, a view that is billed as the largest survey ever of the stars in our galaxy's core.

The staggering 9-gigapixel picture was created with data gathered by the Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA), an instrument at the European Southern Observatory's Paranal Observatory in northern Chile. The zoomable image is so large that it would measure 30 feet long by 23 feet tall (9 by 7 meters) if printed with the resolution of a typical book, researchers said.

The catalogue derived from the new image contains 10 times more stars than previous studies have provided. It should help astronomers better understand the structure and evolution of our home galaxy, researchers said.


Click the link, read the comments, and find Mary...


24.6GB version of the picture can be found here. Doesn't work. :(
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I love space.


Ring Around a Star
NASA Hubble Space Telescope's most detailed visible-light image ever taken of a narrow, dusty ring around the nearby star Fomalhaut offers the strongest evidence yet that an unruly and unseen planet may be gravitationally tugging on the ring.

Hubble unequivocally shows that the center of the ring is a whopping 1.4 billion miles away from the star. The most plausible explanation is that an unseen planet moving in an elliptical orbit is reshaping the ring with its gravitational pull.

The observations offer insights into our solar system's formative years, when the planets played a game of demolition derby with the debris left over from the formation of our planets, gravitationally scattering many objects across space. Some icy material may have collided with the inner solar system planets, irrigating them with water formed in the colder outer solar system.

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