Special Stage City (A research on how SSR5, 7, and 11 may be connected.)

  • Thread starter Suzumiya
-> In my honest opinion, its a mess. Plus the OP neglected one of the most beloved GT tracks of all time, the SSR11-series. This is Special Stage City:


-> Heres a rundown from my past replies on my >MISSING< Tracks Thread:

The SSR5/CSR5 '10s and SSR7 are connected in some odd ball in a way. It's not sure which exit ramp on SSR7 leads toward SSR5/CSR5 though.

There is not way in hell that SSR7, SSR5/CSR5, and SSR11 are all connected each other in any way shape or form. Here's the formula that me, SHIRAKAWA, and Nero9 had come up months ago:

SSR5 '10s/CSR5 '10s [GT5] -OK- SSR7 [GT5]

SSR5 '90s [GT1/2/3/4/TT/PSP] -OK- SSR11 [GT1/3]

SSR5 '90s [GT1/2/3/4/TT/PSP] -X- SSR7 [GT5]

SSR5 '10s/CSR5 '10s [GT5] -X- SSR11 [GT1/3]

CSR5 '90s [GT1/2/4/TT/PSP] -X- SSR11 [GT1/3]

CSR5 '90s [GT1/2/4/TT/PSP] -X- SSR7 [GT5]

SSR11 [GT1/3] -X- SSR7 [GT5]

That pathway to SSR7 leads to a different section of the highway outside the intended section of the highway. On SSR7 in GT5, there were no notable exit/entry on ramps on th whole course.

-> So these asumptions of this tangled mess is kinda vague. :indiff:
SSR11 must have the death chicane.

You had to have a good line to make it through at high speed.
to the vanishing boy:
after the tunnel return to the starting point,there is a exit actually.

I thought I remembered seeing a branch off, can you get a picture as I'm not sure how to get it from GT5 to GTP
Ok just went and checked and counted 8!!! exit ramp's and the toll road leading away from the hairpin. I will take pictures of each a bit later but they are all very easy to find, didn't bother to look at the highway signs.
Considering sea/water location, exits ramps, secondary roads, track north orientation, etc, it's hard, at least for me, to make out how would a "SS City" exactly be. I have some broad ideas, but I'm not able to connect all tracks together. However, I can say that it's unlikely to be like in the image in the opening post.

I don't really care how it ends up. The more tracks, the better IMO. Just do what you gotta do to make it happen!! :)

This is a DLC I would pay for...
-> ...
to the vanishing boy:
after the tunnel return to the starting point,there is a exit actually.
^ The problem is, that exit leads to another section of the highway. Not in anyway connected to CSR5/SSR5. :indiff:

@VanishingBoy I sent you pictures via PSN.
^ I got the pics thru PSN. However, it doesn't lead to anything. Here are my pics of CSR5/SSR5 '10s:



-> An unknown highway section...


-> Hmm, this skyline (NOT the Nissan) is familiar... :indiff:


-> Way...wha!? :dunce:


-> What is this!? :odd:


-> And "some" hints of "SSR7" on SSR11 '00s from GT3!!! :eek:




-> An unknown highway section in SSR11 '00s.


-> Some of my lame-butt conclusion, but I'd still stick on my asumption that theres no way that CSR5/SSR5, SSR7, & SSR11 are connected altogether...


Is there any departure leading to SSR5 for example? Both "tips" of SSR7 have one if I remember correctly. Maybe the road outside of the tunnel at SSR5 could be a different Highway, which leads to the upper "tip" of SSR7.

I really find it interesting that there's that bridge visible at SSR11.
-> ...
Is there any departure leading to SSR5 for example? Both "tips" of SSR7 have one if I remember correctly. Maybe the road outside of the tunnel at SSR5 could be a different Highway, which leads to the upper "tip" of SSR7.
^ Within the SSR7 route in the game? No, a definite no! Maybe outside the realms of the GT5 track well, vaguely yes. :)

I really find it interesting that there's that bridge visible at SSR11.
^ But the bridge towers from SSR11 are way too close to each other compared to the SSR7 bridge towers on which its way distant to each other. ;)
Well, of course nothing fits 100% perfectly, but SSR5 also changed a bit compared to GT3 or even 4.

Look at this:

EDIT: Note, I'm just brainstorming. :lol:
^ Nope, SSR7 is too short for that configuration. :indiff:

-> Plus there were no notable over/underpass on both SSR7 or CSR5/SSR5. But nice try thou. :)👍
It could work though. :lol:
True about the over-/underpass, haven't thought about that.
Hm, aw well, maybe one day we will see 'em combined in some way.
Still waiting on SSR1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 anyway. :D
I just thought of something.... are the special stage routes based off of real places? Like all the other city track? If so, we'd be able to find where everything is placed.
I just thought of something.... are the special stage routes based off of real places? Like all the other city track? If so, we'd be able to find where everything is placed.

Here is the bridge in SSR7 (I think)



Been searching the entire Tokyo bay area in Google Earth now and there is no other bridge that looks like the one in SSR7. However, there there are so many things that doesn't look right compared to the game that I think it's safe to draw the conclusion that SSR5, SSR7 and SSR11 are fictional tracks based on certain elements from the Tokyo highway system.

Tokyo R246 is the only Tokyo track that is real.
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Oh yeah... I forgot about that bridge. But it doesn't seem to resemble SSR7 that much.

Actually, when you look at SSR7 (and 5 and 11) there's huge walls on the side of the road, I haven't found a single piece of road in Tokyo yet that looks like that. The bridge in 7 is probably inspired by the bridge in the link, but it's not the real bridge.

Also, the layout of 5 and 11 doesn't look like it would be a real road. 7 is more realistic, but it doesn't match anything I found so far. The bridge is the closest match.
one more question:who are willing to change their version to the oldest and go to the place you guys said and find they are real or not.
one more question:who are willing to change their version to the oldest and go to the place you guys said and find they are real or not.

You mean reinstall the game and try glitching out of track? I doubt that would have any use. Besides, if PD (or us) wanted to add the SS tracks together, there's no need to keep the surroundings as they are. Just like High Speed Ring got a bridge the surroundings of SSR5, 7 and 11 can change in any way we want.
Here's one I've put together. I know it looks a bit of a mess, and the scales are all over the place, but it could be a bit of a laugh for free roaming race or chases.
I was thinking of adding Las Vegas Strip to the top end of the SSR7, just to finish it up some more. I was also going to connect some of the complex string sections, but had to pop out on an errand, so this would essentially be a work in progress.

This might be the greatest (and most difficult) course layout I've ever seen. I would probably poo myself if I ever got to drive this layout.
I mean they teach us in architecture school how modern cities are designed around the automobile...these take it to a new level...designed FOR the automobile! :P

Can you imagine trying to walk in this city??

Joking aside, even in a video game something as impractical as that would come across as totally fantasy and I don't think it would work out very well.

Creating a realistic, fictional city from scratch is probably one of the harder things to do, period. Cities are messy things and the main source of their form is the unpredictability of humans multiplied over many years. I might try to hash something out. You absolutely need to create at least some basic narrative or timeline for the city to develop into something interesting.
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